Origin Chapter 937: Ado

   It can be seen that Big Nose does not want to take away the pack of cigarettes, because she was criticized by Wu Zhongyuan, but in the end she took away the pack of cigarettes, it makes sense to say that people are poor and short-minded, here she The luxury of cigarettes is hardly available.

   Since the three prisoners in the women’s prison were brought here together, Wu Zhongyuan immediately called out another female prisoner’s name after the big nose went out.

   This is a thirty-five- or six-year-old woman named A Duo, not A Duo, but the name on her ID card. Many ethnic minorities have this feature. She was much older than her actual age, and she deliberately injured someone to death. The victim was his husband’s best friend, who was two years older than her.

  A Duo is a bit like Mrs. Xianglin, her nerves are a little abnormal, her eyes are straight, and she can’t wait to talk about her grievances after sitting down. In fact, her experience is not strange. She was working part-time. Later, her husband got money and a good friend, and he ignored her in every possible way. She kept swallowing her anger and begging for forgiveness. In the end, she couldn’t bear it anymore. After losing control of her emotions, she stabbed the woman with a knife.

  A Duo is nagging about how good she is to her husband, how much she has been wronged, and how that hateful woman stole her husband. She doesn’t think she is wrong, she always thinks she is the one victim.

  In this kind of place, under strict control and legal education, the vast majority of prisoners will recognize their mistakes, and there are very few who refuse to admit their mistakes like A Duo.

   In all fairness, A Duo’s experience really made Wu Zhongyuan very sympathetic. A Duo and her husband also had times of trouble. She fell ill in her early years, and her husband carried her on a mountain road for dozens of miles in the wind and snow. She went to the township hospital. When she just got married and separated her family, she carried a debt of more than 8,000 yuan. She lived frugally and made two different meals for each meal. The better ones were for her husband, and the worse ones for herself.

   Later, the two entered the city, and life gradually improved, but their relationship became weaker and weaker. A Duo put all the blame on the woman, thinking that the woman stole her husband.

  A Duo tells much more than these two things. It can be seen that the relationship between A Duo and her husband was indeed very good in the early days. The taste has changed.

   Prior to this, Wu Zhongyuan had been in contact with the supervisors of the prison area, and had also listened to them to introduce some relevant situations. Relatively few people commit crimes, and the rural people who have entered the city and the urban people who have returned to poverty for some reason account for a relatively large proportion of the prisoners. The root cause is the confusion and confusion after suddenly possessing wealth, and the sudden loss of wealth of despair and loss.

  A Duo’s situation belongs to the former. She is obedient to her husband, but her complacency did not change her husband’s mind, but only intensified.

  Because A Duo was eager to talk, the conversation between the two was narrated by A Duo, and Wu Zhongyuan mainly listened. Wu Zhongyuan rarely interjected when A Duo was telling the story. The reading glasses are somewhat similar, the difference is that A Duo is a woman, while the glasses are a man.

  Wu Zhongyuan advocates equality between men and women, but what he advocates for equality between men and women is not equality between men and women in an absolute sense. In his view, equality between men and women is based on ability, wealth, and knowledge. give up half of his status to his other half, instead of men and women fighting over who has the final say in the family.

   The reason why he doesn’t criticize A Duo is because A Duo is a woman and weak. She has no dominance and can only passively bear it.

   But he can’t praise A Duo for doing the right thing, because A Duo really did something wrong, she made three mistakes, one is that she shouldn’t blame the woman and attack her, because men are physically If the superior takes the initiative, no matter how a woman seduces a man, it depends on the man whether he is superior or not. Therefore, in the issue of men and women, men must bear most of the responsibility.

  The second is that she should not try to keep someone who wants to leave. The maintenance of a relationship depends on both men and women. As long as one of them has the idea of ​​leaving, it means that there is no nostalgia for this relationship, and the other party will retain it in any form. to no avail.

   The last mistake A Duo made was that A Duo paid too much attention to his inner self and neglected the exterior. There were photos of A Duo when he was in prison and photos of the victim. The victim was two years older than A Duo , but it is better maintained and looks prettier than A Duo, and because of A Duo’s years of hard work and not paying attention to his clothes, a person in his thirties behaves like an old woman in her fifties.

   Judging people by appearance is a common feature of all people, especially men, who pay more attention to the appearance of women. There are many advantages for women to attract men, but the first and the largest proportion is appearance.

  A woman must dress herself as meticulously as possible when conditions permit. She cannot be harsh on herself for the sake of being diligent and thrifty, and turn herself into a slovenly yellow-faced woman prematurely. If you don’t realize this , the end is likely to be very sad.

  A man should not be harsh on his women’s cosmetics and skin care products, no matter how difficult it is. Husbands and wives are husband and wife, not brothers, not comrades in arms. , the man has a great possibility to become Chen Shimei.

   Wu Zhongyuan seldom spoke during the whole process. He only asked three questions. The first one was, will your man still give you money after he has an affair? A Duo answered yes, she has never been short of money, but she understands that her husband is not easy to make money, and is reluctant to use it, unlike the vixen who always spends her husband’s money recklessly, which is shameless.

   Wu Zhongyuan asked the second question is he still come to see you now? A Duo also gave a positive answer, but her husband complained that she made a big deal out of it and made him shameless, and she was also worried that after being sentenced for so many years, her husband would meet other women outside.

   The last question is has he filed for divorce from you? A Duo answered no, but he never went home, and traveled with the vixen to buy things for the vixen.

   Wu Zhongyuan did not criticize A Duo, nor did he point out where A Duo’s problem was. First, he is a man, no matter how objective and fair he is, he is also a man, and it is impossible to understand women’s psychology 100%. Any criticism is subjective. Suspect. Furthermore, A Duo has little reading and cannot look at problems in a comprehensive and objective manner. If she is made to realize that her husband’s affair is directly related to her own rudeness, she will doubt her relationship, her life, and will deny herself in general terms. various advantages.

   But it’s not okay to not express an opinion at all, because A Duo never thinks that she has done something wrong, and that her sentence cannot be commuted if she doesn’t confess her guilt.

   After A Duo came in, the discipline must have provided relevant education and enlightenment to her, but A Duo did not realize her mistakes, which means that normal enlightenment is invalid for A Duo, and the sword is slanted.

  After thinking about it, Wu Zhongyuan walked to A Duo and whispered a few words in his ear, A Duo suddenly realized when he heard the words, got up and bowed to Wu Zhongyuan repeatedly, “Thank you leader, thank you leader, if they ask me in the future, I will Say I recognized my mistake so I could get out sooner.”

   Wu Zhongyuan smiled, grabbed the candy from the table beside and stuffed it into her hand, “Take it, eat one when you’re feeling down, you still have children, they’re still waiting for you outside. .”

   A Duo held the candy and wept with gratitude.

   Wu Zhongyuan pressed the button on the table, and the prison guards came in to bring people.

   Watching A Duo leave, Wu Zhongyuan let out a sigh of relief. The relationship between men and women is the most complicated, but it is also the simplest. Men do what men should do, women do what women do, only This will make you happy. If one party does not do well, the other party is equal to zero even if they do well, because feelings are multiplication, not addition.

  Fang Yi probed in from the outside, “There is one left, who will be transferred next? I’ll go pick someone first.”

  Wu Zhongyuan thought for a while, then shook his head and said, “Don’t mention it, we’ll leave after this last discussion.”

   “What’s the matter?” Fang Yi was a little surprised. Wu Zhongyuan had only asked six people to coordinate so many departments.

   “It’s almost there.” Wu Zhongyuan said casually, the prisoners here are all prisoners, who have been detained and corrected after making mistakes. Human nature cannot be fully displayed. If you want to truly understand a person, you have to see him in a natural state. what to do…

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