Origin Chapter 62: Magic armor

The purple light goes from far to near. Due to its extremely fast speed, a long tail light is dragged behind the main light, like a comet dragging its tail.

Just as Wu Zhongyuan looked up in surprise, the purple light had already reached the sky, and suddenly exploded beside the middle-aged Taoist priest, scattered into purple light pieces of different sizes, from bottom to top, attached to the middle-aged Taoist body everywhere.

At the same time when the light sheet was attached to the human body, the purple light disappeared. It was not until then that Wu Zhongyuan could see the true face of these purple light sheets. This was a body armor made of unknown metal. It was lavender. Hundreds of pieces of nails, of different sizes and shapes, were attached to the middle-aged Taoist priest’s body, protecting the vital points of the whole body.

The head of the armor was attached at the end. Seeing the shape of the helmet, Wu Zhongyuan suddenly realized that the helmet on the man’s head has a three-inch length of sharp horns on the left and right, which are very similar to the horns of a bull. The bull is a warrior of the bull tribe with a totem.

At this moment, another lavender light flies from the east. This light is much slender than the previous purple light, moves faster, and drags the purple light tail longer.

At this time, the middle-aged Taoist priest’s armor has been put on, and the purple light that is flying should no longer be part of the armor. If there is no accident, this purple light should be the weapon used by this person.

In the blink of an eye, the purple light flew over the crowd with a piercing sound of breaking wind. The middle-aged Taoist priest stretched out his right arm and clasped the slender purple light.

When the light disappeared, Wu Zhongyuan knew that he had guessed correctly. This purple light was indeed a weapon, resembling a spear. It was two meters long, and it was an uncompromisingly long weapon.

If you look closely, the front end of this object is tapered and sharp. This is not a spear, but a spear. There is a difference between a spear and a spear. The spear is mainly used for fighting in front of the battle. Wide, its main function is to stab, but it can also slash left and right when necessary. However, the spear head of the spear is sharper and narrower, abandoning the function of slashing left and right, and specializing in stabs. This weapon is better at fighting alone.

“COOL.” Zhao Ying looked up.

“Cool ass, do you have any position?” Wu Zhongyuan tilted his head and squinted. In all fairness, the middle-aged Taoist’s posture of wearing armor is indeed mighty, and the action of buckling his spear at the end is also very handsome, but he didn’t feel it. Chic, but wishing that the middle-aged Taoist priest didn’t grab the fast-moving spear and let go and lose his talent.

Faced with Wu Zhongyuan’s criticism, Zhao Ying was a little embarrassed, but she did not explain or refute it. It seems that it is really not good to praise the enemy.

Not only Wu Zhongyuan guessed the identity of the middle-aged Taoist, but the man who ran the sheep also guessed the origin of this person, but he was more surprised than Wu Zhongyuan, “Niu people? Are there really cattle people? Why are there still cattle people?”

The emaciated man was concentrating on chanting mantras at this time, and didn’t answer him. Wu Zhongyuan said later, “He is not a modern person, he is from ancient times.”

Wu Zhongyuan originally wanted to explain the confusion to the man who ran the sheep. After all, when the enemy is facing the enemy, doubts are not conducive to confronting the enemy, but his words made the man who ran the sheep even more puzzled, “It came from ancient times?”

Wu Zhongyuan did not explain any further. He didn’t know what the relationship between the two was with the little wizard, nor what the little wizard had said to them, what they knew, and some things he knew. Maybe they don’t know, just like the dragon head tattoo on his chest, these two people don’t know that this is the best proof of his identity.

The armor protects the body, the spear is in hand, and the middle-aged Taoist does not hesitate, twisting his wrist, holding the long* back grip as a positive hold, withdrawing his right arm, and throwing the spear at the four.

This shot was coming so fast that the man who ran the sheep did not dare to take it hard, “Get out of the way.”

Actually, the target of the middle-aged Taoist is not the man who is herding sheep, nor the thin man who is doing it, but Wu Zhongyuan.

If he didn’t have night vision ability, Wu Zhongyuan would be dead this time. Fortunately, he had it. As early as when the opponent pulled back his right arm, he had guessed that the opponent was going to throw the spear. dodge.

The long spear passed by, smashed the rocks, and penetrated the stone wall. The two-meter long spear only had about a foot or so of handle, and the rest went deep into the stone wall.

After throwing the spear, the middle-aged Taoist immediately twisted his body and dived. The spear came a little later, and when he got close, he turned over and kicked with all his strength. The target was still Wu Zhongyuan.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Wu Zhongyuan can only continue to dodge to the left. Although he is shallow in kung fu, he has practiced kung fu after all, and his reaction at critical moments is faster than that of ordinary people, so he can avoid it again.

The middle-aged Taoist had already used his old moves and could not change his moves immediately. He kicked his right foot obliquely, and a huge rock in front of the stone wall was shattered by his kick.

At this time, the man who ran the sheep had already reacted. Seeing that the middle-aged Taoist wanted to take the opportunity to draw out the long spear stuck on the stone wall, he shrugged and slammed into it.

The sheepherder man did bump into the middle-aged Taoist, but he was half a minute late. The middle-aged Taoist had already grabbed the handle of the spear and pulled the spear out of the stone wall.

Although the middle-aged Taoist pulled out his spear, he was also knocked by the sheep-herding man, and his standing was unstable, and he couldn’t immediately return the spear to make a move. The man who ran the sheep took the opportunity to grab the handle of the spear with his left armpit, twisted his waist and turned around, and snatched the spear from the middle-aged Taoist.

Although the shepherd man captured the opponent’s spear, he turned his back to show it, and the middle-aged Taoist would naturally not give up the opportunity to attack. He raised his right leg and kicked the back of the sheepman’s head.

At this moment, the gun rang again. It was Zhao Ying’s shot. Since she brought two pistols, she naturally wouldn’t have spare magazines.

The bullet bounced off the middle-aged Taoist’s head armor and flew away. It did not cause serious damage to the middle-aged Taoist, but the move interfered with him. In the back of the head of the sheep man, he kicked him in the back.

This leg is so powerful that the man who ran the sheep could stand unsteadily and stumble forward.

The man who ran the sheep also knew that the situation was critical, so he quickly stabilized his body, turned around, used his spear as a club, and smashed it at the middle-aged Taoist.

Zhao Ying’s actions completely angered the middle-aged man. This time, instead of attacking Wu Zhongyuan, he threw a fist at Zhao Ying.

But it didn’t hit Zhao Ying. It wasn’t because he lost his head, or because Zhao Ying dodged in time. It was because the spear in the sheepherder’s hand had already been smashed. He could only give up halfway and return to protect himself.

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. While blocking the smashing spear, the middle-aged Taoist grabbed the handle of the spear with his backhand and dragged it hard, trying to regain the spear.

The man who shepherds sheep will naturally not allow him to take back the weapon, grasp it with both hands, and compete for it.

The middle-aged Taoist tried twice, but failed to get the spear back. He jumped up decisively and kicked the goat man in the chest.

The sheep-herding man is so good at horizontal kung fu, he no longer needs to gather his energy deliberately. After being hit, he instinctively resists.

The middle-aged Daoist’s kick was very powerful, and the sheep-herding man was in pain and angrily returned his kick. This kick was even stronger, and directly kicked the middle-aged Daoist back.

The shepherd man grabbed the initiative and waved his spear again to smash.

Seeing this, the shepherd man hurriedly pulled back. As soon as the middle-aged Taoist missed the catch, he leaned forward and grabbed the handle again, and finally grabbed the handle, but he did not grab it back immediately, but took advantage of the situation to push back, waiting for the sheep man. The wrist was bent and the grip was weak, and just now he struggled to pull back and regained the spear.

At this moment, a thunderbolt suddenly exploded, and the lightning struck ten steps away from the right side of everyone, and the earth and rocks splashed.

The sudden sound of thunder made the two who were fighting stopped instinctively, and the middle-aged Taoist snorted coldly, “What an idiot, how could Ziqi Tianlei not chase?”

While the middle-aged Taoist spoke, Zhao Ying kept trying to aim. She had fired several shots before, but did not cause substantial damage to the middle-aged Taoist. The opponent’s head was under the protection of the helmet, and the chest and abdomen were also protected by armor plates. For a while, she couldn’t think of where to hit.

Wu Zhongyuan also wants to help, but he also knows that he can’t help anything, so he can only take a closer look at the middle-aged Taoist and the purple armor he wears. I don’t care to observe whether the middle-aged Taoist has a bull’s head tattoo on his chest, but wearing armor is a unique skill for warriors of the bull tribe, and this person is undoubtedly from the bull tribe.

According to Wu Zhui, the high-level warriors of the Niu tribe can wear armor with wings and fly into the sky. If you look closely, the armor on the back of this person does have metal wings, but the shape of the wings is different from that of birds. It does not extend horizontally, but is attached to the outside of the armor vertically. It will be separated from the armor when it is lifted off, and it will be attached to the armor after landing.

The ability of this style of wings to fly is not strong, the main function should be to control the airflow and maintain the direction.

The pause caused by the thunder and lightning was fleeting. After the cold hum, the middle-aged Taoist tilted his head grimly to determine the exact location of Wu Zhongyuan. Seeing this, the sheep herder knew that he wanted to do it again, and did not give him a chance to do it. With a roar, he rushed towards him.

The middle-aged Taoist had no intention of fighting with the sheep-herding man. His target was Wu Zhongyuan, but at this time he had already realized that if he wanted to kill Wu Zhongyuan, he had to remove the obstacles in front of him and made up his mind, so he would stop attacking Wu Zhongyuan. Instead, he steered the spear and attacked the sheep-herding man.

After a few rounds, the sheepherder man was shot. The spear used by the middle-aged Taoist was not ordinary, but it was not a sacred object. Although it broke the skin into the flesh, it did not hurt the sheepherder man’s bones.

After several attempts, it was all like this. Although the sheepherder man was covered in blood, he was very brave. This man was very energetic.

The only thing Wu Zhongyuan can do at this time is to watch the battle. After watching it for a while, he also found a few points. First, the armor worn by this middle-aged Taoist is more protective, and the armor itself does not seem to enhance the offensive ability. Second, according to what Master said when he was alive, a real master can release the spiritual energy in his body to attack opponents, but the spiritual energy in this middle-aged Daoist does not seem to be released from the body. What are the flaws in this person’s qi training method?

In addition to these two points, there is a third point, that is, the reason why the sheep-herding man can hit the middle-aged Daoist is because the thin man beside him reduces the movement speed of the middle-aged Daoist.

Since Wu Zhongyuan can find it, the middle-aged Taoist will naturally find out that this man has a deep mind, and he did not immediately attack the thin man, but deliberately retreated a few more steps when he was attacked, and gradually attracted the sheep man. came out.

When the shepherd man was too late to call for help, the middle-aged Taoist threw out his spear with all his strength, the spear flew fast, passed through his chest, and pinned the thin man who was concentrating on doing things on the stone wall behind him. …

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