Origin Chapter 600: Ask for Sanhu

Rolling dung **** is the dung beetle’s specialty. The dung **** are not round, but are rounded by the dung beetle with superb skills.

Similarly, the giant rhino is not round, but this does not affect Dasha’s normal performance. No matter which part of the giant rhino touches the ground first, Dasha can accurately judge and adjust the angle in time to kick it out again and blink. It was already more than ten feet away. Although the giant rhino was furious, it couldn’t escape, and was pushed by Dasha and rolled north.

Seeing that the giant rhino was downwind, Paula was extremely anxious, shouted loudly, and ordered frequently, but the giant rhino had lost the opportunity and was completely passive.

“Can it get out of trouble?” Wan Shanhong asked.

Wu Zhongyuan knew that Wan Shanhong was referring to the white giant rhino, and replied, “I don’t know, Dasha has never faced such a huge opponent before, but just watch it kicking and kicking. It’s not hard work, the giant rhino should not be able to escape in a short time.”

Dasha has been pushing the giant rhino to the north. At first, the giant rhino tried to struggle and conflict, but it was unstable and could not break free from Dasha’s control. After pushing out several dozen feet, the giant rhino was completely stunned. No longer able to struggle, the only thing I can do is to scream in anger.

Because the giant rhinoceros is not round, the position of flipping and landing is not fixed. Dasha has to adjust the angle in time, so the direction is not easy to control. After a long time, it shifted eastward, and not far to the east was the edge of the woods. If the giant rhino was pushed there, it would be blocked by thick trees.

Looking forward to the possible variables, Wan Shanhong hurriedly reminded, “The pedal is off, let it change position and adjust.”

“How to adjust this.” Wu Zhongyuan shook his head and said, Dasha changed positions every time to catch the giant rhino. If he was ordered to adjust the direction of movement, Dasha would not be able to control the giant rhino.

Not long after, the giant rhino was pushed to the edge of the wood by Dasha, but was blocked by the tree without incident. It was not easy for Dasha to push such a huge opponent. It can knock down a tree that blocks a giant rhino.

After pedaling a few times, he found that he couldn’t pedal, so Dasha changed his position and climbed to the other side of the big tree, trying to pedal in the opposite direction.

The time when Dasha crawled and changed positions was a rare opportunity for the giant rhino to regain the disadvantage. Under Paula’s shouting command, the giant rhino kicked his legs and turned over and stood up again.

However, although the giant rhino stood up, it did not stand firm. It had been pushed and rolled back by Dasha before. Under the continuous and rapid rolling, it was already dizzy and dizzy. Swing, stagger.

Without waiting for it to come to its senses, Dasha starts pedaling in the opposite direction, knocking it down again and rolling west.

Seeing this situation, Wan Shanhong secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Continuing to roll will only make the giant rhinoceros completely lose the chance to fight back.

People will vomit if they are too dizzy, and animals will vomit if they are too dizzy. Soon the giant rhino will be turned into vomit by the idiot. The bile spit out under extreme nausea has a strong smell and is very sour.

Although the defeat is set, Paula is still trying to remedy it. This fight is related to her honor and disgrace, but she will not give up easily if there is a glimmer of hope.

To the west is the fence of the city. Although the fence is made of wood, it is not as fragile and flimsy as the fence of cattle and sheep. In fact, the fence around the city is very strong. I hope that Dasha will not continue to pedal when he pushes the giant rhino to the edge of the fence.

It turns out that Paula’s judgment was correct. Dasha pushed the giant rhino to the edge of the fence and was hindered from retreating. These fences were connected to each other. Under Dasha’s vigorous pedaling, the entire east fence was in Shake vigorously.

Seeing that he couldn’t push the opponent, Dasha wanted to go around to the other side of the fence. Dasha’s IQ was very low, and he didn’t know how to directly break through the fence, but just hovered around the edge of the fence.

Seeing this situation, Wu Zhongyuan sent his thoughts to him, and he was so stupid that he abandoned the giant rhino who was struggling to get up, and turned around and ran wildly to the east.

Everyone understands the true intention of Dasha’s move. Naturally, it did not give up the attack, but deliberately opened up the distance, in order to accelerate the next rush and prepare for the full collision.

The giant rhino reluctantly stood up under Paula’s shouting, shaking his head and swaying.

After climbing out more than ten meters, Dasha turned around, rubbed his wings and made a clicking sound, then suddenly accelerated, bowing his head and dashing.

Finding that Dasha was rushing towards him, the giant rhino instinctively rushed forward to fight, but it ran staggeringly and collided with Dasha in the blink of an eye. Silly slammed into its neck directly.

The neck was originally a weak part, and coupled with the side impact, the giant rhino was severely injured and fell to the ground. After falling to the ground, it tried to stand up again, but its neck was injured and it couldn’t lift its head. After several attempts, it was still difficult to turn over.

After knocking down the giant rhinoceros, Dasha started to retreat again. At this time, the giant rhino fell to the ground. If Dasha slammed into its relatively weak abdomen with all his strength, he would definitely be able to give it a fatal blow.

When Dasha stopped retreating and was about to charge forward for the second time, Paula shouted loudly, “I lost.”

This time, the two sides were fighting rather than fighting. Paula conceded defeat, and Wu Zhongyuan sent his thoughts and ordered Dasha to stop attacking.

What followed was silence and embarrassment for more than ten seconds. Naturally, it was not Wu Zhongyuan and Wan Shanhong who were embarrassed, but Paula and others, because they knew very well what would happen if they lost.

Bola clenched his teeth, his nose twitched, and after breathing quickly, he shouted to the crowd who were trying to help the giant rhino to stand up, “Turn all around.”

When everyone heard the words, they looked at each other in dismay. Paula gave such an order, no doubt to honor the bet.

Seeing this situation, Wu Zhongyuan turned to look at Wan Shanhong. When he looked at Wan Shanhong, Wan Shanhong was also looking at him. The eyes of the two showed that they had the same idea. After all, there was no blood feud. , and there is no need to humiliate Paula.

“If you want, we can change the bet.” Wu Zhongyuan said loudly.

Paula turned her head and frowned at Wu Zhongyuan, “What do you want?”

Wu Zhongyuan did not answer immediately, but first moved her gaze to Paula’s face, ready to carefully observe her next expression and reaction.

“I want Sanhu.” Wu Zhongyuan said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, Paula’s face changed greatly, and at the same time he took a breath. It was obvious that Sanhu was indeed here, but they didn’t expect him to know that there was a Sanhu.

Sanhu is an individual, to be exact, a parasitic embryo that grows on a person. At this time, the Aryans had no words. The Sanhu carried all the history and skills of the Aryans, which is equivalent to the archives and In addition to the Sutra Pavilion, Sanhu has a special ability, which is to transfer memory. It is very simple for Aryans to teach skills. They only need to bring the selected people to the vicinity of Sanhu. In a very short time Internal pass-through is complete.

To a certain extent, the Sanhu is the brain of the Aryans. If the Sanhu is lost, the Aryans will lose their foundation, which is another reason for Paula’s shock.

In addition to Paula, the bearded and fat woman were also angry and shocked. Obviously, they also knew the existence of Sanhu.

“Who is Sanhu?” Paula tried to stay calm.

“Sanhu is a person.” Wu Zhongyuan said, the reason why Paula asked this question was undoubtedly to confirm how much he knew about Sanhu.

“What do you want Sanhu to do?” Paula asked again.

“I owe Sanhu a favor, and I want to give it back to Sanhu.” Wu Zhongyuan said, Paula never used “he” or “it” to describe Sanhu, and his purpose was naturally not to reveal the true situation of Sanhu , and he did the same, only saying Sanhu, not “he” and “it.”

“I don’t understand what you mean,” Paula said.

“You bring Sanhu out, I won’t hurt Sanhu, I will only let Sanhu do what I want to do.” Wu Zhongyuan said, Sanhu is not a big meat lump at this time, and he still has the ability to act. The reason why Sanhu helped him back then was to save him from the sea of ​​misery when he came back.

After frowning and thinking, Paula nodded, “Okay, I promise you, but Sanhu is not here, you have to wait.”

“How long?” Wu Zhongyuan asked.

“One hour at most,” Paula said.

Wu Zhongyuan nodded, “Yes.”

Paula said no more, turned and walked first. With the help of Bearded and others, the giant rhino reluctantly stood up, and returned to the city crookedly, and the city gate was closed.

“Who is Sanhu?” Wan Shanhong asked curiously.

Wu Zhongyuan took a few steps back, chose a relatively dry place to step on his feet, and then briefly explained the situation of Sanhu to Wan Shanhong. and talk about the situation.

After listening to Wu Zhongyuan’s speech, Wan Shanhong slowly shook her head with a solemn expression, “Sanhu is so important to them, they will never let him go, let alone bring him to see you.”

“I know,” Wu Zhongyuan laughed, “they are stalling for time.”

“Why do you agree to know they are delaying time? Are you delaying time too?” Wan Shanhong asked again.

“Yes,” Wu Zhongyuan nodded, “I have already sent an order before I leave. Eight hundred cattle warriors have been dispatched from Yanshan and other five cities to come here. It is roughly estimated that they will be able to catch up before sunset. Come here.”

Wan Shanhong didn’t answer the call immediately. After pondering, he said, “They will never hand over the sanhu. The reason for the delay for an hour is to secretly prepare. Once they are ready, they will immediately attack us.”

“I expected it,” Wu Zhongyuan said, “Bola previously proposed five fights, but she only had four fights before, and she still has powerful means that she hasn’t used yet.”

“She won’t take out the real powerful means to gamble.” Wan Shanhong said.

“I understand what you mean.” Wu Zhongyuan nodded. Wan Shanhong’s implication was that in addition to the last move used for the fifth gambling fight, Paula and the others had more powerful trump cards.

“How are you going to respond?” Wan Shanhong asked.

Wu Zhongyuan sneered and said, “I hate this group of people, they’d better keep pretending, don’t show their ugly true colors…”

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