Origin Chapter 564: Tired

In today’s terms, digging a hole and a landslide are a production accident, but the temporary workers who violated the regulations were crushed to death, and there was no way to be held accountable. Going to the accident scene could only comfort the old man and organize relevant personnel to deal with the aftermath.

As soon as I returned to the Zhongtian Temple, things came to my door again. It was also an emergency. The new city lord Li Hongfei, who took over from Li Wanzi in charge of Jiulian City, had a fierce conflict with the Dabo city lord Wu Zhu. In order to dig up silt to be used as fertilizer for cultivation in the next year, one of the city towns released floods and dredged the silt from its own territory. As a result, the diverted river water flooded a besieged city under the jurisdiction of Jiuliancheng.

The two sides had a primer in the beginning, and they did not restrain themselves after the conflict. First, the conflict broke out between the two cities, which soon escalated into a rivalry between Yuancheng. Li Hongfei was a Dongyuan cultivation base. Worrying that he was not his opponent, Zhu called his brother Wu Xiong, who was being ordered to build the Southern Army camp, to help him. As a result, the two brothers directly crippled Li Hongfei, and many red and blue warriors on both sides were killed and injured.

The brothers Wu Xiong and Wu Zun did not report the accident, but Li Tai reported the matter.

People are impatient when they are too tired. After reading the memorial, Wu Zhongyuan directly threw the memorial to Wu Junyue, “You are in charge of the punishment department, what do you say?”

Wu Junyue thought for a while, and said, “Now that the Central Plains are unified, and there are no three clans inside and outside, this matter is equivalent to internal strife, and both sides are at fault, but Wu Xiong and Wu Zun have committed more crimes and seriously injured their colleagues, which should not be the case. …”

“Just say what to do.” Wu Zhongyuan interrupted Wu Junyue’s words.

Wu Junyue was very embarrassed, “Before this, things like this were handled by Da Wu himself, and the bureau of personnel was newly established, with little majesty.”

Wu Zhongyuan sighed in a hurry, “If you don’t have the prestige, go to Li Wei. Well, let’s go there in person and let the two rammed goods go to Li Hongfei to apologize.”

“Your Majesty, both sides are at fault in this matter, and they insist on their own words. Brother Wu Xiong and Wu Zhu are more stubborn, I am afraid they will not obey the edict.” Wu Junyue said.

“He dares!” Wu Zhongyuan slapped the case, “I can’t control them anymore, can’t you see it, why did Prince Li report this matter? This is just throwing stones to ask for directions, to see if I can handle it fairly, They have just attached to us, they are very sensitive, not to mention that we are indeed at fault, even if it is the fault of the other party, we have to let them. You can just go, just say what I said, they dare not not listen to me. “

Wu Zhongyuan walked off the stage when he said this, took the memorial in Wu Junyue’s hand again, unfolded it, and looked at it again, “What’s all this, it’s just a serious injury and a disability, where is the disability? Oh, let’s do it, you go around Let’s go to Yinma River and bring Wu Dalie with him, if Li Hongfei is short of arms and legs, let Wu Dalie grow him back.”

“Comply with the order.” Wu Junyue handed over the order.

“Wait,” Wu Zhongyuan stopped Wu Junyue, who turned around and wanted to leave, opened his waist pouch and took out a pale red lotus seed and handed it over, “There are only two first-order lotus seeds in Jiuye Qinglian, and that one is for Wu Rong, take this one and give it to Li Hongfei.”

“Your Majesty, Li Hongfei is also at fault. It’s not appropriate to reward him instead of punishment, isn’t it?” Wu Junyue frowned.

Wu Zhongyuan shoved the lotus seeds into Wu Junyue’s hands, “Come on, all the city lords of the Bird Clan are watching this matter, by the way, you don’t have to be too polite to him after you go, tell him that in the future Yuancheng If there is another conflict with Yuancheng, I will kill whoever strikes first, I will do what I say, and I will never show mercy.”

Wu Junyue nodded and left.

Wu Zhongyuan had just returned to his seat, before he could breathe out a sigh of relief, only to find Old Er peeking out from the door. Everyone knew that Old Er was his cronies, and he didn’t need to notify him beforehand if he wanted to see him.

“What are you doing? Sneaky, like a thief?” Wu Zhongyuan was also not angry.

Seeing that Wu Zhongyuan was in a bad mood, the old man hesitated, hesitating, “This, this…”

“If you have anything, just say it.” Wu Zhongyuan picked up the water cup and wanted to drink water, but found that the water cup was empty. Lao Er noticed his movement, hurried in from the door, and ran over to pour water for him.

“Sir, I have something I want to discuss with you.” Old Er said.

“Speak.” Wu Zhongyuan drank water from a cup.

“Li Ershou, the head of the Ministry of Engineering, wants me to take someone to dig holes in the Bird Clan. There are so many cities in the Bird Clan, when will we be able to finish digging, and a few brothers died earlier…”

“Brother, are you a bandit or a bandit?” Wu Zhongyuan looked at it.

“Yes, yes, a few clansmen died. I want to go back again and bring more people.” Old Er said.

“Okay, let’s go back, what do I need to bring back?” Wu Zhongyuan asked.

“I don’t want anything else, it’s just a long journey, I need a bird mount.” Old Er said.

“Okay, you can go to Wu Di, tell her, and let her arrange.” Wu Zhongyuan said.

Old Er responded, but didn’t leave, he was hesitant to speak.

“Old Er, I’m so busy, you have something to say.” Wu Zhongyuan sighed.

Old Er is not accustomed to calling the sage, but still calls the adults, “Sir, why do I feel that the Ministry of Industry is trying to help the public and private individuals, and the bird tribe has no refuge in the cave, why don’t Li Ershou and Li Zhu let us go to the bird tribe to dig a hole?”

“Okay, I understand, you can go.” Wu Zhongyuan nodded, and regardless of whether Lao Er said the truth or not, he couldn’t change it immediately. The integration of the three clans into one is peaceful reunification, and peaceful reunification has peaceful reunification. The advantages of peaceful reunification also have disadvantages of peaceful reunification. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes. Unless the bear clan has the final say, the heads of each department will always have a small collective consciousness.

Old Er resigned and left, Wu Zhongyuan raised his hand to rest on his forehead, worried and annoyed. In the eyes of many people, being an emperor is the most comfortable thing. You can do whatever you want. You can do whatever you want and eat whatever you want. In fact, this is a complete misunderstanding. The emperor is the head of a country and needs to be responsible for the whole country. A country is extremely difficult and requires a lot of brainpower and energy.

As soon as Lao Er left the main hall, he met Wu Di in the courtyard. The two talked from the courtyard. After a while, Lao Er left and Wu Di came in from outside the hall.

Wu Di is also here to report the situation. She is in charge of the household department, which is equivalent to the civil affairs of later generations. All things related to people’s livelihood are under her control. The grain is mixed with rice, and it is shoddy.

“Come on, send a letter with a few words of admonition.” Wu Zhongyuan was helpless.

“As the end of the month is approaching, warriors from all over the world will come to receive blood tests. The initial estimate is about 7,000 people. I plan to suspend the construction of the city for a few days and free up my staff to prepare for cooking.” Wu Di said.

“Okay, let’s figure it out.” Wu Zhongyuan said casually, “You can discuss with Xiangguo and others for similar matters in the future, so you don’t have to come and ask me.”

“The prime minister is busy working with Jiang Youdao of the Ministry of Rites to formulate school regulations and teaching titles,” Wu Di said. “Also, the Sifang Camp is also being established. The prime minister worked with Jiang Dahua of the Ministry of War and Li Wan of the Ministry of Personnel last night Zi agreed on the military officer system and stayed up all night.”

“You’ve all worked hard.” Wu Zhongyuan nodded. At this time, no one was relieved. It wasn’t just himself who was tired. Everyone was busy, and everyone was under a lot of pressure.

“I would like to share your worries for the Holy One,” Wu Di said.

Wu Zhongyuan tilted his head and glanced at Wu Di, thought for a while, and said, “Earlier, I just named Wu Qin’s daughter as the concubine of the East Court. , it is not suitable to enter the East Palace for the time being.”

“The sage doesn’t need to be distracted by this matter, the subordinates are very scared,” Wu Di said, “I can’t sleep at night these days, the more I reflect, the more I think about it, the more ashamed, as the sage said, to hide It is equivalent to deception. The reason why I and the Prime Minister made this decision on that day was because we despised the Sage, we underestimated the Sage’s mind and pattern, and underestimated the Sage’s prudence…”

Before Wu Di could finish speaking, Wu Zhongyuan waved her hand to interrupt her, “Don’t worry, I’m really angry, but I won’t be estranged from you. Thank you so much.”

The two were talking when Li Ershou, the head of the Ministry of Industry, asked to see him outside the palace. Wu Di left and Li Ershou came.

Li Ershou and Li Dashou, who helped him forge the yin and yang sword, are brothers. Li Dashou is not good at practicing qi but is proficient in metallurgy. Li Ershou is a master of purple qi and is also proficient in all things of creation. Li Tai recommended him to be a worker The head of the department naturally also considered the relationship between Li Ershou and Li Dashou. He was very grateful to Li Dashou. He loved Wu and Wu, so naturally he would not be too harsh on Li Ershou.

Li Ershou is here to ask for instructions on the focus of the next work. It takes a lot of metal and a lot of time to build the Sky Gang Crossbow and the Earth Demon Bow. At this time, the Sifang Camp is under preparation, and the recruitment is imminent. With 30,000 troops stationed, these 120,000 people must be equipped with 120,000 weapons. Li Ershou came to ask for instructions on whether to build the Tiangang crossbow and earth bow first, or to build weapons first.

If Li Ershou was one of his own, Wu Zhongyuan probably couldn’t help but scold him. How could he still ask for instructions for this kind of thing? He must have made weapons now, otherwise how would the soldiers practice.

The major cities are submitting memorials, and all the ministries in the capital are asking for instructions and reporting in person. Li Ershou has just been sent away, and there are people who ask to see him. This time, it’s two, Zhu Qianwei and the wizard Wu Huan.

See Wu Huan, he had talked to Wu Huan before that, Wu Huan taught new wizards this year, seven or eight thousand candidates, there must be more pure yang and pure yin blood than in previous years. If selected, he will stay in Youxiong in the future. Wu Huan came to ask where these people live.

Now that the bear population has skyrocketed and houses are seriously lacking, Wu Zhongyuan has no choice but to send him to find Wu Ji from the Ministry of Housing to solve it.

On the same day, Wu Zhongyuan also said that he would scrutinize Jin Jian Xuanwen together with Wu Huan. Seeing that Wu Zhongyuan was exhausted and haggard, Wu Huan did not mention it.

Zhu Qianwei is here to report on the training progress of the guards, and I don’t know what training method this guy uses, but in more than half a month, more than 600 people let him drive half of it away, and now there is only one left. More than three hundred people.

In addition to the report, there are also requests, hoping to get the Qi Xin method and Qi supplement pills, and strive to maximize the combat ability of the guards.

It’s easy to talk about practicing Qi and Xin, but the Qi-tonifying pills are not a small amount. Fortunately, he brought back a few jars from Yanyun Mountain. Good steel is used on the blade.

Just as I was about to ask about Wang Xinran’s situation, someone outside came to report that the three mares sent by the horse family not long ago had signs of giving birth.

“Let’s go, let’s take a look…”

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