Origin Chapter 451: Feather

Because of the distance, it is impossible to accurately determine the specific number of bird people. It is roughly estimated that there should be thirty or forty, or thirty or forty people. It is difficult to define whether they are human or bird. Son.

These birdmen don’t move very fast. The reason why they don’t fly fast is because most of them are in a weight-bearing state. At least more than half of the birdmen are carrying the bodies of wounded companions and dead companions.

Whether a population rescues injured companions and buries the bodies of their companions is an important criterion for judging whether they have social attributes. These birdmen have not abandoned their companions, indicating that their civilization has reached a certain height. They tend to be more human than birds.

Judging from the speed of the birdmen’s movement, it takes about three minutes for them to fly to this place. Within these three minutes, Wu Zhongyuan must make a decision, that is, whether to contact them directly, or to track them secretly. their settlement.

The second method is more secure, as long as you go to their settlement, you can have a more detailed understanding of them, but the second method also has drawbacks, that is, in case of being discovered by the birdman during the tracking period, the bird will People will see them as the enemy. Once the first impression is formed, it is difficult to reverse, and it is not easy to gain their trust.

After deliberation, Wu Zhongyuan chose the former and decided to have direct contact with these birdmen to show his lightness and magnanimity. He showed his sincerity first. If the birdmen returned hostility, then he would not do anything next. There will be more scruples.

These birdmen can definitely speak, but not necessarily the common language at this time. This must be taken into account, and how to communicate in case of language barrier.

After a while, the group of birdmen flew close, but they did not fold their wings to land, but hovered from above. The reason why they did not land was because they saw Wu Zhongyuan below.

Wu Zhongyuan looked up and observed them at close range. These birdmen were not wearing clothes, and all weapons such as swords, sticks and axes were in their hands. Their weapons were obviously different from common weapons, and the materials were different. It’s the same, but the shape is different.

This group of birdmen is half male and female, and there may be more women than men. In fact, it is difficult to determine the gender of the birdmen, because the female birdmen do not have the breast-feeding organs of women, they are only taller than women. Males are slightly smaller and have softer facial features than males.

In addition to this, most of the birdmen were injured, mostly from bites and scratches.

Just as Wu Zhongyuan was considering how to express his kindness to these birdmen, one of the male birdmen spoke up. Although the pronunciation was different, it was still the common language at this time, “Who are you?”

Seeing that Birdman could speak, Wu Zhongyuan breathed a sigh of relief. He was most worried about not being able to communicate with the other party. As long as the Birdman could speak, the next thing would be easy.

“I’m Wu Zhongyuan, the head of the bear clan.” Wu Zhongyuan said, he didn’t call himself the Yellow Emperor because the Yellow Emperor was just a vain job. Many people didn’t know what the Yellow Emperor was, but the Bear clan was one of the three major tribes in China. These birdmen Since they speak a common language, it means that they are not completely isolated from the world, and they must know the existence of the bear clan.

It turned out that his guess was correct. After reporting his origins, most of the birdmen had shocked expressions on their faces, and at the same time, they looked at two of the female birdmen at the same time.

The two women are very similar, with beautiful facial features. They should be sisters, about twenty-five to thirty years old. In addition to the weapons in their hands, they each carry a rattan bag on their backs. , This is a cross-shoulder bag made of rattan. The rattan bag is not big, and it should contain emergency medicines and the like.

The two young female birdmen tilted their heads and exchanged glances, one of them said, “How can the bears wear armor?”

“My mother is from the Bird Clan.” Wu Zhongyuan said, and with his left hand, he poked out with his left hand, silently reciting the incantation to cast Thunder Wrath, and a thunderbolt of lightning fell from a hundred paces away.

The casting of spells can not only show his identity as a wizard, but also show his profound cultivation, which can prove his leadership in the bear clan.

The same is the wrath of thunder, the aura is different, and the power of thunder and lightning is not the same. The loud rumbling and splashing wood and rocks make those birdmen secretly startled.

After confirming his identity, the woman raised her hand to salute, “Hello, Patriarch Wu, I am Li Shangshang, the patriarch of the Yu Clan, this is my sister Liu Shangshang, she is also the patriarch of the Yu Clan, what do you have? thing?”

Modern people often use hello to greet each other, but hello is not a special vocabulary for modern people. This word is also used at this time. It is a more polite way of saying.

“The two patriarchs, polite,” Wu Zhongyuan raised his hand to return the salute, then pointed to the corpses of those humanoid monsters and said, “These monsters have attacked me before, and I learned that they appeared here, so I came over to find out. Excuse me, Patriarch Li, why are you fighting with them?”

Li Shangshang didn’t answer immediately. After hesitating, he turned to look at his sister, “You take them away first, and I’ll have a few words with Patriarch Wu.”

Same sisters, the two have the same name but different surnames. Hearing Li Shangshang’s words, Liu Shangshang expressed concern, Li Shangshang saw her hesitation, and raised his hand at him, “You go to the north for a hundred miles. Wait for me outside.”

Liu Shang Shang nodded and led a group of birdmen to fly north.

Wu Zhongyuan didn’t know about the Yuren, but unfortunately the old blind man is not here. The old blind man is well-informed and should know their origins.

After everyone left, Li Shangshang folded his wings and landed, “Patriarch Wu, to be honest, we fought with the devil to fight for the Leopard Dragon Axe, but unfortunately, we failed.”

Although Wu Zhongyuan was concerned about the whereabouts of the Leopard Dragon Axe, he wanted to know the origin of those humanoid monsters, “Why did Patriarch Li call them devils?”

If Wu Zhongyuan asked such a question, it means that he did not understand this kind of creature. Li Shangshang asked with doubt, “Patriarch Wu doesn’t know their origin?”

Wu Zhongyuan shook his head, “I also ask Patriarch Li to clarify his doubts.”

Li Shangshang explained casually, “Devils are the puppets of the demons. They were originally human, and they became like this after being occupied by the demons. The moment they were seized by the demons, they were already dead. so it is called the devil.”

“They come from the magic way?” Wu Zhongyuan asked.

“Yes.” Li Shangshang nodded.

Wu Zhongyuan nodded slowly. Although he had seen such creatures many times before, he did not know their true origin, but he had always suspected that such creatures were the same thing as Western devils. Now it seems that his guess is That’s right, this kind of humanoid monster is the devil of the West, but the name Devil was not given to it by the Westerners, but first came from the East and then spread to the West.

When many people hear the devil, the first thing that comes to their mind is Western mythology. This is a cognitive obsessive-compulsive disorder caused by narrow knowledge. Like the word father, many people think it came from the West. In fact, it is not. This word is first in China, older than father and father.

“Why does Patriarch Li know so much about them?” Wu Zhongyuan asked.

Li Shangshang shook his head, “This is the first time we have seen real devils, and I don’t know much about them.”

“Since it’s the first time I’ve seen them, how do you know what they are?” Wu Zhongyuan asked, not in doubt, but in doubt. He believed that Li Shangshang was telling the truth, but he didn’t know why she was so.

“The ancestors once followed the emperor and pacified the Six Paths. The Ice Temple of the Feather Clan has detailed records about the Six Paths. One of the icicles records the situation of the Demon Clan, which contains a description of the devil.” Li said above.

“Do you have any detailed records of the Six Paths?” Wu Zhongyuan’s eyes lit up, and he doesn’t know much about the other Five Paths, so it’s all fragmentary clues.

Li Shangshang hesitated for a moment and nodded, but then said, “Patriarch Wu, forgive me, the Yu Clan does not like to be disturbed by outsiders. The Temple of Frost Ice is a sacred place for the Yu Clan, and it is strictly forbidden for outsiders to enter.”

“Understand, understand.” Wu Zhongyuan nodded. Every tribe and race has its own rules and customs. It is understandable that the Yu clan does not like to be disturbed. He is not afraid that the Yu clan has rules, and any rules can be broken. As long as the time is right, or the rewards are plentiful enough.

“My clan is still waiting for me. If Patriarch Wu has nothing else to do, I will leave.” Li Shangshang said.

“I also ask Patriarch Li to stay for a while longer,” Wu Zhongyuan hurriedly retained, “The five seals are about to disappear, does Patriarch Li know about this?”

“I know, that’s why we’re looking for the Leopard Dragon Axe,” Li Shangshang said. “It’s a weapon used by our ancestors. It’s very magical. The ancestors also left a way to find it. Unfortunately, the devil appeared at a critical moment and destroyed it. The holy relics will make us fall short.”

“Ruined?” Wu Zhongyuan frowned.

Li Shangshang sighed, “Eight hundred miles to the southwest, there is a crack in the ground. The leopard dragon was forced into the crater by the devil. My clan risked to enter, but it was half a minute too late. The leopard dragon fell and the flames melted. Not seen.”

“Falled into the volcano and burned it?” Wu Zhongyuan was stunned. No wonder there were burn marks on several birdmen. It turned out that they rushed into the volcano to grab the Leopard Dragon Axe.

Li Shangshang nodded and sighed.

“The Leopard Dragon Axe is a psychic weapon. Not only is it invincible, it can also replenish spiritual energy. It’s a pity to destroy it now,” Wu Zhongyuan said.

“Yeah,” Li Shangshang shook his head in frustration, “The Leopard Dragon Axe contains a nine-day golden slip, and now the golden slip has been destroyed. I will wait for the situation to end.”

“Clan Chief Li, don’t be discouraged. If the Yu Clan needs to practice Qi and Mind, I can give it to you.” Wu Zhongyuan said, Li Shangshang and the others’ aura cultivation base is not high, and they don’t even have blue aura, which is very It may also be the reason why they are eager to get the Leopard Dragon Axe.

Li Shangshang shook his head again, “Patriarch Wu doesn’t know anything, the Xuanwen recorded on the Nine Heavens Golden Slip is the key to restraining the Five Paths. Once the Golden Slip is lost, the Xuanwen will no longer be seen, and there is nothing in the world that can restrain and seal the Five Paths. The thing is…”

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