Origin Chapter 450: Go home

As soon as Wu Zhongyuan said this, Wu Mei and Wu looked at each other, thinking that Wu Zhongyuan was humiliating Wu Rong, but Wu Zhongyuan didn’t have a smile on his face, and his tone was very serious, which showed that what he said was indeed true The truth.

Wu Rong is not a fool either. He knows that Wu Zhongyuan is not teasing him, because Wu Zhongyuan’s words were not exhaled. Except for the four people nearby, no one else heard it.

Wu Rong is a master of violet qi, and he will not be too stupid. After pondering, he raised his hand to his chest and secretly used his spiritual qi to reverse the entrance of the lotus seed that had already entered his stomach, smashed the shell, and swallowed the lotus seed.

“Is it effective?” Wu Zhongyuan asked.

At this time, the lotus seeds had already taken effect, and Wu Rong was in the midst of the shock of suddenly being promoted to Taixuan. Hearing Wu Zhongyuan’s question, he regained his senses and nodded with a frown.

“Very good,” Wu Ao raised his breath and said, “The three of you will return to the formation first, feel carefully, and observe carefully to determine whether the effect will last for a long time.”

Hearing Wu Ao’s words, Wu Mei and Wu Shuang said yes, and thanked Wu Zhongyuan again, and then turned to use the birth method to swept eastward. Overhead.

Wu Rong hesitated, hesitating for a while, but finally did not speak, frowned and glanced at Wu Zhongyuan, raised his hand in embarrassment, then turned around and returned.

Although Wu Rong never thanked him from the beginning to the end, Wu Zhongyuan was very surprised by Wu Rong’s reaction. It could be seen that Wu Rong wanted to thank him, but he had no face to open his mouth, although it could not be concluded that Wu Rong had regrets. Heart, at least you can be sure that this person still has some conscience.

Now is not the time to scrutinize Wu Rong’s mind, there are more important things waiting for him to do. He has already heard what Wu Ao said before. This guy doesn’t want to let it go. The meeting excused the need to observe whether Wu Rong and others were really promoted to Taixuan and delayed the time. Thinking of this, he said loudly, “Whether or not really advanced to Taixuan, the three players who appeared on the stage have their own perceptions. If anyone doubts, you can also Inspection and temptation, these spirits are not easy for me to come by, they were originally prepared for my soldiers, and I gave them to you just because I couldn’t bear to see both clans suffer. I will honor my promise and help the bear clan to advance to six more Taixuans. If Da Wu pushes the three to block the fourth, and excuses the delay, I will kill Da Wu and replace him.”

Wu Zhongyuan finished speaking, without waiting for Wu Ao’s interface, he said again, “Before I killed Wu Ao, he was still the great Wu of the bear clan, the wizards and warriors of the bear clan need not show mercy to me, if I kill Wu Ao, he is still the great Wu of the bear clan. Boo, I am the only one who has the blood of the royal family of the bear clan, all of you must be loyal to me, those who are loyal, let go of the past, and those who stubbornly refuse, will destroy the whole family.”

When Wu Zhongyuan finished speaking, everyone was silent and silent. Some people were amazed at his courage to challenge Wu Ao head-on, some admired his generosity and selflessness, some admired his forgiving mind, but more people were afraid His ferocity, the so-called extermination of the whole family means not only killing the resisters themselves, but also killing their family members.

Wu Zhongyuan didn’t know what everyone was thinking, but he knew that he could do what he said. He was not a benevolent ruler who conquered people with virtue, nor was he a tyrannical overlord who wanted to kill. He was a king. A collection of overlords, none of the founding monarchs in the past dynasties is a truly benevolent king. All benevolent kings are sons who inherit their father’s business. The bad guys are all made by Laozi. The political situation has stabilized, so they can be benevolent kings. .

Hearing Wu Zhongyuan’s words, Wu Ao did not immediately express his position. After being silent for dozens of seconds, he said in a deep voice, “Wu Tong, Wu Yan, Wu Lei, Wu Songshi, Wu Fenghua, Wu Hou, go off.”

Wu Zhongyuan didn’t expect Wu Ao to deal with it like this. Most of the people Wu Ao mentioned were Wu Ao’s best friends. Not to mention whether his lotus seeds were enough, he just said that he couldn’t control the consequences. One Wu Rong had been promoted before. If Wu Ao was promoted to six more Taixuans, once Wu Ao repented and attacked, he would have no choice but to run, because he couldn’t beat so many Taixuan masters.

After urgent consideration, Wu Zhongyuan decided to take the risk, “You can’t choose all of them, you choose two, Junyue Taixuan and Wu Jidongyuan each choose two.”

Wu Ao sneered and said, “Is your provocation too conspicuous? Are you trying to trick them into rebelling? I am the Great Wu of the Bear Clan, and I should appoint someone.”

After Wu Ao finished speaking, he turned to look at Wu Junyue and Wu Ji, “You two, who should be in charge of the bear clan’s affairs?”

The two frowned upon hearing this, bowed and raised their hands, “It’s up to Da Wu to decide.”

“The six people I designated earlier, let’s go.” Wu Ao dropped the hammer.

When Wu Ao finished speaking, the six people he was referring to floated down the city from different places.

Wu Zhongyuan didn’t expect things to develop like this. He had already stated that he should improve first, and then return Bailongdan. Wu Ao seized the point and made him a dilemma, and it was difficult for him to ride a tiger.

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan’s embarrassed expression, Jiang Zheng raised his anger and said, “My son-in-law, you must not fall for his tricks. If you promote all the people he has assigned to Taixuan, he will definitely go back on his words. How can you stop them then? , how can we stop them?”

Although Jiang Zheng’s words were helping him out of the siege, Wu Zhongyuan still scolded him in his heart. This old guy called him a good son-in-law again. His face changed faster than flipping a book.

Seeing that Wu Zhongyuan didn’t answer, Jiang Zheng shouted again, “Xian-in-law, you are well-intentioned, and everyone in the bear clan can see that you have done your best. Quickly retreat and avoid disaster.”

After Jiang Zhengyan finished, he winked at the people beside him, the latter understood and shouted and beat the drum.

The drums are playing again.

“Lord Yellow Emperor, are you going to break your promise to get fat?” Wu Ao showed contempt.

Wu Zhongyuan raised his eyebrows and squinted. He wanted to say that Wu Ao was not trustworthy, and he should hand over the White Dragon Pill first and then be promoted, but thinking of what he had said before, he could only dispel this idea. This fact is bad for Wu Junyue and Wu Ji. The two of them made it clear that Wu Ao should have the final say in the matter of the bear clan, which made him extremely passive.

If you think about it carefully, Wu Junyue and Wu Ji can’t be blamed for this matter. They can’t do it if they don’t say so.

“If Lord Yellow Emperor can’t keep his promise, please step aside,” Wu Ao said loudly, “As you can see, Lord Yellow Emperor is the one who has reneged on his promises, not me. If Lord Yellow Emperor insists on continuing. He is partial to the cattle clan, and insists on embarrassing me, so he can let him be.”

After Wu Ao said, Wu Tong showed contempt, “Lord Yellow Emperor, if you can’t keep your promise, I’ll go back after waiting.”

Wu Tong’s contemptuous expression made Wu Zhongyuan extremely angry. At this moment, he really doubted whether he would be able to let go of the past if Wu Tong were loyal to him in the future. This guy is too hateful. What he said before was just an exchange. The condition is not a promise at all. Wu Ao and Wu Tong deliberately raised it to the level of a promise. Naturally, the purpose was to try to discredit him and describe him as a villain who did not keep his promises.

Without waiting for Wu Zhongyuan to answer, Jiang Zheng’s voice came from the west again, “My son-in-law, these little people are saying goodbye to you, you mustn’t act on your arrogance, once the strange object is sent, my cattle clan will be wiped out. If you are worried, get out of the way quickly and stay out of it.”

“Where’s the previous lofty sentiments gone? Wouldn’t it be anticlimactic to retreat now?” Wu Tong sneered.

Wu Ao then said, “The heart of the villain is clearly revealed, you all retreat quickly, this man’s plot is revealed, and he will definitely help the Niu Clan to slaughter my Bear Clan.”

After Wu Ao finished speaking, the six of them each left expressions of contempt and contempt, and swept back.

People in high positions may not have good morals, but they must be very smart. Wu Ao’s remarks made Wu Zhongyuan die. He never thought of helping the cattle clan to deal with the bear clan. Wu Ao can no longer challenge. The timing is not right. If he challenges Wu Ao at this time, he will help the Niu Clan. Even if Wu Ao is killed in the future, the Bear Clan people will doubt his character.

Seeing that Wu Zhongyuan couldn’t stay there, Jiang Nan couldn’t care less, left the cattle camp and came to him, “Thank you.”

Wu Zhongyuan tilted his head to look at her and sighed helplessly.

“We will definitely take back the White Dragon Pill. Don’t give it up in exchange, he won’t give it.” Jiang Nan said.

Although Wu Zhongyuan’s situation was very embarrassing, his mood improved slightly when he saw Jiang Nan’s concerned eyes, “Something is not right, you have so many soldiers and horses, the bear clan is obviously at a disadvantage, but they have no way out. Clearly there is something to rely on.”

“Although they have wizards to help them, we have so many troops…”

“If I say something’s wrong, it’s wrong,” Wu Zhongyuan interrupted Jiang Nan. “Bear clan wizards all have staffs, which are usually stored in the weak water Longze to absorb spiritual energy. If it is a life-and-death battle, they will definitely take out the staff. , holding the method, replenishing the aura, you can see that their wizards have never held a staff in their hands, which shows that they are not afraid.”

Before Jiang Nan answered, Wu Tong’s sarcasm came from the east city wall, “The promoted thing is not willing to be with the bear clan, but is willing to be friendly with the cattle clan.”

Hearing this man’s words, Wu Zhongyuan turned his head back in anger. Although Wu Tong mocked him, he was very jealous of him. Seeing him glaring at him, he hurriedly tilted his head aside and did not look at him.

Wu Zhongyuan originally planned to give lotus seeds to help Jiang Nan improve his cultivation. Wu Tong said that, he had more concerns, but Jiang Nan is his woman, and looking at the current posture, Jiang Nan will definitely join the war later , once participating in the war, she is bound to become the key target of the bear clan’s attack.

Thinking of this, I didn’t care so much, and reached out to the burden.

“No,” Jiang Nan hurriedly grabbed him, “even if you are rewarded for merit, you should share it with your subordinates first, otherwise how will you convince the public in the future?”

“Once you start, they will definitely attack you first.” Wu Zhongyuan put his hand into the burden.

Jiang Nan hurriedly stepped back, “I will not participate in this battle, you should leave as soon as possible.”

Jiang Nan has already retreated, and Wu Zhongyuan can’t catch up to the hard stop. After hesitating, he can only give up.

The beating of the war drums was coming to an end. Seeing that the war was inevitable, Wu Zhongyuan sighed and shook his head, so depressed.

Just as I was about to withdraw from the battlefield, a man’s laughter suddenly came from the east. The voice came from the city, and I could only hear its voice, but no one could be seen.

Just when Wu Zhongyuan felt the laughter sound familiar, the laughing man swept out of the city and landed outside the city.

The person who came was a big fat man weighing several hundred pounds, wearing a yellow jacket. He smiled and showed two front teeth.

The reason why Wu Zhongyuan felt familiar was because he knew this person. This person was Huang Sheng, the groundhog who was trying to scramble for the long sword outside Tianchi Stone.

“Little brother, don’t go in a hurry,” Huang Sheng said with a wicked smile, “I was invited to help, you don’t have anything for me to do?”

As soon as these words came out, Wu Zhongyuan suddenly realized, no wonder Wu Ao had no fear, it turned out that he had hired a powerful helper here.

“Go home.” Wu Zhongyuan said.

“Alright then, we can clear things up.” Huang Sheng smiled.

Wu Zhongyuan nodded.

“That, that, Dai Niang is still in the limelight, waiting to cast Miasma, you don’t have anything to do with her?” Huang Sheng smirked.

Wu Zhongyuan took out the miasma pill that Dai Niang gave him that day and threw it to Huang Sheng, “Let her go home too…”

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