Origin Chapter 447: Stop the war

Wu Zhongyuan has never seen such a big battle. You must know that this time is not more than modern, and the three tribes together are only a few million people. The cattle tribe actually used nearly 100,000 people at a time, which is at least 80% of the cattle tribe. ‘s troops.

The cattle army is stationed on the mountains around Daqiu, and is distributed on three sides of the north, south, west and south. Although there are a large number of people, there are not many tents. Most of the soldiers do not have tents. In addition to their clothes, they also carry blankets made of various animal skins to protect against the cold.

The number of bear soldiers is less than half of that of the cattle, and it is estimated that there are more than 30,000 soldiers. Most of the bear soldiers are stationed in Daqiu City. The retreat way for the clan to retreat.

When Wu Zhongyuan arrived, it was snowing in the sky. It is reasonable to say that it was already winter and snowing was normal, but this snow was obviously not a natural phenomenon, because the scope of the snow only covered the place where everyone of the cattle tribe was. Nanshan, Beishan and Xishan, Daqiu and Dongshan have never fallen snow, which is clearly caused by the magic of the bear clan wizard.

A large number of bear warriors and ordinary soldiers gathered on the city wall of Daqiu, including many masters of purple qi, but there were no wizards on the city wall, and they should be located in the city or in the city towers around the city.

Wu Zhongyuan has an understanding of the strength of both the Bear and Bull Clan. Judging from the current situation, both sides have moved their families out. This is no longer a normal way of play, it is a desperate posture.

There is a large open area on the periphery of all Yuancheng, most of which are farmland for farming. If there is a war, the enemy must pass through this open area if they want to get close to the city. In the absence of cover, the defenders can use the bow and crossbow to effectively block the enemy.

At this time, it was eight o’clock in the morning, and everyone of the Niu tribe was having breakfast. At this time, there was no Huo Tau Army saying that the dry food was prepared by themselves during the war, and each Niu soldier ate different things. Although the food is different, the attitude of eating is similar, there are good ones and not bad ones, and they try to eat as much as possible, regardless of whether the next meal will be enough.

With this posture, even a fool can guess what will happen next. The Bull Clan must forcibly attack the city. In fact, this terrain is very unfavorable for the Bull Clan’s attack. The Bull Clan must also know this. Knowing that there will be a large number of casualties in the attack, the cattle still have to attack, which shows Jiang Zheng’s determination. This guy is an old fox who can’t afford to pay early. If he is not really angry, he will never do such a thing that hurts both sides.

He can understand Jiang Zheng’s mood. Bailongdan is a sacred relic of the cattle tribe and should belong to Jiang Zheng, but it was stolen by Wu Ao, and the matter has spread, no matter from which aspect Jiang Zheng is He had to get the White Dragon Pill back, otherwise the clan would despise him, and the seal would disappear by the end of next year. Jiang Zheng also urgently needed the White Dragon Pill to improve his and the strength of the Niu clan.

On the other hand, he couldn’t understand the actions of the bear clan at this time. It must be known that the strength of the bear clan is less than half of that of the bull clan. Even if the high-level wizards are included, there are only twenty masters of purple qi. , is less than one-third of the cattle clan. In the case of such a huge disparity in strength, if the cattle clan attacked at all costs, the bear clan would definitely not be their opponents. The bear clan should understand this. Procrastination is the most correct way. The cattle expedition cannot keep up with the supply. After a few days of delay, the cattle have to retreat, but they did the opposite and sent wizards to use wind and rain to attract wind and snow. This is not forcing. Are you attacking the cattle tribe? Where does the bear clan’s confidence come from?

If the old blind man learns about this, he will be overjoyed. The old blind man has always hoped that he can rule the world, and he will be peaceful before fighting the outside world. The war between the clan and the bear clan is not because he does not want to unify the three clans, but because the time is not enough, a war will break out when the three clans are unified. Even if the three clans are unified by then, the elites of all clans will be killed and injured. Five invasions, isn’t this a snipe and clam fighting for the fisherman’s profit?

Knowing that the war was imminent, Wu Zhongyuan could only be in a hurry. At this time, he had no way to come forward. He was from the bear clan, and it was impossible for him to help Jiang Zheng fight the bear clan. Jiang Nan is from the Niu Clan, and he cannot help the Bear Clan to fight the Niu Clan.

Not only can he not fight, he can’t even mediate, Wu Ao can’t hand over Bailongdan, and Jiang Zheng can’t give up Bailongdan, this is a dead knot that can’t be solved.

Because there are cattle soldiers everywhere, Wu Zhongyuan can’t get too close, and can only look at it from a distance. Although the trees are falling in winter, the branches are very dense, and Jiang Nan can’t be seen from a distance.

Seeing others eating, Wu Zhongyuan was also a little hungry. Remembering that there was still dry food in his luggage, he took out a cake, took a bite and found that the taste was not right. When he looked down, he found that the cake had grown hairy. In fact, dry food can be preserved in winter. It has been a long time, but the humidity in the East China Sea is high, and the temperature of Xinyue Island is relatively high, and the dry food is broken.

Opened the bags and checked them one by one. The ones that were picked were not very bad and bit into their mouths. The rest had to be thrown away.

At this moment, I suddenly found out that the Niu clan had made a move. The previous Niu clan masters of purple qi might gather in the tent of Xishan to discuss matters. After the meeting, the masters of purple qi left the tent and went everywhere. It will be revealed that there are more than 70 purple qi masters in the bear clan, and there are more than 50 people who appear here. According to the color observation, these purple qi masters move mainly in the northeast and southeast directions, and the motives are very obvious. Once it starts, the bulls must first cut off the bears’ retreat.

This is not a very smart play, at least in his opinion, it is not smart enough. If the net is open, the Bear Clan can escape after being defeated. Enclosing the Daqiu will force the Bear Clan to work hard, with direct consequences. Is to increase the loss of cattle. It’s not right to say that in order to trap Wu Ao, Wu Ao has Taixuan cultivation base and Bailongdan, and he can escape even if no one can escape. Jiang Zheng should understand this, what is this old man thinking?

He is not the only one who can observe the complexion, so can the wizards and warriors of the bear clan. When they sensed the change of the purple qi master of the bull clan, the bear clan actually opened the east gate and withdrew the soldiers and warriors scattered in the east mountain into the city.

Wu Zhongyuan was at a loss, so he couldn’t understand it even more. Wu Ao didn’t even want to retreat. Even if the wizard was a bit more powerful than the warrior, the bear clan had an absolute disadvantage in numbers. What are you doing to withdraw Dongshan’s soldiers into the city, afraid that they won’t be wiped out by the cattle clan?

I just don’t understand the motives of Jiang Zheng and Wu Ao doing this, but one thing is certain, that is, the two sides will definitely work hard and never die.

The matter has come to this point, and they can only go with them. In fact, it is not entirely unreasonable for the old blind man to let him unify the three clans. To defect to the enemy and betray, the old blind man means that he would rather play a game of bad chess after unifying the three clans, rather than cooperate with the three clans, because there are variables in cooperating with others, and the three clans are all there, which is a triple variable, and the old blind man is unwilling to Hope is placed on others.

And his idea is that the four forces are horns of each other, and each defends one side. To put it bluntly, the strategic existence of the two is analyzed. The old blind man hopes to break through and stand up, while he hopes to join hands.

At this time, the cow tribe had already started to line up after a full meal. The mountains and plains were full of black heads, and the bear tribe had already prepared their swords and arrows.

After lining up, the cattle soldiers began to move towards the edge of the woods. Not all cattle people can change the body of the beast, only warriors of all ranks can change the body of the beast. Warriors and soldiers do not fight independently, but adopt Formation is a mixed battle. Warriors of all ranks are mixed among ordinary soldiers, and they lead soldiers of different numbers. The red, blue, and purple warriors are somewhat similar to the ninth-level officers of the army of later generations.

Drumming is also used in battle at this time. The sound of drums is played from the West Mountain. Drumming has two functions, one is to boost morale, and the other is to use the drum beat to transmit orders.

The drum beat was very slow at first, but after half an hour, the drum beat gradually accelerated. At this time, the cattle warriors had completed the formation and left the woods to reach the open area. The master of purple air stood at the forefront of the team, with dozens of people behind him. Red and blue warriors and more than a thousand soldiers under their command.

After the cattle people left the woods, Wu Zhongyuan saw Jiang Nan. Jiang Nan was a Dongxuan cultivator with a light blue aura, wearing a light blue cape, standing in the queue behind Jiang Zheng.

When he saw Jiang Nan, he also saw Jiang Zheng. Previously, Jiang Zheng left him with a smiling face of a profiteer, but at this time, there was no smile on Jiang Zheng’s face, only indifference and indifference. Chill, after all, a tiger is a tiger, and it cannot be considered harmless to humans and animals just because it always smiles.

At the same time as the Niu Clan lined up, Wu Ao also climbed the West Gate Tower in the company of several Ziqi masters. After Wu Ao appeared, the Bear Clan’s high-level wizards and Ziqi warriors also appeared. All four walls.

Wu Ao’s expression is also very solemn at this time. You can’t think that this person is useless because of his bad morals. In fact, Wu Ao also has certain abilities, not only in spiritual cultivation, but also in terms of IQ. I don’t know who his mother is, but his father is Da Wu of the bear clan. As the saying goes, tiger fathers have no dogs, and this half royal blood is destined for him not to be stupid.

The two clan chiefs did not have any conversations after they appeared. This is not the first battle between the bull clan and the bear clan. What should have been said should have been said many times before. Negotiating, but leading the team to fight, as the drumbeat became more and more urgent, the atmosphere in the field became heavier and heavier.

Wu Zhongyuan knew very well what would happen after the drums stopped, and also knew when the drums would stop. The drums would stop suddenly at the most urgent moment. As soon as the drums stopped, the war would start immediately.

He knows many wizards and warriors on the Daqiu city wall. Not all of these people are Wu Ao’s confidants. Many of them are righteous people. It seems that Wu Junyue, Wu Huan and others have never done a dark thing.

Wu Zhongyuan thought he could hold back, but when it happened, he realized that he couldn’t bear it at all. He was from the Bear clan, and these people were his clansmen. Once the war broke out, most of these people would have to die here.

In addition, Jiang Nan is also in the formation of the cattle clan. Once there is a melee, and the sword has no eyes, who will care about Jiang Nan’s relationship with him.

There was not much time for him to think. Seeing that the sound of the drums was about to stop, Wu Zhongyuan had to leave his hiding place and bravely fell in front of the two armies…

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