Origin Chapter 404: The Herald

The strange bird flew from the front, and Wu Zhongyuan chased from the back.

The strange bird was very angry and scolded while flying.

Wu Zhongyuan is also very angry, but this strange bird moves so fast that he can’t catch up with it with all his strength. He wants to shoot it with a bow. The strange bird is very cunning. He flew into the forest to dodge. As soon as he lowered his hand, the strange bird sprang out of the forest again, and continued to shout loudly from the front.

It didn’t take long for Wu Zhongyuan to discover the anomaly. The flying speed of this strange bird was astonishing. It was the fastest of all the birds he had ever seen so far. The body is too mysterious, and it is impossible to catch up with it. This guy didn’t want to run, if he really wanted to run away, he would have run away long ago.

He, Jiang Nan and others had been ambushed by giant vultures and giant hyenas before. At that time, the enemy sent a bird that could transform into a hawk and phoenix spear to lead them into the trap . With the lessons learned from the past, it is inevitable to be more careful, will this strange bird also be a bait?

It remains to be seen whether it is true or not, but take a step back and say that even if it is, he is not afraid now. He has both bows and long swords on his body, his spiritual energy is full, and the blue dragon armor can also be summoned at any time. , really fearless.

Intentionally observing this strange bird, Wu Zhongyuan did not rush to summon the Royal Blue Dragon Armor. The speed of this strange bird is indeed terrifying, but no matter how fast it is, it cannot be faster than the Blue Dragon Armor.

At present, he has been able to confirm that this strange bird is not a monster, and this thing does not have aura cultivation base, and it can fly so fast without aura cultivation base, it can only be due to the talent. Looking at its shape, the hair above the neck is white, and the hair below the neck is gray. The head is somewhat like a starling, and the body is more like a swallow. This is obviously a mixed descendant of two kinds of birds.

There are not many birds that can speak without spiritual energy. The most common ones are myna and myna. This strange bird is likely to have myna blood. And flying so fast should be the blood of the swift, you must know that the swift is the fastest bird in the world.

Also, this guy is obviously an old bird. Using “old” to describe him doesn’t seem to be accurate. To be precise, he should have lived a long time. Otherwise, it is impossible to learn so much swearing. if.

In fact, most of the aliens do not have the long lifespan of humans, but there are always some aliens that can exceed the normal lifespan. Similar situations have been found in modern archaeology. As for why this happens, the scientific community has been There is controversy, but Wu Zhongyuan agrees with a statement that the reason why some wild animals live much longer than their counterparts is probably because they have inadvertently swallowed something that can prolong their lifespan in the wild and live forever. It doesn’t make sense in theory, but longevity is possible.

If this strange bird is not bait sent by the enemy, then this is the case with it, and it is likely to eat something strange and become so smart.

The strange bird has always called himself the third master, and he is smart enough to name himself. Naturally, his IQ will not be very low, but this guy is not as smart as people. This is because of some of his actions. It can be seen that the strange bird flew and stopped, obviously to lead him somewhere, but if it was the bait sent by the other party, this guy’s actions were too clumsy and obvious.

The strange bird flew and scolded from the front, Wu Zhong chased and scolded from the back, and the scolding was just those words. After enough scolding, Wu Zhongyuan tried to frame it and asked how big it was and what it was.

If you ask directly, the strange bird will not answer, you have to turn around and ask, ‘You have only lived a few years, and you dare to call yourself the third master? ’

“The third master has lived for more than a hundred years.” The strange bird replied.

“You look so weird, what exactly are you?” Wu Zhongyuan asked again.

“You don’t need to ask, I can fly, so it must be a bird, you stupid one.” The strange bird scolded.

Being able to say this means that no one is smart. To be precise, it is not as smart as an adult. Roughly estimated, its IQ should be similar to that of an eleven- or twelve-year-old child.

“Stop running, stop and let’s talk.” Wu Zhongyuan shouted.

“You think I’m stupid, stop and let you shoot?” the strange bird shouted.

“I have something to eat in my bag. I’ll give it to you.” Wu Zhongyuan said.

“Don’t think I’ll let you go if you give me food, wait for you to be killed.” The strange bird replied.

This remark is revealed again, which clearly reveals its intentions. This guy must want to lead him to a dangerous place, and the attack method is ramming.

“What’s your name?” Wu Zhongyuan asked again.

“Are you stupid? I said my name is Third Master.” said the strange bird.

“Third Master, where do you live?” Wu Zhongyuan asked.

“You’re almost there, wait for you to be hit to death.” The third master continued to fly forward.

Wu Zhongyuan didn’t draw the bow, it flew straight, and Wu Zhongyuan wanted to see where it wanted to take him, so he accelerated with all his strength and followed it.

The third master flew to the southeast, and the moving route coincided with his destination. After a stick of incense, the third master flew over a hill and entered a canyon.

The canyon is very long, and there are a lot of tall trees in it. After flying for a few miles, a water pool appeared in front of it, covering an area about half a football field. The water pool is located in the middle of the canyon. There should be springs in the water pool. The water flows out through the canyon.

There is an east-west river outside the canyon. The further downstream, the wider the river. According to the surrounding scenery, the river outside the canyon is the Lishui mentioned in the biography of the birds, and this is likely to be the Lishui. The source of Lishui.

The water pool below is crystal clear. At this time, it is already bright, but the sun has not yet come out, and the water surface is not reflective. From high altitude, you can vaguely see a dragon-shaped creature lurking in the water pool.

There is a soft sandy beach on the north side of the water pool. When I got here, the third master folded his wings and landed on the beach. There was a goat on the beach. Seeing that the third master fell nearby, he wanted to run away, but he didn’t run much. He couldn’t run far away, and he looked closely, and there was a rope tied to the goat’s left hind leg.

The third master had stopped scolding at first, but after he landed, he began to scolded loudly again. The purpose was obvious, and he wanted to lead him down.

As soon as I thought about Wu Zhongyuan, I guessed where this place is. It is very likely that the dragon lurking in the water pool is the dragon mentioned in the biography of birds, and the goat on the shore is undoubtedly a bait. Someone deliberately tied it to Here, the purpose is to lead out the dragon in the water pool.

After observing again, as expected, there is a forest to the north of the beach, and a trap has been placed in the wood. This is a trap device similar to a hammer. A thick rope is tied to the height of the tree, and The other end is tied to a huge bluestone, and the lower end of the bluestone is cushioned with a smaller pebble, and a rope is also tied to the pebble. This rope is relatively thin and extends from under the sand to the area where the goat is.

Fearing that Wu Zhongyuan would not get into the trap, the third master yelled loudly from the beach, and the goat was frightened and struggled all the time.

Wu Zhongyuan ignored it, but continued to observe this trap. Someone set up a trap here to explain two problems. One is that the dormant in the pool is indeed a psychic soldier. If it is an ordinary dragon, no one will come. Provoking it, because giving and getting are not proportional. The second is that someone has already tried to capture the psychic soldier. Judging from the feces left on the beach, the goat has not been tied here for a long time, and the person who set the trap is likely to be nearby.

Wu Zhongyuan is not afraid of people who set traps. Since the traps are set up, it means that the person’s spiritual qi cultivation is not high. If he is a master of purple qi, he knows that the horned dragon halberd is hidden here, so he will directly put the water pool. Filling it out forces it out, no need for traps at all.

Seeing that Wu Zhongyuan had been looking down at the top of the canyon, the third master guessed that Wu Zhongyuan might have discovered the existence of the trap, so he cursed angrily, fluttered his wings, and flew east.

This time it flew very fast, obviously trying to escape.

After urgent consideration, Wu Zhongyuan lifted his spirits and chased eastward.

The flying speed of this strange bird is astonishing, and it can speak human words. Although it is small and cannot be used as a mount, it can be collected and used as a messenger to pass orders.

After chasing for a few miles, I suddenly heard a faint cry coming from the valley. Because it was far away, it was not very real. It seemed to be the cry of a sheep, and it seemed to be the cry of a baby.

At this time, the strange bird had already flown far away, and Wu Zhongyuan had no time to look back, fearing that it would run away, he sent out his divine sense to inspire the Qinglong Armor.

A moment later, the Azure Dragon Armor was summoned.

There is a feature of Qinglong armor. If there is a foreign body in a certain part of the body, the armor piece of that part will not be attached automatically. Wu Zhongyuan knew this feature for a long time, and he did not remove the length of the bow and arrow when wearing it. Sword, let the other parts of the armor be attached first, then move the bow and long sword, and hang the remaining armor on the body.

Putting on the blue dragon armor, the third master couldn’t fly him, and he couldn’t get rid of him by tossing and turning, and diving and diving. It didn’t take long for Wu Zhongyuan to grab him like a chicken.

The person who speaks human language is not necessarily a human being. The third master speaks fluently, but it is just a bird. After being held by Wu Zhongyuan, he is nervous and panicked. barking.

The mind of the third master is much more complicated than that of Dasha and Huangmaer, but the time it takes to subdue it is shorter than that of Dasha and Huangmaer. The reason is that he has become a purple qi, and his consciousness and thoughts have changed very much. is powerful.

After the spiritual consciousness is connected, Wu Zhongyuan can perceive the emotions of the third master. There is no complete spiritual communication between the master and the squires. He can only perceive the emotions of the squires, and the emotions are very vague and general. The third master’s emotions are full of strong stubbornness and arrogance, and there is a lot of resentment. Naturally, this resentment is not born because he was surrendered. You must know that once the seven orifices are used, the squire will be absolutely loyal to the master. , the third master’s grievance is already there, it may be that he has been bullied before, and his heart is full of fire.

The temperament of the third master is difficult to describe precisely, but the overall impression to him is that he is a bit like a crow, which is not a good thing.

“Let’s see if you dare to scold me in the future.” Wu Zhongyuan let go of it.

The third master was still in shock, didn’t answer the call, screamed in surprise, and flew away in a hurry.

Wu Zhongyuan just wanted to send his mind to call it back, but at a glance he found that many people in the northeast were quickly entering the canyon.

After pondering for a while, I decided to go back to the canyon first. The third master has been subdued by him, and there will be time to communicate and run in the future.

Thinking of this, he controlled the blue dragon armor to turn around and turned back, and when he got close to the canyon, the scene on the beach made him frown suddenly. He had not heard it wrong before. Under one year old, he was tied on his back by a young man, and the young man was surrounded by the group of people later…

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