Origin Chapter 329: In prison

The other side sealed the jade pillow, Dazhui, and Mingmen three acupoints behind him. These three acupoints belong to the Du meridian. The acupoints are sealed, and the limbs are stiff and paralyzed. According to the strength of the other party’s sealing hole, it can be judged that the person sealing the hole is Jushan Lavender.

Although his limbs were stiff and paralyzed, his consciousness was not affected. When he realized that the acupoint was blocked, Wu Zhongyuan immediately sent Huang Maoer to come to help.

Because the distance was only a few dozen feet, Huang Mao’er arrived in an instant, driving him into the air before the other party made any further moves, temporarily alleviating Wu Zhongyuan’s urgent need.

“Father, take the sword.” A woman’s voice came from the air.

The voice came from above Wu Zhongyuan, and the person who made the voice was undoubtedly the one who attacked from behind. Since Li Tai is called by his father, it is naturally Li Tai’s daughter, a nobleman of the bird clan.

After this person said that, an unsheathed long sword flew straight towards Li Tai, looking closely, that long sword was the Luanfeng sword that Jiang Nan used before.

Seeing this situation, Wu Zhongyuan secretly said that it is not good. The Luan Feng sword is a psychic magic weapon that cuts iron like mud.

In desperation, he hurriedly sent his thoughts to Dasha, ordering him to abandon Li Tai and others immediately and retreat to the western jungle.

Li Tai took the Luan Feng sword in his hand, pulled the sword out of its sheath, turned around in the air, and chased after Dasha. “

The two were ordered and swept east.

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan standing still, Huang Maoer was already very anxious, but when he saw another enemy approaching, he became more and more anxious. In a hurry, he bowed back, ran from a few meters away to help, jumped up, stepped on Wu Zhongyuan’s head twice Leverage, jump high.

Wu Zhongyuan couldn’t move, so he didn’t know if Huang Mao’er succeeded, but there was a woman’s exclamation from above, followed by the sound of falling to the ground, which showed that Huang Mao’er’s attack was effective and injured this person.

Dasha’s movement speed from the land is not slow, and he quickly broke through the city wall and went out of the city, but Li Tai had a Taixuan cultivation base, and he caught up with it after two flyovers. Taking advantage of the force three times, he jumped up and held the hilt of the sword with both hands, trying to penetrate the head of Dasha.

At this moment, the exclamation of the sneak attack passed, and Li Tai turned back eagerly when he heard his daughter’s cry.

Although Wu Zhongyuan couldn’t move, he could clearly see Dasha’s situation. He thought that Dasha would surely die, but Li Tai suddenly turned around at a critical moment.

Perceiving Wu Zhongyuan’s order, Dasha immediately obeyed, but Li Tai’s long sword penetrated too fast, it couldn’t completely avoid it, and the Luanfeng sword broke through the carapace and inserted it into its left neck.

Because of too much strength, the long sword was dead at the root.

Wu Zhongyuan is in psychic connection with Dasha at this time, he can feel its severe pain, and when his life is threatened, he instinctively wants to breathe poisonous mist, but because he had previously strictly ordered not to do so without his permission. The anxiety and helplessness of quasi-spitting poisonous mist.

Aware of what Dasha was thinking, Wu Zhongyuan immediately lifted the ban. Dasha felt it, turned his head sharply, and opened his mouth to spray a large amount of poisonous mist.

Hearing his daughter’s cry, Li Tai was eager to come back and check. Just when he was about to pull out the Luanfeng sword, Dasha started to turn around. At this time, he still didn’t let go, until he found a large area of ​​poisonous fog spreading out. Release the Luanfeng sword, raise his sleeves to cover his nose, and dodge in the air.

This is Dasha’s only chance to escape. Wu Zhongyuan sent another thought and ordered Dasha to rush to the western jungle.

Li Tai was in the air, anxious about things, and found that Huang Mao’er was near his daughter, and the two Taixuan masters of his own failed to rescue him in time.

Wu Zhongyuan thought that he could not escape, but calmed down instead, sent his thoughts to Huang Mao’er, ordering him to tear off the waist pouch on his waist, put it in his mouth and wrap it around his head.

At this time, the two masters of Taixuan from the Bird Clan had already rushed to the front. One of them put both hands together to seal Wu Zhongyuan’s large acupuncture points all over his body, and the other helped the young woman who fell to the ground and sent out aura to wake her up.

Before Li Tai arrived, the young woman had already woken up. She was sure that her daughter was okay. Li Tai breathed a sigh of relief and was anxious about things. At this time, Dasha had already rushed to the edge of the dense forest in the west, while Huang Maoer had not yet run out. Outside the city, Luan Fengjian was stuck in Dasha’s neck and never pulled out, while Huang Maoer held Wu Zhongyuan’s waist pouch in his mouth. If it wasn’t something very important, Wu Zhongyuan would never let Huang Maoer take it away.

After a short and urgent thought, Li Tai swept eastward, “Li An, you go after that black bug.”

The man with the stick agreed, turned and flew west to chase.

Wu Zhongyuan was blocked in more than a dozen acupuncture points. Not only could he not move, but he could not even maintain his basic balance. He swayed a few times and fell on his back.

After the fall, I could clearly see the appearance of the young woman who attacked me. This person is about twenty-three or four years old. She looks a bit like Li Wanzi, but there is no Li Wanzi between her eyebrows. The heroic spirit who has experienced hundreds of battles may be because he has never experienced a war before, or it may be because he has suffered an electric shock.

At this moment, Li Tai’s voice came from the east, “Li Ding, knock him out.”

Wu Zhongyuan didn’t know the name of the master Taixuan who used the spear, but he guessed that Li Tai was shouting at this person. Li Tai’s intention was also obvious. Although he could not move, he had been controlling Dasha and Huang Mao’er. After knocking him out, the possibility of stopping Huang Mao’er and Dasha will increase.

There wasn’t much time for him to think. Before the opponent made a move, Wu Zhongyuan gave Dasha the final order. After going to the woods, he dug a hole and dived into the ground. After 20 miles from the ground, he broke through the ground and flew back. Gushan.

At the same time that Li Ding kicked the door with his right foot, he sent his thoughts to Huang Maoer, got rid of Li Tai and went to meet the old blind man and the second child.

Without the soul stone protection body, Li Ding’s vigorous kicks and kicks were nowhere to be tolerated. His eyes darkened and he fainted.

I don’t know how long it has been, but I have no idea at all. I can’t tell whether I woke up with pain or only felt pain after waking up.

Before he could open his eyes, someone noticed that he was waking up, “He’s waking up.”

Wu Zhongyuan was a little confused at this time, and he couldn’t tell who was speaking, only the voice of a man.

Since the other party has found that he is awake, there is no need to pretend to be dizzy. Wu Zhongyuan tried his best to open his eyes. The first thing he saw was the light of the brazier. Then he found that he was sitting on the ground with his hands behind his back. The thick iron chain was tied to something, and finally realized that there was a metal object buckled on his head, he shook his head from side to side, looking at the edge of the object, it should be something like a helmet.

This should be a stone chamber where metal is smelted. There are many metallurgical utensils around. The air is foul and sultry. There are three people in the stone chamber. It is Li Tai and his right-hand man.

Maybe there were other people in the stone room, but Wu Zhongyuan was **** and could not see the situation behind him, only Li Tai and others standing in front of him.

While looking up at Li Tai and others, Wu Zhongyuan tried to establish a connection with Dasha, but the existence of Dasha was completely invisible to him when his mind sent him. God, why can’t I sense Dasha, is it badly wounded?

I tried my best to stabilize my mind, and then I tried to establish a connection with Huang Mao’er. It was the same way.

By this time, Wu Zhongyuan calmed down instead. Dasha had been seriously injured before, and it was possible to die, but Huangmaoer moved very fast and was small. After entering the woods, Li Tai had a hard time finding it. He should be able to escape calmly, he couldn’t sense them because something blocked the transmission of his thoughts.

Because I can’t move, I don’t know what’s on my head. Maybe it’s an iron helmet. The iron block blocks yin and yang, and it can also block the transmission of ideas. You must know that Qinglongjia was trapped in an iron coffin before. of.

Li Tai has been looking at Wu Zhongyuan. Wu Zhongyuan knew that Li Tai was looking at him but ignored him, and didn’t even look at him. Although he was captured by the bird clan, he was not panicked, because he had already After making sufficient psychological preparations, the difference in strength between the two sides is too great. It was expected that he was captured, and it was a miracle that he escaped from birth.

The current situation is actually not the worst outcome. Jiang Nan retreated completely without any casualties on his side, and neither the Soul Soul Stone nor the Iron Tree fell into the hands of the Bird Clan. At this time, the only thing he was worried about was Dasha, he didn’t know much about Dasha’s body structure, and he didn’t know whether Li Tai’s sword would hurt Dasha’s life.

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan looking left and right, but not looking at himself, Li Tai was very annoyed, “What else do you have to say?”

Wu Zhongyuan squinted with contempt, “What tone are you using? You arrested Jiang Nan with despicable means and forced me to show up, and gathered the power of the whole family to besiege me, a junior with only Dongxuan cultivation, how shameless do you want to be? The whole army is wiped out, and you have the nerve to call yourself the winner?”

Hearing Wu Zhongyuan’s cynicism, Li Tai’s face became very ugly, “You are so eloquent, you are in prison and don’t know it yet?”

“I know you’ve caught me, but do you dare to kill me?” Wu Zhongyuan said with disdain, “Don’t worry about it, no matter what method you use, I won’t call the Qinglongjia, as long as you can I won’t die without the blue dragon armor.”

“I’ll make your life worse than death.” Li Tai’s face was hideous.

Hearing Li Tai’s words, Wu Zhongyuan rushed to the bullfighting and scolded, “You are not as good as a pig and a dog, are you still a human being, you are my uncle, they say one uncle and half father, my parents both died, No relatives, even if you don’t help me, you shouldn’t hurt me, just because I got the blue dragon armor, you treat me like this, you wait for me, this time you kill me, you want to let me live out…”

Before Wu Zhongyuan finished speaking, Li Ding walked over and slapped him with a backhand, “I’m not ashamed.”

This slap was so powerful that Wu Zhongyuan slapped him with blood from his nose and mouth.

“Humph,” Wu Zhongyuan laughed angrily, “We fought each other to secure our destiny, but when my acupuncture point was blocked and I couldn’t fight back, you hurt me, I will definitely avenge Xuehen, this slap you have already done. If you lose your life, if you dare to hit me again, I will kill your son, and if you hit me, I will kill your whole family.”

Wu Zhongyuan gritted his teeth. Although Li Ding was annoyed, he didn’t dare to hit him again. Wu Zhongyuan’s expression and tone showed that he could do it.

Wu Zhongyuan looked cold all over, but Li Ding could only pretend to be dismissive, snorted coldly, and turned back.

Li Tai was previously scolded by Wu Zhongyuan for a **** head, both angry and ashamed, after glancing at Wu Zhongyuan, he turned his hands behind his back, turned and walked towards the door, “I won’t kill you, and I won’t use torture, but I won’t either. Let you go.”

Li An and Li Ding didn’t know, so they quickly followed Li Tai, “Da Li?”

“Lock him up for a few years before…”

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