Origin Chapter 204: Jiuyang

Hearing the sound of horse hooves, Wu Zhongyuan immediately hid behind the tree. He was afraid of being discovered by someone coming, so he didn’t dare to peep out. It must be known that anyone who can travel at night must be able to see things at night.

A few moments later, several fast horses came galloping from the east. By this time, he was sure that the other party was not coming for him, because the rider of the horse had been talking, and the content of the conversation seemed to be related to the one with the blood of Jiuyin. Wu Di is concerned.

A total of four horses came from the east. When the horses passed by, Wu Zhongyuan came out and looked at the backs of the people. These four were high-level warriors wearing purple cloaks. You should have seen these people from the square.

In their previous conversations, the four of them used to invite each other. Judging from the tone of their speech, they should all be the lords of Dagaki Castle who returned to the city after watching the ceremony.

The four were talking about Wu Di at this time, as if they were criticizing Wu Di for being too stubborn, refusing to stay in the capital, and insisting on returning to Daze.

When they were close to the camp where everyone was sleeping, the four stopped talking and rode their horses away.

Waited for a while, but Wu Qin didn’t show up to meet him. Wu Zhongyuan picked up some firewood and returned to the camp. At this time, the fellow warriors were sitting around the fire, eating dry food and discussing each other with great interest. Elective martial arts skills.

Because Wu Zhongyuan had “fighted” with them and was injured, and Wu Zhongyuan was not of pure Yang blood like them, everyone’s hostility to him was greatly reduced, and they all asked him why he chose the fire dragon infuriating that no one has ever trained. , and asked him if he couldn’t practice, wouldn’t he have no kung fu in the future.

Wu Zhongyuan only said that he is not arrogant, but that he is good at using bows and arrows.

The crowd asked him what if the bow and arrow were of no use in close combat with the enemy?

“I can run, anyway, I run fast, they can’t catch me.” Wu Zhongyuan laughed.

The crowd laughed and felt close.

Wu Di soon became the topic of discussion, and there was a lot of discussion. First, they talked about the height that the Jiuyin bloodline might reach in the future, and then said Wu Di’s appearance and figure. Many of them could see that Wu Ao was interested in marrying Wu Di. Di, then kindly reminded them not to have unreasonable thoughts.

Everyone was very depressed when they heard this. Since Wu Ao had this idea, they naturally dared not go beyond it, but everyone has jealousy, and then they started to discuss why the nine yin appeared but the nine yang was not seen, and they said that if it would happen again in the future A Jiuyang wizard appeared, and Jiuyin was married by Wu Ao, fearing that there would be a change and an accident.

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, but “Cao Cao” didn’t come from the ground, but flew in the sky. A huge egret carried a purple witch and Wu Di from the night sky and went west.

“That egret is the mount of Wizard Lan Qing.” Someone said.

“Isn’t that Wu Di?” Someone recognized her.

“Where is Wizard Lan Qing taking her?” Someone wondered.

“Back to Daze.” Wu Zhongyuan said.

When everyone heard the words, they turned to look at him. Wu Zhongyuan said, “I went to the forest to pick up firewood first, and listened to the words of several Yuancheng city lords riding their horses. Among them, Wu Di was mentioned, as if Wu Di did not want to stay in the capital. , I have to go back to Daze.”

“Why doesn’t she want to stay in the capital?” Some people wondered.

A self-righteous person answered, “It’s a question, of course I don’t want to stay away from my family.”

Some jealous people interjected, “It’s not necessarily true, she doesn’t like Da Wu, and she has the intention to keep a distance.”

Someone who has thought about everything said, “The fact that she is of the Jiuyin bloodline will soon be known to the world. If the Niu Clan and the Bird Clan learn about this, they will try to harm her, and her cultivation base is inferior. , and unable to protect himself, it is not wise to return to Daze.”

“It makes sense,” someone said, “Everyone in the capital must also have this concern, so they sent Wizard Lan Qing to accompany him to protect.”

After that, everyone’s mood improved a lot. It was limited to male warriors. Wu Di did not stay in the capital but returned to Daze. Daze is just east of Daqiu. There is still a chance to meet in the future. The opportunity to meet, there is the possibility of a story.

At the second watch, everyone was sleepy and went to the forest to relieve themselves and prepare to rest.

Wu Zhongyuan thought he would never see Wu Qin, but when he untied his waist rope, he found that Wu Qin appeared from a distance. The top of the hill.

Wu Zhongyuan understood, nodded in response, and Wu Qin disappeared.

There were so many people that they couldn’t sleep around the fire. There was always someone who wanted to find another place to sleep. Wu Zhongyuan took the opportunity to stay out of the group, hide his figure, and head towards the east peak.

At first, I walked, but I stayed far away. I ran instead. After more than ten minutes, I got to my destination. Wu Qin and another person were already waiting there.

The man standing beside Wu Qin was also wearing plain clothes. He was about the same age as Wu Qin, tall and thin, with a handsome face.

Wu Qin pointed at Wu Zhongyuan and said to the middle-aged man, “It’s him.” After that, he pointed at the middle-aged man and said, “Wu Huan lives in the mountains.”

Wu Zhongyuan stepped forward to greet him, the other party raised his hand, and asked in a deep voice, “You deliberately caused trouble to hide your appearance?”

Wu Zhongyuan nodded nervously, “Is it self-defeating?”

Wu Huan waved his hand, “That’s not true, they didn’t doubt it.”

Wu Qin said by the side, “You must not stay for a long time, try it earlier, and go back earlier.”

After Wu Huan nodded, he extended his left hand to Wu Zhongyuan. Wu Zhongyuan knew what the other party was going to do, and immediately reached out to meet him.

Wu Huan’s examination was not of his five elements, but of perception of things other than the five elements. After closing his eyes for dozens of seconds, Wu Huan retracted his palm.

“How?” Wu Qin asked.

“It must have been true that he never tried it,” Wu Huan said with a frown. “His aura is indeed different from mine, but only a wizard who is familiar with royal auras can tell the difference because he has in his body. Royal blood, or just because he is a foreigner.”

After hearing Wu Huan say this, Wu Zhongyuan only understood the purpose of Wu Huan’s trip. Wu Qin invited Wu Huan to come over, mainly to determine whether the other party really did not test whether he was of royal blood, or whether he had already tested it. But pretended not to know.

Hearing Wu Huan’s words, Wu Qin breathed a sigh of relief, but he still had concerns, “If Wu Yan has spiritual contact with Da Wu in the future, can he recall this matter?”

Wu Huan nodded slowly, “Yes, we will not forget the strange feeling of aura.”

Seeing Wu Qin’s concern, Wu Huan added, “Unless there is contact with spiritual energy, only physical contact will not reveal abnormalities.”

After nodding, Wu Qin took out the ox dragon mace from the wooden stick used as a pole, “You said it well, this ox dragon mace really has hidden secrets.”

Wu Huan raised his hand and motioned to Wu Qin to talk later, and then asked Wu Zhongyuan, “Have you ever cheated on the blood gas test?”

Wu Zhongyuan didn’t answer right away. It wasn’t because he didn’t understand what the other party asked, but he wasn’t sure if he deliberately picked his nostrils and ears and got his fingers dirty before the test could really achieve the purpose of contaminating the blood.

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan’s hesitation, Wu Huan didn’t ask any further questions. He took something out of his waist pouch and said, “reach out.”

Wu Zhongyuan took a closer look and saw that Wu Huan was holding the spine used for blood tests during the day.

Wu Zhongyuan stretched out his hand, Wu Huan took out the silver needle, pierced his finger and dripped blood.

If it is not pure yang or pure yin blood, the blood that drips on the bones will flow down, and the blood will flow down during the day’s test, but this time the blood drips into the spine.

If it can penetrate, it means that it is pure yang.

Not only him, Wu Qin and Wu Huan also discovered this, frowning at each other, staring down, holding their breaths and waiting.

Soon, the spine changed color, the complexion of the two changed greatly, deep purple and nine suns.

Although Wu Zhongyuan was surprised, he was not very surprised, because in modern times, Master once told him a similar story, but all spiritual things are afraid of filth, just like some magic tools and talismans, if they are stained If the filth is placed on it, it will fail. Since this spine can test the blood and energy, it must have spirituality, and the drop of blood mixed with the filth will definitely be rejected by it.

Wu Qin and Wu Huan were much more surprised than he was. They were stunned for more than ten seconds before Wu Huan regained his senses and put away the spine.

“Does Uncle Ji know about this?” Wu Huan looked at Wu Qin.

Wu Qin shook his head, “It’s a big deal, and knowing it will lead to disasters. If it wasn’t for you to cover up this time, I wouldn’t even tell you.”

Wu Huan nodded slowly, “Don’t say you know with Uncle Ji, the less insiders, the better.”

Wu Qin nodded.

Wu Zhongyuan knew who Uncle Ji was in the duo. He had met this person before. On the morning of the day he rescued Wu Chen, this person went to A Tong’s residence to find Wu Qin. Uncle Ji was in his fifties. For Ziqi Dongyuan, he should be the leader of Wu Qin’s faction.

Wu Huan turned his head to look at Wu Zhongyuan, looked straight at him for a long time, and said with a sigh, “We didn’t expect to find you, and we didn’t expect you to come back.”

Wu Zhongyuan didn’t know how to answer, so he could only smile.

Seeing the bitterness on Wu Zhongyuan’s face, Wu Huan sighed again, “Fortune is messing with people, I can’t live with you anymore.”

“Your words are serious.” Wu Zhongyuan shook his head.

“The overall situation has been set, live a good life, and don’t be arrogant.” Wu Huan said.

Wu Zhongyuan did not answer or nod.

“Let’s talk about this later,” Wu Qin interrupted the conversation between the two and asked Wu Huan, “How do you know that there is a golden book hidden in this trump card?”

“The news comes from the bird clan.” Wu Huan stretched out his hand and pointed east, “Li Wanzi was very respectful to the dragon beast entrenched in Dongguan. After she got the Yanfeng bow, the dragon beast might have told her something. , we rarely know the details, but the news has been leaked, and the world’s pursuit of psychic soldiers will be more intense in the future, you must be more careful and always be careful.”

After Wu Qin nodded, he twisted the handle at the end of the ox dragon mace with both hands, separated the handle with force in the opposite direction, took out a piece of yellow bamboo stick-like thing and handed it to Wu Huan, “It’s this thing, look at it. “

Wu Huan glanced at Wu Zhongyuan, reached out to take it, held it in the palm of his hand, and looked closely.

“There are dozens of inscriptions on the inscription, which are jerky and esoteric. I have been thinking hard for a long time, but I can’t understand the meaning.” Wu Qin said.

“It’s like practicing qi and mind, and it’s like the key to a formation, and it’s also a bit like divination,” Wu Huan frowned and shook his head, “Mysterious spirits are ethereal, and you can’t deduce and comprehend them before and after they’re not connected.”

Wu Huan said and returned the piece of golden slip to Wu Qin.

Although Wu Huan had been avoiding Wu Zhongyuan when he read the golden slip, Wu Zhongyuan still saw the true face of the golden slip. What he saw was not the text on the slip, but the size and shape of the slip.

“I have tried it, and the golden book is taken out, and the trump card is no longer magical.” Wu Qin integrated the trump card.

Wu Huan said in a serious tone, “The golden book is the source of magic, the originator of martial arts, and all the magic and martial arts of the three clans are derived from it. Good life collection, do not lose it and leak it.”

After Wu Huan finished speaking, Wu Zhongyuan asked, “Sir, can I take a look?”

Hearing Wu Zhongyuan’s words, Wu Huan’s brows furrowed, and Wu Qin also seemed a little stunned. The two of them didn’t shy away from talking. He already trusted him, but now he actually asked to read the words on the golden slip.

“You go back, Wu Qinjushan and I still have something to say.” Wu Huanchong said to Wu Zhongyuan.

Wu Zhongyuan nodded, thanked him, and turned to leave.

Actually, he already knew what was hidden in the ox dragon mace. He had seen the golden slips inside, but it was not a single piece of golden book, but a series of celestial script books, not only seeing However, he recited all the words above.

When he made a request, he actually wanted to give it. The script in Tianzhuan was unusual. If the two of them allowed him to read it, they would trust him without reservation, and if they reciprocated, he should also inform the two of the complete scripture in Tianzhuan.

And vice versa.

Because everything is mutual, including trust…

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