Origin Chapter 191: Inadvertently

Wu Zhongyuan didn’t expect that this gray wolf could not only talk, but also scolded people. Being scolded is not a pleasant thing, but after thinking about it carefully, he was rude, and he couldn’t blame others for being angry, so he had to laugh Twice, embarrassed and left.

Not too far away, I met another person who was not human, but this person who was not a person was not a seller, but a cargo. A creature half human and half fish was lying on a straw mat woven by rushes. This thing is related to the legend The mermaid in the middle is very similar, the lower body is the tail of a fish, the upper body is the body of a human, the arms are slightly longer than human arms, and also have five fingers, but the nails are very sharp, not flat, somewhat similar to the claws of an eagle.

This mermaid is about 1.5 meters long and looks like a little boy. It should be a male, with red hair and a childish face. It is still in its infancy.

The seller, dressed in a hood and a hat, sat cross-legged, holding a rope in his hand, the other end of which was tied around the male merman’s neck.

Next to the seller is a wooden bucket with half a bucket of water and a scoop floating on it.

Wu Zhongyuan walked directly in front of the seller and tilted his head to look at him, but the seller lowered his head and his face was covered by a bamboo hat.

As he tilted his head to look at it, he heard the seller snoring. As soon as he heard the snoring, Wu Zhongyuan knew that the seller was not a human, because it is impossible for human beings to have such a long breath, and people snored with snoring. Inhale, but it is only exhalation, and it lasts for a long time, it has been playing for more than a minute, and it continues.

Mermaid is a modern term. This creature was called a merman at this time. This young merman was injured, and the scales on his body were missing a lot. Only the slight ups and downs of the chest and abdomen indicate that it is still alive.

Seeing that the merman was very dry and the bucket was within reach, Wu Zhongyuan had the will to do good things, but he was afraid that the seller would blame him for being troublesome, so he hesitated and coughed twice, “What does this merman want to change? “

The seller was still snoring. Wu Zhongyuan asked again. The seller still didn’t respond. Instead, the merman tried his best to open his eyes and looked up at him.

The eye structure of sharks is different from that of humans. There is a transparent film inside the eyelids. The function of this film should be used to open the eyes to see things underwater. This film is not used on land. When the eyes are opened, the eyelids are lifted first, and the membrane inside is lifted later, as if the eyes have been opened twice.

The eyes of this little merman are very empty, there is no hope for help, and there is no misery in a foreign country, only blank and dazed.

Seeing that the seller was asleep, Wu Zhongyuan bravely scooped up some water and poured it on the mermaid, and took a piece of dried meat with it from his bag.

The seller didn’t wake up, but a one-legged man not far away shouted, “Don’t worry about anything, if you die, I’m afraid it will depend on you.”

Hearing the shouting, Wu Zhongyuan hurriedly led the horse away, and the little merman grabbed the dried meat in his hand and looked back at him.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Wu Zhongyuan went to the west street to find a place to stay. There are many inns on the westmost street. He found a place with stables to live in. The rooms here are very expensive. The caged chickens could not pay for the room, so they could only pay the sheep to others, and the store owner was fair, only that there was a surplus, and they sent a pot of wine.

Wu Zhongyuan took the horses to the stables, tied them up, fed them with fodder, and then moved the horse’s back to the room.

In today’s terms, this room is considered a suite. The outhouse has a stone-built pool with hot spring water in it, and the water is flowing. The back room is the place to sleep, the bedding is very clean, and the room is very warm due to the geothermal heat of the hot spring.

Wu Zhongyuan was so sleepy that he wanted to lie down and sleep, but he couldn’t sleep. When Wu Dalie left, he asked him to play in the casino. He had no interest in gambling, but he had to go because the inn would not let him Chickens are brought in, rattling, which will affect the rest of other guests, and the smell is not good.

The casino is on the second street in the east. It was already dark at this time. When I went to the casino, I could vaguely see the light of torches in the mountains in the southeast. The area where the light was should be Badaoling. No one came back, which means that the psychic weapon has not been found yet, or it may have been found long ago, but the person who found it will definitely slip away quietly, and will never shout and show off.

The street next to the inn is the red light district, but when I walked through the street, I didn’t see any women soliciting customers from outside, and there were no people in the town. In such a cold day, they didn’t need to run out to meet freeze.

There are flags and pictograms painted on the outside of the casino. Only these chickens can’t go to those high-end casinos. They can only bet on rice grains and salt.

Wu Zhongyuan chose to bet on salt. There are five chickens in the cage, all of them female. At this time, the hens are more valuable than the roosters, because the hens can lay eggs.

Salt is stored in bamboo tubes, which are divided into large, medium and small, five small and one medium, five medium and one large, and five hens are replaced by three small bamboo tubes.

Everyone wants to save face, worried that one bet one by one will be looked down upon by the banker, Wu Zhongyuan directly went all-in, shook the cup, and the three dice were one, two, and three.

Seeing a 1, 2, 3 shake out, Wu Zhongyuan’s heart froze. This is a comparison of size, not a golden flower. There are six points in total, and he is dead.

The other party lifted up, one two one, Wu Zhongyuan restrained himself from laughing, the other party was walking straight, one two one came out.

Small gambling, laugh it off, come again.

It’s still all-in, and it can’t be worse than one, two, three, and three, three, four.

The other party lifts the cup, two, three, four.

Winning narrowly, Wu Zhongyuan has two medium-sized bamboo tubes and two small bamboo tubes in his hand.

At this point, he began to hesitate, and now he is faced with three choices, one is to quit, the other is to reduce the bet, and the third is to go all-in.

After hesitating, he still chose to go all-in. The reason for doing so was not out of greed, but to prevent himself from having a fluke mentality of getting something for nothing. If he stopped at this time, he would lock in the profit. The benefits of this will make a person question the hard work and efforts of pedal strength, and try to opportunistically, must not develop this problem.

Lifting the cup, it is still my own size, and the bamboo tube filled with salt is four middle and four small.

In the next round, Wu Zhongyuan only bet a small bamboo tube. As long as he wins, he can collect a large bamboo tube, and then he will stop.

The result is a tie, and the tie means the dealer wins, which is also the way for the casino to make money.

Four middle and three small, all-in, anyway, it is a windfall, it is not his own, even if he loses, it is just returned to others.

In the end, he didn’t lose.

If it was someone else, he should have stopped at this time, but Wu Zhongyuan still didn’t stop. Gambling is not a good thing. It’s not good to lose a bet, and it’s even worse to win a bet. Getting something for nothing is not the right way!

Go ahead, bet two hits, and fail miserably.

Stop playing, the big bamboo tube is carried on the back, the medium-sized bamboo tube is carried, and the small bamboo tube has no straps, so I hold it in my hand.

Although he lost the last game and lost two medium-sized bamboo tubes, Wu Zhongyuan was in a very good mood. No one could maximize their profits. It was impossible to return the pellets to the warehouse after working hard. The essence of a person’s pursuit of profit maximization is greed and calculation, and this person will never feel happy. As everyone knows, as long as you gain more than you lose, it is already a successful life.

In addition, while paying attention to gains and losses, you should also take them lightly. These salts are not your own, and if you lose, you just give them back to others. After all, you have won a lot of others.

The reason why people in the world feel pain is often because they regard other people’s or unowned things as their own, and want to take all of them, but they forget that no matter how much they get, they actually earn extra.

Everyone here knows what’s in the bamboo tube. Seeing him carrying it on his back and carrying it on his back is so greedy, his eyes are wrong. As the saying goes, what is rare is precious. At this time, salt is scarce, and salt is everything Mother, food only tastes with salt, and people who don’t eat salt will have no energy, and if it is more serious, they will get sick and even die. He even carries dozens of pounds of such a good thing on his body, so people don’t get jealous. Strange.

Wu Zhongyuan wanted to go back to the inn when he noticed the strange eyes of passers-by, but Wu Dalie told him to wait here.

But this time, he didn’t try his luck in the past, but changed things in the past. Since this casino is a gambling elixir, it naturally has a reserve of elixir. He wants to change a red qi elixir, Help yourself to become a high-flying prosperous as soon as possible.

Salt is a good thing, but medicine pills are even more good things. Blue and purple medicine pills cannot be exchanged for salt. Although red medicine pills are not rare, they also cost him a big pot of salt. He didn’t understand the market, he was worried that others would cheat on him, and he bargained for a price. In the end, they gave him a pale red elixir, and he agreed.

Actually, he is already a cave god, and it is useless to ask for this medicine pill, but he can take it back to A Luo.

Wu Dalie was right in what he said earlier. After dark, there were more people changing easily on the easternmost street. Not everyone dared to go to Badaoling to find psychic soldiers and do business in a down-to-earth way. There are still people.

Wu Zhongyuan had nothing to do, so he returned to the street to the east. He now has something that can be easily exchanged, and if he encounters something he wants, he can also exchange it.

As soon as he arrived on the street, he heard someone greet him, and he looked at the sound. It was the man in the scorpion. Before this man had his head down, he didn’t see what this man looked like, but this time he saw it clearly, it was a An old man of about fifty years old, with long thief eyebrows and rattling eyes.

It may be that after waking up and hearing people around him say that he had stayed here, the old man called him over when he saw him, and wanted to replace the merman with him.

Wu Zhongyuan waved at the old man, indicating that he was not interested in the merman.

The old man only said that the merman is a good thing. It is washed, peeled and dried to make shark wax, which can be ignited for lighting.

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan’s hesitation, the old man said that he was kind and kind. Even if he didn’t use the merman to make wax, it would be good if he bought it and released it, and it was not expensive. He only needed a medium-sized can of salt.

Wu Zhongyuan softened, “It’s very weak, I’m afraid it won’t survive.”

“I can, I can, just leave the water for a long time, just enter the water.” The old man said.

“There is no river around here, where to put it?” Wu Zhongyuan was worried.

“Yes, yes, there is a river not far from the south, extending in all directions, it can go wherever it wants to go.” The old man said again.

“Can you speak?” Wu Zhongyuan asked the merman.

The merman didn’t answer, but the old man answered, “Yes, yes, it’s just the merman language, you don’t understand.”

Seeing that Wu Zhongyuan was still hesitating, the old man stood up and walked over to take the bamboo tube he was holding in his hand, “Release is the accumulation of virtue, let’s go.”

“Then it’s not immoral for you to catch it?” Wu Zhongyuan looked up and down the old man. This guy has short hands and short legs, and he walks swayingly. He is either a turtle or a bastard.

The old man took a bowl of salt in his hand, stopped talking to him, and swayed to the west street.

“Good old turtle, take it easy, don’t kill anyone else.” Someone nearby laughed and scolded.

Wu Zhongyuan thought this turtle spirit was drinking, but he didn’t expect this guy to go to find flowers and ask willows.

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan turn around and look back, someone came over and said, “It’s dark and the road is slippery, and you don’t know the way. I’ll help you send it to the release.”

Wu Zhongyuan glanced at the man, rolled the merman with a straw mat, held it with both hands, and walked south.

The man didn’t find anything cheap, so he took away the wooden barrel left by the old turtle.

The old turtle didn’t lie, there really is a river in the south of the town. When Wu Zhongyuan reached the river, Wu Zhongyuan put down the straw mat, and the merman saw the water, his spirits were lifted, he jumped and threw himself into the water.

The merman knew that Wu Zhongyuan rescued him, and after entering the water, he stuck his head out of the water and looked at Wu Zhongyuan.

Wu Zhongyuan waved at him, “Let’s go, go home.”

The merman said something.

The merman’s voice is somewhat similar to the dolphin’s call. Wu Zhongyuan couldn’t understand it. He smiled and waved his hand again, “Be careful, don’t be caught by the bad guys again.”

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan wave his hand, the merman also raised his hand and waved at him, then turned back into the water, breaking the waves from the water to the east.

People are different. There are good people and bad people. When a person does not know whether he is a good person or a bad person, he might as well do a good deed and see if he is in a good mood. If so, then You are a good person. If you do something bad and feel excited and in a good mood, then you are a bad person.

Although human nature is complex, it is not very complicated. Many times the truth is on the surface, and there are not so many twists and turns and hidden feelings.

Wu Zhongyuan is in a good mood now. The world is so big that the chance of encountering this merman in the future is very small, and he does not expect this merman to repay himself. He is very willing to help the weak, but the weak are not necessarily worth helping. , the premise of helping is that the weak person is innocent and kind, which is the case with the little merman.

Watching the merman leave, Wu Zhongyuan walked to the river and washed his hands, then untied his waist rope and drenched on the bank, tied the waist rope, washed his hands again, and then got up and returned.

After walking far away, I vaguely heard an eager cry from the river, this kind of sound he had heard before, it was the voice of a merman.

At this time, the merman’s voice was fast and high-pitched, and it seemed very urgent.

Hearing the cry of the merman, Wu Zhongyuan immediately turned around and ran to the river, and when he arrived at the bank, he saw the merman who had been released earlier floating on the water, holding a scarlet long sword in his raised right hand. .

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan’s return, the mermaid seemed very happy and said something eagerly. Seeing Wu Zhongyuan’s stunned face, the merman just thought he couldn’t understand his words, and added a movement to his hand, indicating that the long sword he was grabbing was picked up from the bottom of the river downstream.

Wu Zhongyuan was stunned not because he couldn’t understand the words of the merman, but because the merman had eagerly called him back, loudly, and attracted a lot of people who were looking for psychic soldiers from a distance. At this time, this group of people Standing on the other side of the river, while the merman turned his back to them, he never saw it.

Being able to repay Wu Zhongyuan’s life-saving grace, the little shark was very happy and kept talking quickly until someone on the south bank called out ‘Luanfengjian’, and it suddenly became alert, and hurriedly threw the long sword in his hand to Wu Zhongyuan, and got down. Dive away.

Although Wu Zhongyuan took the long sword in his hand, he was secretly complaining. So many people looked at it, this thing is a hot potato…

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