Origin Chapter 173: Spirits

Wu Zhongyuan wanted to shoot the black bull, but he couldn’t find the right time. After the opponent turned into a beast, the power of the bow and arrow was greatly weakened. They were not real beasts, but people who turned into beasts. Beasts are much smarter and know how to protect vital points.

Seeing the other party rushing all the way to the prisoner, Wu Zhongyuan was not anxious, but soon he found that his worries were unnecessary. It must not.

The most pitiful person at this time is Wu Yunxiang. Until now, he is still clinging to the rope desperately, ups and downs in the herd. Before, he was only falling, but now he is not only falling, but also trampled from time to time.

The number of opponents is larger than them, and the disadvantage of his own side is more obvious after incarnation of a beast. At this time, he has also been targeted by the opponent. A gray wolf is chasing him and attacking and biting.

Archers are similar to snipers. They are good at long-range attacks. Once the enemy rushes forward, the advantage of bows and arrows will be lost. Wu Zhongyuan can only perform light work at this time, running and dodging. Observe the battle.

This group of warriors of the Niu tribe does not have masters of purple qi. The highest cultivation base is blue aura. Although there are more people than them, they have no obvious advantage. Obviously, this is an encounter, not an ambush. In the war, the other party also came for the prisoner cow.

At present, his own side has fallen behind. The longer the delay, the heavier the casualties of his own side. Although Wu Dalie has the same spiritual qi cultivation as the blue qi warrior who turned into a black bull, it is difficult for him to defeat the opponent after turning into a beast. .

The thief is the first to capture the king. If you want to turn the tide of the battle, you must try to kill the leader of the opponent.

Thinking of this, I drew an arrow while running, seized the opportunity, and shot the black bull’s eye.

The arrow technique is good, but the aura cultivation is too poor, this arrow was calmly avoided by the black bull.

The black bull found him to be a potential threat, and shouted an order during the conflict. With an order, a leopard abandoned his opponent and charged at him, blocking and chasing the gray wolf behind.

Seeing the enemy attacking from front and back, Wu Zhongyuan complained, and no longer had time to shoot arrows, he could only turn around and dodge with all his strength.

While dodging, he turned his head to look at the prisoner cow. This guy was red with anger and was chasing the beasts that tried to attack it. He didn’t even notice that he was being chased by the enemy, but even if it did, it probably wouldn’t be. I will come to help, because the prisoner’s mind is very simple, and other consciousness other than instinct is not strong.

Thinking of the prisoner’s ox has a simple mind, and suddenly remembered what I wanted to do before. The only thing that can turn the tide of the war is the prisoner. I have to try to control it. The word control is actually not accurate. It does what it wants it to do.

Right now, the gray wolf and leopard incarnated as a bull warrior are chasing him desperately.

I originally wanted to run into the woods and jump on the tree, but suddenly thought that my spiritual power was too poor, and that I was too far away from the prisoner to affect its sanity. Thinking of this, I took two tails to the prisoner. run away.

The beasts that besieged the prisoner cattle have been scattered by the prisoner cattle. At this time, the prisoner cattle are chasing revenge. Wu Yunxiang is also a master who sacrifices his life and wealth. In fact, he already knew that he could not hold the prisoner cattle, but he still died He was holding on to the noose and wouldn’t let go.

After running around the cow, this guy was busy taking revenge on the beasts that attacked it, and didn’t include the gray wolf and leopard in the attack range. It was only during the second lap that he noticed the gray wolf and the leopard. , started attacking them, but it probably didn’t want to protect him by attacking the gray wolf and the leopard, just simply feeling irritable, fucking, circling around Lao Tzu.

When the prisoner cattle started attacking the gray wolf and the leopard, Wu Zhongyuan took the opportunity to run to the woods, the gray wolf and the leopard chased him, the prisoner cattle dragged Wu Yunxiang to chase the gray wolf and the leopard, and the group of beasts that had been dispersed by the prisoner cattle also returned. Meet up and chase the prisoner from behind.

While running, Wu Zhongyuan had already found his target, ran under the tree and jumped up the tree. At this time, the tree was very tall. He stepped on the branches and jumped twice, reaching a height of five or six meters above the ground.

The gray wolf had no choice but to run away. The leopard was going up to the tree, and was about to leap to chase, but the prisoner ox had already caught up and shook its head to fly it.

Wu Zhongyuan finally found the opportunity to take a deep breath and stabilize his mind.

The Prisoner’s Primordial Spirit is extremely powerful. After entering meditation, he immediately perceives its existence. This feeling is difficult to describe in words. Although Prisoner’s Primordial Spirit is powerful, his self-consciousness is not strong. I don’t have enough awareness, but it’s reasonable. After all, it’s just a weapon. If the self-consciousness is too strong, it will not obey the master who uses it.

In modern terms, a prisoner is a fool who has a lot of money and is easy to cheat, but he doesn’t need to cheat, because this fool belongs to his own family, is very close to him, and is willing to listen to him.

However, he had never tried to control wild beasts before, and he had no experience. Fortunately, he was familiar with the methods and techniques of control, such as doing things like magic, crossing rivers by feeling the stones, and trying to influence the consciousness of prisoners.

The prisoner cow responded immediately, but this reaction was not a very tacit reaction, but a puzzled and stunned reaction. The meaning contained in its emotion was roughly “Hey, who is calling me?”

It’s easy to talk about it, and I don’t need to explain too much to it. I immediately sent a consciousness, “I killed that black bull in the past.”

The emotion that came back was, “Black bull? What black bull?”

Wu Zhongyuan looked directly at the black bull not far away, and instructed with his mind, “Just this.”

The prisoner went immediately without any hesitation and without asking why.

Because the U-turn was too fast, the noose was twisted, and Wu Yunxiang was dragged to the tree trunk. He was stunned and finally let go.

At this time, most of the beasts were chasing the prisoner cattle to the south. A gray wolf noticed Wu Yunxiang and wanted to go forward to bite, but Wu Zhongyuan shot him with a bow.

Wu Zhongyuan jumped down from the tree and helped Wu Yunxiang, who was in ragged clothes, “Are you all right?”

“Do you think I’m fine?” Wu Yunxiang’s heart was crying. No matter how hard he tried, he finally let go.

Wu Zhongyuan didn’t even bother to comfort him, so he turned and ran south. He had a strong sense with the prisoner, far more than ten meters, but he couldn’t determine how far he could get in touch, so he had to catch up quickly, but don’t disconnect .

The black bull also found the prisoner bull rushing from a distance. Seeing this, he immediately abandoned his opponent and faced the black bull. While rushing and accelerating, he shouted orders and ordered other beasts to stop Wu Dalie and others.

It can be seen that he wants to be tough, and the prisoner doesn’t plan to be soft. Seeing the two behemoths rushing headlong, everyone guessed that there will be a terrifying violent collision, and they have no intention of fighting with their opponents. , they stepped back and turned their heads to watch.

Not only everyone is nervous, Wu Zhongyuan is also very nervous. There are only two consequences of this collision. If the black bull has the upper hand, the prisoner will show the original shape of the weapon and be captured by it. If the prisoner ox has the upper hand, the black ox has only one fate, and that is death.

In order to increase the odds of winning, Wu Zhongyuan tried to send his thoughts to motivate the prisoner, but after trying it, he found that it was superfluous. The prisoner’s mind was very simple. All out has been exerted.

With a deafening loud noise, the black bull and the prisoner collided head-on. At the moment of the collision, the black bull and the prisoner disappeared at the same time.

Disappearing is just the illusion of everyone. In fact, they did not disappear. The black bull turned into a human body and spit blood upside down, but the blood was not sprayed from its mouth and nose, but from its cavity. The head just hit it off.

And the strong impact also caused fluctuations in the prisoner’s breath and primordial spirit, and then the original weapon appeared. It was an ancient copper mace about three feet long. yellow.

After a brief stupor, everyone reacted almost at the same time, and rushed to the bull ace that had not yet landed.

The body of the beast has been lost, and the self-consciousness of the imprisoned cow has almost disappeared, but the telepathy Wu Zhongyuan established with it has not been completely cut off. Mind, so that it lifts off to dodge.

The Niulongmae is a psychic magic weapon. It can be sensed by the aura of heaven and earth, and it will quickly lift into the sky, and everyone will be thrown into the air.

After the shock, the two sides started fighting again. Since the enemy’s leader had already been killed, the people of the Niu tribe had no intention of fighting again. Seeing that the Niulong mace was hanging in the air, there was no hope of taking it, so they had to look at the sky and sighed and returned. .

After one pass, the bear clan returned to their original places and looked up.

At this time, Niu Longmao’s consciousness is getting weaker and weaker, and there is a possibility of disconnection at any time. Wu Zhongyuan hurriedly sent his thoughts and made it slowly descend from the air.

“Why is this so?” Everyone wondered.

“The magic weapon can’t be possessed by a virtuous person.” Wu Dalie marveled.

At this time, the Niulongmae is still under the control of Wu Zhongyuan. He can instruct the Niulongmae to fall in front of anyone, but he really can’t decide who to give it to, and he doesn’t want it himself. It aroused suspicion and suspicion, and secondly, he didn’t like copper mace very much. He couldn’t figure out the essential difference between this thing and the short stick.

The height of Niu Longmao’s stay is beyond the reach of everyone present, and everyone can only watch it.

“Will it fly away?” Some people worry.

“No, it has spirituality and may be picking an owner.” Someone speculated.

It’s not a problem to hang in the sky like this. If there is a master of Ziqi, it will be finished. Feeling that the connection with Niu Longmao is about to be broken, Wu Zhongyuan issued the final emotional order to him, “Don’t fall in front of me, you can fall in front of whoever pleases your eyes.”

This idea is equivalent to letting the bulls and dragons be free and let them make their own decisions.

After the thought was sent, Niu Longmao flew north. Wu Zhongyuan stared at its trajectory closely. Seeing that it wanted to fly to the bullpen, he hurriedly sent the thought to try to control it, but after sending the thought, he found that the connection had been broken.

The bull trumpet flew straight into the cowshed and landed next to the cow…


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