Origin Chapter 105: Anecdotes

The darkening of the medicinal pill is naturally corroded by the potion, ruined, over, scrapped, gone.

At this moment, Wu Zhongyuan was stunned, racked his brains, exhausted his mind, and finally fell short. The mood at this time can be described as regret.

Before this, Wang Xinran and others were also nervously waiting for the result. Seeing that the agency was triggered, the pill changed color. They knew that the deduction failed and the pill was ruined. In addition to regret, they were worried, worried that Wu Zhongyuan would not be able to withstand such a blow. , worried that he would be angry and mad at the bullfight next.

Wang Xinran came over to comfort him, but did not dare to step forward. Wu Zhongyuan is now like a volcano whose pressure has accumulated to its limit, and any external factors may accelerate its eruption.

The stone room is silent, the depression is palpable, and the dullness is suffocating.

After dozens of seconds, Wu Zhongyuan turned and left the stone platform, walked to the wall and sat down against the wall, sighed deeply, “Fuck.”

Seeing that Wu Zhongyuan only said a **** without adding a prefix or suffix, the three were relieved. This shows that although Wu Zhongyuan was very frustrated, he did not lose control of his anger.

Wang Xinran walked over cautiously, half-squatting to comfort, “It’s my fault, if I don’t superfluous and ask the headquarters for help, you won’t be misled.”

Wu Zhongyuan shook his head, “Your starting point is good, I can’t deny the objective fact that you want to help me just because I didn’t get the medicine pill.”

Seeing what Wu Zhongyuan said, Wang Xinran became more and more worried. At this time, Wu Zhongyuan should not say such calm words. This is the result of his forcible restraint.

“A group of wine bags and rice bags.” Wang Xinran scolded.

Wu Zhongyuan shook his head, “I can’t say that, I made the decision myself, I can’t blame them, their answers are probably correct, but we have overlooked a very important point, that is, whether the answer is correct or not depends on the Zuo Ci has the final say, what he says is right is right, and what is wrong is right.

“You still lack self-confidence,” Wang Xinran said. “If you insist on your own ideas, you will have the pill now.”

“If I choose White Tiger, will you think that my three views are wrong and my mind is dark?” Wu Zhongyuan smiled bitterly.

Wang Xinran didn’t answer. After a few seconds, she suddenly realized, “Those experts and scholars probably think the same as you, but they dare not tell the truth because they are afraid of being attacked and criticized.”

Wu Zhongyuan tilted his head to look at her.

Wang Xinran added, “Their opinions are better rather than better, which shows that they know the evil side of human nature. The reason why they dare not speak the truth is because they are worried that they will be regarded as the truth. The three views are not right.”

Wu Zhongyuan nodded, “Yes, it takes courage to question mainstream cognition. In fact, the evil of human nature is not vicious and sinister, but a primitive instinct to ensure one’s survival.”

Wang Xinran looked puzzled.

“If you were chased by a tiger with someone you didn’t know, would you run faster or slower?” Wu Zhongyuan asked.

“I understand what you mean.” Wang Xinran nodded.

“If you live, you have to eat. If you eat meat and pigs, you will die. If you eat steamed bread and wheat, you will die. If you eat them, you will be evil. But this kind of evil is understandable, because if you don’t eat, you will die.” Wu Zhongyuan said.

“You understood this long ago, and you got the medicine pill.” Wang Xinran sighed.

“I have understood this principle for a long time, but I am not sure if this principle is correct.” Wu Zhongyuan said.

“It’s really a pity.” Wang Xinran looked at the colored glass water tank in the distance. The water in the water tank was not only poisonous, but also possibly corrosive. At this time, the medicinal pill had completely melted away.

“That thing didn’t belong to me in the first place. I was lucky to get it, and it was only natural that I couldn’t get it.” Wu Zhongyuan said.

“If you can think about it, I can rest assured.” Wang Xinran said.

“I can’t **** think about it,” Wu Zhongyuan smiled bitterly, “Don’t you realize that I’ve been comforting myself?”

“Hahaha,” Wang Xinran smiled and pushed Wu Zhongyuan, “Okay, okay, don’t be angry, if you lose it, you will get mulberry, and the rewards in the next few stone chambers should be better than the ones here. Work hard and get those.”

“If the east corner is lost, the mulberry elm is a comforting word,” Wu Zhongyuan laughed. “It is possible that if the east corner is lost, the mulberry elm can’t be recovered.”

Seeing that Wu Zhongyuan’s mood had stabilized, Zhang Shukai and Lv Jiahui dared to come over and say a few words of persuasion and relief. Lv Jiahui still said the same thing, Zhang Shukai was not good at words, and repeated the phrase ‘it’s fine if you don’t listen to them’. He said that Wang Xinran and Lv Jiahui looked directly at him.

Zhang Shukai knew that the two were staring at him, but he didn’t know why he was staring at him. He was stunned, “Why am I wrong?”

“You’re right,” Wu Zhongyuan took over the conversation, “Eating a **** will make you wiser. In the future, as long as I’m sure that my thoughts are correct, I won’t listen to anyone’s opinions. I figured it out. It is not terrible to take the blame and reap the consequences, at least not to be wronged, but to bear the consequences for the mistakes of others.”

After Wu Zhongyuan finished speaking, Wang Xinran sighed. Before that, Wu Zhongyuan didn’t complain that the experts and scholars invited by the headquarters misled him, but he didn’t say that he didn’t think so in his heart. He was still somewhat resentful.

“Tired or not, let’s go forward.” Wang Xinran said.

“Don’t worry, just wait,” Wu Zhongyuan waved his hand, then looked at Lv Jiahui, “What are those stone statues carved outside?”

Since Lv Jiahui is good at underwater archaeology, she naturally has an underwater camera. After hearing Wu Zhongyuan’s question, she took out her camera and showed him the photos she took.

The first photo is of a middle-aged man picking his nose.

Wu Zhongyuan was watching, and Lv Jiahui acted as an interpreter from the side, “This person wears a nine-headed crown, and his clothes are luxurious. Look at the hilt of the sword. The word Yitian is engraved on it. According to historical records, the Yitian sword was Cao Cao’s own sword. There is no doubt that this person is Cao Cao.”

“Didn’t the Yitian Sword be taken away by Shitai Jue?” Wu Zhongyuan joked.

Lv Jiahui knew that Wu Zhongyuan was joking, so she ignored him and continued, “The body movements of the statue are very crude, this may be because Cao Cao wanted to kill Zuo Ci before his death, and Zuo Ci held a grudge and deliberately vilified him. “

“It may also be that he has seen Cao Cao pick his nose with his own eyes.” Wu Zhongyuan turned to the second picture again, it was Zhuge Liang who was sitting in a wheelchair eating grilled fish. Although Zhuge Liang on the statue was holding the fish, he didn’t eat it, but thinking about the problem.

Lu Jiahui said next to him, “The fish in the statue’s hand has a wide tail, a long body and a small head. It is likely to be a flower-faced carp. This kind of fish is only found near Qishan Mountain. This scene should be Zhuge Liang on his way to the Northern Expedition. scene.”

After listening to Lv Jiahui’s speech, Wu Zhongyuan’s biggest impression is that experts are not all slackers. Experts like Lv Jiahui still have real talents and practical learning.

The third statue is Empress Chu Gong, Lv Jiahui said, “The woman on the statue wears a phoenix crown, but this phoenix crown is different from the queen’s phoenix crown. There is one missing phoenix feather, so it can be determined that she is a noble concubine. A first-class harem woman, looking at the shape of the clothes and streamers, should be made of silk, from which it can be inferred that she is a concubine of Jiangnan.”

“Do you know who she is?” Wu Zhongyuan asked casually.

“The woman on the statue has a big breast, which is more in line with the image of Sun Quan’s favorite concubine Bu Lian Shi in history.” Lv Jiahui was a little embarrassed.

Wu Zhongyuan turned to the fourth picture again. This statue is a burly man with a beard.

The reason why I know that this person is covered in tendons is because this person is naked, with his waist on his side, eyes closed, and a loofah in his right hand. Whistle.

“It may be Zhang Fei, the famous general of Shu.” Lv Jiahui was a little embarrassed.

Wu Zhongyuan smiled and zoomed in on the photo. He zoomed in on a part of the sculpture. I don’t know if Zuo Ci deliberately spoiled others, or if Zhang Fei’s chicken was not big at all. Anyway, the chicken on the sculpture was not that big.

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan’s eccentric smile, Wang Xinran also came over curiously to look at it. At a glance, he couldn’t stop laughing, grabbing the camera in Wu Zhongyuan’s hand and looking back.

The sixth statue is a man with a mustache and a donkey’s head beside his ear, the donkey is barking with his mouth open, and the man is listening with his eyes closed.

“This person should be Wang Can, right?” Wu Zhongyuan looked at Lv Jiahui.

Lu Jiahui nodded.

Wu Zhongyuan and Lv Jiahui studied archaeology, but Wang Xinran was not. She looked at Lv Jiahui suspiciously. Lv Jiahui explained, “Wang Can is Cao Cao’s advisor. According to historical records, this person has a quirk and likes to listen to donkeys bark.” /

Wang Xinran smiled and turned it over again. This statue is an old man with white hair and beard. He is wearing armor, but at this time the man’s trousers are down to the ankles, and he is bowing his head to his crotch and waist. Wrap the cloth.

“What is he doing?” Wang Xinran asked.

“It may be wrapping the wound,” Lv Jiahui said. “The armor that this person wears is the regulation of the generals of the Shu Kingdom, and it should be the veteran Huang Zhong.”

Wu Zhongyuan said, “It shouldn’t be wrapping the wound. You see the statue is not a painful expression, but a look of helplessness. Could it be that you are getting older and have problems with your prostate, and you can’t hold back your urine?”

Although the three were laughing, they all felt that Wu Zhongyuan’s guess was reasonable.

The next few pictures are of the thin-faced Han Xiandi gnawing at a meatless beef shank.

Guan Yu was comatose on the bed, and a hand with a knife was helping him scrape his bones and heal the poison.

A maid carrying a plate and wearing the clothes of a servant. The stone statue itself has no color, but looking at the facial features and hair of the maid, this person is likely to be a black man.

Lü Bu, who is wielding a halberd, is quite normal. Lu Bu is indeed very handsome. The expression of the stone statue is relatively calm, and he should be practicing martial arts rather than fighting.

The last one was an ugly woman, but she wasn’t very ugly. She was not good-looking. She was working as a carpenter. Both Wu Zhongyuan and Lv Jiahui suspected that she was Zhuge Liang’s wife, Huang Yueying.

It is not difficult to find through these twelve statues that Zuo Ci is very curious. When he hears people or things of interest, he will go to see what happens.

It was rumored in the market that Emperor Xian of Han had been abused by Cao Cao, and he would run over to see if that was the case.

I heard that Wang Can likes to hear donkeys bark, and he will go over to see if it is true.

Hearing that the master of the stage of training was Guose Tianxiang, he couldn’t hold back his curiosity to find out. In fact, his motives were very simple. This should be the case with people. When he went to see Zhang Fei, Zhang Fei happened to be taking a shower.

“This person is really an old urchin.” Wang Xinran said.

“He is indeed an old urchin, but he is also a detached bystander,” Wu Zhongyuan said, “This person is likely to be able to do magic, at least he will definitely be able to do something like invisibility. These people don’t know that he is in the dark. Observe.”

Wang Xinran nodded and returned the camera to Lv Jiahui.

Wu Zhongyuan stood up, “Let’s go, go to the next stone room…”

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