Origin Chapter 104: Humanity

Finding that Wu Zhongyuan was not moving, Wang Xinran tilted his head to look at him, saw that he was asleep, sighed softly, reached out and took down the self-heating dry food he put on his lap, and put his backpack on him He moved around, lit a cigarette, and stood up to look at the glass water tank on the stone platform.

Although Wu Zhongyuan fell asleep, he didn’t sleep soundly. He woke up not long after that. After waking up, he found that there were two more young people in the stone room. They were chatting with Wang Xinran in a low voice near the stone platform. He had seen it before, and he was from the 18th Bureau.

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan standing up, Wang Xinran introduced the two to him. The taller one with small eyes and seemed to be laughing all the time was called Huang Hailin, and the shorter one with glasses like a nerd was called Qixi.

Wu Zhongyuan shook hands with the two of them one by one, and used a little force when shaking hands with Huang Hailin. It was this person who was chasing after the **** and the leper, and he was also the one who jumped off the motorboat after the critical moment.

“Is there any hope?” Wu Zhongyuan got straight to the point.

Qixi pushed her eyes on the bridge of her nose, but didn’t answer.

“There is hope, but I have to take risks,” Huang Hailin said. “I just checked, and the organs here are connected to the load-bearing wall of the stone chamber. We are now under nearly 100 meters of water, and the pressure on the tomb is under pressure. It is already very large, and if the load-bearing wall is damaged, it is likely to cause the tomb to collapse.”

Wu Zhongyuan did not answer.

Huang Hailin pointed to the glass water tank on the stone platform and said, “I’m sure I will take out the contents before the tomb collapses.”

“Thank you,” Wu Zhongyuan said.

Most of the time thank you means thank you, but sometimes it means rejection. Wu Zhongyuan’s thank you is undoubtedly the latter.

Huang Hailin was a little surprised by Wu Zhongyuan’s decision, but Wang Xinran was not surprised. She had long expected that Wu Zhongyuan would not agree because Zhao Ying was still inside.

After a moment of silence, Huang Hailin said, “If we have nothing else to help with, we will go up first.”

Wang Xinran didn’t answer immediately, but looked at Wu Zhongyuan. Seeing that Wu Zhongyuan didn’t respond, she nodded to the two of them, “Okay, thank you for your hard work.”

Although the two didn’t want to leave, Wu Zhongyuan didn’t want to leave them, so he could only pack up and prepare to leave.

“If you are interested in that bronze figure outside, you can take it to study it.” Wu Zhongyuan said, he didn’t want too many people to participate in this matter, but he was too embarrassed to let them go for nothing.

The two were very happy, nodded happily, and turned away.

Wu Zhongyuan didn’t wear his watch. He took out his mobile phone and looked at it. Six hours had passed, and half the time was left.

Even if I didn’t sleep well, I still slept, my mind was much clearer, and my spirit was much better. I started to feel hungry. After eating dry food and drinking water, Wu Zhongyuan walked to the stone platform with the copper plate embedded in it.

“Don’t wait for Zhang Shukai to come back?” Wang Xinran asked.

“I’ll take a look first.” Wu Zhongyuan said casually.

There is a reason why humanism is difficult to predict. It is not easy to choose between Yin and Yang. Two Yin and Yang fish, Yin embraces Yang, and Yang embraces Yin. , according to the common belief in the world, people are all yang, and the yang fish should be aligned with the heaven, but he doesn’t think so, he feels that the yin fish should be aimed at the heaven, yin embraces yang, yang is yin pregnancy, and there is more yin Yang widow is the way of heaven.

This is not a purely yin-yang metaphysics inference, but also has a certain scientific basis. Modern scientific research shows that the small ball is 180 times larger than the small tadpole.

The four elephants are not easy to choose. Among the four elephants, the Vermillion Bird is Laoyang, the Qinglong is Shaoyang, the Xuanwu is Laoyin, the white tiger is Shaoyin, and the Yang is Guangming. Yin, dark. Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu, which one is more representative of humanity?

Don’t be afraid of the big, just be afraid of the miscellaneous. Human nature is the most complex, and people have many faces. What is the true nature of human beings?

Suzaku is the best, Qinglong is better, Xuanwu is the worst, and Baihu is the worst. If you choose according to the Three Character Classic, you will undoubtedly choose Suzaku, but human nature is complicated. When it comes to telling the truth.

If it is true as the Three Character Classic says, people are inherently good at the beginning, then even if they are not taught or restrained, they will grow up freely, and they will definitely be good people when they grow up, but it turns out that when I was young, Those who lack discipline will grow up to be bad people.

Suzaku’s perfection can be ruled out, but people are not perfect. The most evil of Xuanwu can also be excluded, and people are not the most evil.

In this way, only the green dragon is better and the white tiger is worse. It should be the white tiger. Human life itself is a kind of plunder. Eating vegetarian and eating meat are both of the same nature. It is plunder and possession, white tiger, it should be white tiger.

Next is the gossip. What is the human being in the gossip? First of all, the universe can be ruled out. Humans are not the masters of the world, but only exist in the world. Mountain fire and thunder plus two waters should also be excluded. The most similar to human nature should be wind, fickle, unstable and elusive.

When I was thinking, time passed quickly. When Wu Zhongyuan was thinking about the sixty-four hexagrams, Zhang Shukai came back. In addition to weapons and ammunition, he also brought back the headquarters to summarize the opinions of dozens of experts and scholars.

For the sixty-four hexagrams, Wu Zhongyuan, after repeated deliberation, finally chose the hexagram image of Shangkan and Xiagan. “

Living in the world, people should be in awe of all things in the world, be good at looking forward to discovering potential dangers, not blindly asking for damage to the environment, not developing too fast, plundering less, working more, and not squandering.

After making a judgment, Wu Zhongyuan turned to look at Wang Xinran.

Wang Xinran stepped forward quickly and handed the phone to Wu Zhongyuan, “There’s still half an hour.”

Wu Zhongyuan took over Wang Xinran’s cell phone, took a quick look, and was overjoyed. The conclusion drawn by the headquarters’ extensive discussion coincided with his inference, but if you look carefully, it’s not right. There are discrepancies in the four images. Experts and scholars He chose the better Qinglong, while he chose the evil white tiger.

The opinions of experts and scholars are not completely consistent, and there are other opinions later. Wu Zhongyuan looked back page by page, but found that those who held different opinions had differences on other issues, and no one agreed with him. Completely consistent, even in the single choice of the four elephants, no one has the same choice as him.

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan’s ugly face, Wang Xinran asked in a low voice, “Do the experts disagree with you?”

Wu Zhongyuan nodded.

β€œIs there a big difference?” Wang Xinran asked.

Wu Zhongyuan shook his head and returned the phone to Wang Xinran, “I chose White Tiger for the four elephants.”

Wang Xinran looked at the relevant content on the phone and said, “You should trust your own judgment, but you should not underestimate their wisdom.”

“You didn’t say that.” Wu Zhongyuan frowned.

Wang Xinran took a few steps back, not speaking.

Wu Zhongyuan closed his eyes and frowned, stroked his forehead and sighed.

Wang Xinran knew that he was difficult to decide, and was comforted, but he didn’t know what to say.

“The truth is always in the hands of a few.” Wu Zhongyuan muttered to himself.

“Believe in yourself.” Wang Xinran said softly.

Wu Zhongyuan turned to look at her, “You also think human nature is evil?”

Wang Xinran didn’t answer, she couldn’t answer this, Wu Zhongyuan was stepping on the critical line at this time, any of her words could affect his final judgment.

Wu Zhongyuan has never been so worried in his life. As the so-called concern, he is confused. Now he is in a turmoil. He instinctively tells him that his choice is correct, but his reason tells him that he is only half-assed, and those few Ten experts and scholars have been immersed in this way for decades, and their judgments cannot be without basis.

“If you were me, what would you do?” Wu Zhongyuan looked at Wang Xinran again.

Wang Xinran didn’t speak, just shook his head.

“I don’t need you to be responsible, and I’m not afraid of making mistakes. You can say whatever you want.” Wu Zhongyuan encouraged.

Wang Xinran still shook her head, shaking her head firmly.

Wu Zhongyuan closed his eyes again and sighed, “Is it good or evil?”

“If you’re really undecided, flip a coin.” Jiahui Lv suggested.

As soon as Lv Jiahui finished speaking, Wang Xinran gave her a warning look. This matter is very important, and Wu Zhongyuan must make up his own mind. Whoever makes the decision will be responsible. It was Wu Zhongyuan who couldn’t help angering them.

“There are ten minutes.” Wang Xinran reminded in a low voice.

Wu Zhongyuan left the copper plate stone platform and walked to the glass water tank in front. Whether he could get the mountain-residence elixir in it directly determined whether he would be in a state of power or miserable after returning.

“Don’t be too nervous. There are still a few stone chambers in the future. Maybe there are better medicines than this one.” Wang Xinran was relieved.

“Impossible, even if there are other things, it can’t be medicine pills anymore,” Wu Zhongyuan shook his head again and again, “It’s very clear on the stone platform, there’s only one.”

Chen is an ancient timekeeping method. It is impossible to accurately convert six hours into the current twelve hours. At this time, the outer layer of the medicine pill is already very thin, and you can even vaguely see the inside. Purple too.

Wu Zhongyuan didn’t dare to wait any longer, turned around and walked back.

“Am I looking at it more clearly than them? Or is my three views wrong and too dark?” Wu Zhongyuan put his hands on the edge of the stone platform, staring at the copper plate and muttering to himself.

“Don’t do this.” Wang Xinran looked at Wu Zhongyuan nervously. In Wu Zhongyuan’s current state of mind, if he made the wrong choice and could not get the medicine pill, he would probably collapse and lose control.

Wu Zhongyuan also found that he was too nervous. He took a deep breath and tried to calm down his emotions, but the effect was not satisfactory, and his hands even began to tremble involuntarily.

“Hurry up, it’s too late.” Wang Xinran knew he shouldn’t rush, but he had to rush.

Wu Zhongyuan stretched out his hand, and the two instruments turned very decisively. He hesitated when turning the four elephants, and finally chose Qinglong. This matter is very important, and he cannot tolerate his willfulness. The unanimous opinion of the experts is more likely to be correct than his half-baked opinion.

Then gossip, sixty-four hexagrams, and the spelling was completed. Wu Zhongyuan stared nervously at the glass water tank in front.

A few seconds later, the eight silk threads in the water tank suddenly tightened at the same time, the few remaining weak outer layers were torn apart, and a lilac-colored elixir was soaked in water, slowly sinking, and quickly turning black…

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