Opening Reward 100 Million Lives Chapter 2093: Give someone an account

Chapter 2093 Give others an explanation

In Jiang Cheng’s mind, Ling is his own person.

As a person who pays attention to himself, no matter how unprofitable this brother is, he will not play that trick on his own people.

He felt ashamed that he had hurt Ling.

It’s just that he didn’t know that by doing so, he actually saved this girl by accident.

Ryo’s biggest ‘enemy’ is Daoyuan’s increasingly powerful will.

It’s like the cancer cells that accompanied Daoyuan’s ascension, which will destroy her own consciousness sooner or later.

If Jiang Cheng just helped her strengthen her consciousness and let her absorb the Dao Core smoothly, it would only be a temporary cure.

Now swallowing half of Daoyuan’s will is equivalent to cutting off half of the cancer cells in her body, but it is a cure.

As soon as he devoured Daoyuan’s will, Ling’s self-consciousness had already awakened.

Originally she thought Jiang Cheng was trying to harm herself.

As soon as I saw what he was doing, I immediately fell into shock.

The next thing is ecstasy.

The weakening of Dao Yuan’s will will not reduce her Dao.

Her strength will not weaken, but instead has increased her control over her own way.

As a result, she didn’t come out to interrupt.

Until Jiang Cheng took the initiative to cut off the process, she still had no idea.

Why did you keep half of it?

Destroy all the will of that Daoyuan!

She didn’t know that Jiang Cheng also got huge benefits, only when he was also devastated by that will, to the limit of his endurance.

Seeing that Brother Cheng really stopped absorbing it, she finally appeared and quickly suppressed the remaining half of the chaotic will.

This is a will born from her own Tao, which is of the same root as hers.

Now that she has been weakened by half, she naturally cannot resist her.

Since becoming the Old Sage, Ling has never been so relaxed.

It feels like holding a bucket full of water and worrying about it overflowing at any time, but now the bucket is half full, so much peace of mind.

Seeing that Daoyuan’s will has become docile, Ling’s consciousness has become clear again, and Jiang Cheng’s spiritual will has retreated.

“Are you finally awake?”

“Yes, thank you this time.”


City brother breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought he had destroyed half of the girl’s consciousness, and she would fight for him when she woke up.

I didn’t expect to thank myself.

Don’t she know what’s going on?

The brother smiled and nodded.

“This is what I should do, you can take it easy later.”

“Although Dao Core is good, don’t let yourself die, not every time there is a brother to **** you!”

After being reminded by him like this, Ling finally remembered again, who was the reason why she was in a desperate situation this time.

Is this core what I want?

If you didn’t force me to work for free, I wouldn’t be here, okay?

You were the one who nearly killed me!

She glared at Jiang Cheng angrily and asked fiercely, “Why did you suddenly not absorb the Dao Core this time?”

City brother shrugged innocently.

“Brother has not reached the Holy Master, the Tao has been unable to increase.”

Ah this?

Ling was speechless on the spot.

Also, the Holy Master that Jiang Cheng beheaded can gather half a company, and she has subconsciously forgotten that this guy is actually just a Taoist god.

Next, Jiang Cheng returned to Feixianmen and picked up Wu Shan and others.

Several people absorb the nucleus again.

But this time, they won’t get much either.

Because Ling can finally improve her Tao.

Daoyuan is like a huge vortex, and the entire Taoist core is swept and driven, how can the seven people compete for her.

As time passed, Ling’s Dao became stronger and stronger, and Dao Yuan’s will also rose with the tide.

When the Dao core composed of 46 holy worlds completely disappeared, Daoyuan’s will returned to its previous level of 90%.

Fortunately, this is still within her control.

And her strength, because of the improvement of the Tao, has become stronger than before.

For an Old Sage, this kind of promotion is extremely rare.

“Unexpectedly, he really succeeded in taking me once.”

Even Ryo himself thought it was incredible.

“If the Wuding Ancient Sage knew about my fate, he would be jealous, right?”

Returning to Feixianmen, everyone began to retreat and practice one after another, digesting the recently acquired Dao.

Jiang Cheng is doing nothing.

Nowadays, the entire Canglan Continent is calm without a trace of turbulence.

Under the law of survival of the weak and the strong in Xianwu Continent, every sect in this continent seems so peaceful and Buddhist.

There is no way, everyone is afraid of being killed.

Jin Hanzong and Baixianzong are not doing their jobs right now, they just hope that the two spies Duanfeng Tianhe can try their best to have a good relationship with Feixianmen.

Zi Xie Zong shivered, for fear that the conspiracy to contact Xianji Continent would be discovered by Jiang Cheng.

Even the sects on the Qingmi Continent did not dare to take any action in the face of the huge vacuum after the collapse of the Yangli Sect.

Jiang Cheng waited for a while, but couldn’t wait for the desired enemy, and gradually became a little anxious.

“What happened to the Yuluo Holy Land in Xianji Continent? I killed five of their holy masters, but there was no movement at all. Don’t they want revenge?”

Hearing his question, everyone was speechless for a while.

Boss, can you say something human?

Who wants revenge from others?

In the crowd, the Holy Master Duanfeng couldn’t help but open his mouth.

“That…is there a possibility that the other party doesn’t know that his own person was killed?”

He has become more and more familiar with Wushan Changyang and the others recently, and he is not as outsiders as he used to be.

Jiang Cheng was stunned for a moment, then patted his thigh angrily.

“It’s a mistake, I knew it would not kill them all at that time, and I should leave a living mouth to go back and report.”

The crowd nearly fell to the ground.

Dude, what the **** are you trying to do?

“Since the other party didn’t look for it, then you can look for it.”

The person who spoke was Ling, who attended the sect meeting for the first time.

As the nominal deputy head, many people are actually very unfamiliar with her, and even think she is the Taoist companion of Head Jiang.

However, knowing that she is Wushan, the ancient sage who shook the sky, is an instinctive shiver.

Then echoed loudly.

“Yes, yes, the deputy head makes a lot of sense.”

“It is unbearable or unbearable that the Yulu Holy Land dares not to take us seriously, we should take the initiative to attack!”

Jiang Cheng looked suspiciously at Ling, and then at the old man.

Why are you two more energetic than me?

“We are the ones who killed them now, and then take the initiative to kill other people’s doors. It’s too careless.”

Chang Yang, Duanfeng Miaoyu and others nodded. Let’s keep a low profile and don’t make trouble everywhere.

The Holy Land of Yuluo has a Holy Venerable in charge, which is not to be messed with.

Then they heard Jiang Cheng’s next sentence.

“I killed five of them, I can’t keep others in the dark.”

“Well, send two people over and let them know.”

“Is this an explanation to others!”

(End of this chapter)


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