Opening Reward 100 Million Lives Chapter 1990: Be sure to join us

Chapter 1990 Please be sure to join us

Could it be that this Yunxiang Dao God will be angry and know that he can’t go against himself?

Otherwise, he’s too abnormal.

Anyone who doesn’t hit the smiley face with his hand, Cheng brother is really a little hard to deal with the enthusiasm of the other party.

“You are a bit sloppy, I have to criticize you a few words.”

“If three disciples died, they died in vain?”

“If you don’t find this, what will the rest of the sect think, and how will you convince the public in the future?”

Everyone in the back nodded involuntarily again in agreement.

No way, this enemy’s words are reasonable and convincing.

Yunxiang Taoshen did not directly answer this question.

Looking at his high spirits, it is estimated that he has already begun to plan the initiation ceremony of the new disciple.

“I don’t know what to call this fellow Taoist?”

“Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng of Feixianmen, you can also call me Jiang Junshuai.”

Brother Cheng directly reported his true identity.

However, to his disappointment, the expressions of everyone present did not change.

Obviously, none of these people have heard of his name.

There is no way, the Yuanxian world has changed too fast, and now it is the age of gods.

The Taoist gods walk the streets these days, and they are just as worthless as the old Taoists.

The sensational events he did in those days were, in the eyes of later generations, just low-end battles in the ancient ignorant era.

Naturally, his name was gradually submerged in the long river of history and has not been passed down to this day.

“Surely handsome and handsome, he lives up to his name!”

Yun Xiang was quite winking, and chose the name that Brother Cheng liked.

“Jiang Junshuai, your joining will make our empty cloud palace flourish, welcome and welcome!”

If it wasn’t for the fact that he wasn’t interested in being a disciple of others, Brother Cheng might have agreed.

After all, this old man speaks very nicely.

“Dude, I just said, I killed your people…”

Yun Xiang said with disapproval: “I also said that the three of them are defectors, and they will die.”

The corner of the city brother’s mouth twitched, “You treat me like a three-year-old child? I killed three people, and it happened that I defected. Is there such a coincidence? Are your sects so uncohesive?”

“Ashamed and ashamed, I really made you laugh.”

As Yun Xiang said, he also looked at the two Taoist gods and a dozen Taoist saints behind him.

“Come and tell him, did those three defectors?”


The experts present in the Sky Cloud Palace looked at each other in dismay, and he really stopped him.

“Well, Qi Shang and the others just left without saying goodbye and left privately for a few days.”

“It would be too rash to conclude that they betrayed the sect…”

God Yunxiang interrupted them directly.

“Betrayal or not, you should have a steelyard in your heart.”

He changed his genial smile just now, his face sank, and murderous intent was revealed.

“Even if they are not killed, this Sect Master will not let them go.”

“Whoever speaks for them is colluding with them in secret!”

He said it all for the sake of it. How dare other people talk too much.

Jiang Cheng can also see that this head is not a good man, but a smiling tiger.

And the three people who were killed just now seem to have really escaped from the Sky Cloud Palace.

The reason why I set up a hidden barrier on this sea is to avoid the tracking of other disciples, but unfortunately I found it by myself.

“Alas! The sect is unfortunate. In fact, we don’t want to see such a thing.”

An embarrassed smile has returned to Yun Xiang’s face.

“But you also saw that those three people defected and fled. According to the rules, they were supposed to be caught and executed.”

“You’re helping us clean up the scum by killing them.”

“How can I not repay this kindness, so it is only natural to sincerely invite you to join our empty cloud palace…”

Of course your uncle.

Jiang Cheng complained frantically in his heart. It’s the first time I’ve seen your way of repaying after having traveled so many places.

Are you trying to take advantage of me?

“Alright, alright, my great kindness, you don’t have to repay it. We don’t expect anything in return when we do good deeds.”

“What you want, you must repay.”

“If you really want to repay, then give me a thousand and eight hundred bottles of high-end medicinal herbs, or other treasures from heaven and earth.”

Yun Xiang’s smile became a little twitchy.

“The handsome fellow Daoist is really joking, but if you want medicinal herbs and treasures from heaven and earth, join our own offerings in the Kongyun Temple.”

Seeing that he joined the sect in three words, Cheng Ge was also embarrassed.

“Is it because I have a good temper? I have put away the butcher’s knife, so that you can save your life, can you take it as soon as you see it?”

He held the hilt of the sword and roared at Yun Xiang, “I still want me to be a disciple, and I will tell you clearly that I am the ancestor of Feixianmen!”

“The seniority qualification is eight mountains higher than yours. It is impossible to transfer to another sect to be someone else’s true disciple, understand?”

The whole place was silent.

Yunxiang seems to have been sprayed and fell into a short-term sluggish state.

And the disciples of the Kongyun Temple in the back looked at Brother Cheng with admiration.

Dude, you’re a genius!

A mere Daoist, how dare you not give face to a middle-level Daoist, and even point at his nose?

It’s really going to die!

However, just when they thought Dao God Yun Xiang would turn his face and kill people, the old man squeezed out a smile again.

“If you can’t be a true disciple, you can be something else.”

“Since you have a sect, you can choose to be our elder Keqing!”

The people in the back almost fell to the ground on the spot.

Chengge was completely defeated by him.

“Dude, if you have something to say, open the skylight and say it clearly. You want to pull me in so strongly, what do you want to do?”

Yun Xiangqian laughed, “I said just now, you are very talented, and you are the talent that our Kongyun Palace desperately needs!”

“I’ll go without telling the truth.”

“Don’t, don’t.”

Yun Xiang was in a hurry, and hurriedly stepped forward to keep Jiang Cheng.

He looked confused for a while, and finally sighed.

“Okay, let me tell you the truth. Recently, Chang Luzhou welcomed a group of evangelists.”

“Of course the major factions above can’t tolerate them spreading Shinto here, but they’re not good at tearing their faces, and in the end they made an appointment to win the battle…”

Jiang Cheng heard it in a fog, but he didn’t understand it at all.

“Stop, stop, what kind of preacher? What preaching? What fighting method?”

“Can you be more specific?”

“Where is Chang Luzhou? It’s not called Xiao Mangyu anymore?”

Regardless of the disciples of Kongyun Temple in the back and Yun Xiang, they were all stunned.

Dignified and holy, have you never heard of these common sense?

Yunxiang knows the ancient name of Xiaomangyu, but it was called a long, long time ago.

He looked at Jiang Cheng suspiciously, “Could it be that your Excellency has been in seclusion for tens of billions of years and only recently came out?”

Jiang Cheng shrugged, “You’re right if you think so.”


Yun Xiang was overjoyed.

“Good what?”

“Cough, it’s nothing, I’m admiring your ancient and profound qualifications.”

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