One Sword to Immortality: 233, Thunder Knife

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If the strengths of the two sides are equal, the Kui Niu change is indeed a cannot deal with Ruyi Jinzhou change, but although Xu has only condensed five veins, the true strength is far from Huang Zhen ’s.

His hands form a dharma seal, and he constantly compresses the thunderbolt demon qi with a unique method. Infinite thunderbolt demon qi condenses on the teenager’s head, and it becomes hidden like a thunder knife.

The blade of the Thunder Blade is heavy, ancient and dark, and the blue light is lingering around. As the Thunderbolt’s demon qi is pressed into the blade body, the whole Thunder Blade trembles and emits a thunderous roar.

The onlookers Sun Bijun and others were shocked. They never thought that someone could use the Jade Ding Xinfa as the basis to mobilize the demon nerves and turn the alien demon spirit into a sword.

Although I made a temporary intention, the thunder knife condensed with thunder and lightning demon gas is far from comparable to Yuding ’s thirty-six changes, but the idea is consistent and can greatly improve the lethality.

Huang Zhen even secretly complained, “Hey, what’s this guy’s origin? Can he actually cultivate the Kui Niu to such a perverted state? If it is an ordinary Kui Niu, even if he is more envious than me, it’s not Ruyi Jinzhou’s opponent, but he … “

Huang Zhen doesn’t know how to evaluate Xu anymore. If he can choose one more time, he will never challenge this “famously unknown” brother.

Xu did n’t know Huang Zhen ’s thoughts, and consciously condensed the Thunder Knife to the extreme, and then sent it into the Thunderbolt demon qi, which was bound to be out of control. Dragon boat.

Xu has condensed the thunder and lightning spirit to such an extent, as if it were an ordinary private car modified the engine of the f1 car to control the thunder and lightning, and the speed is almost double that of the previous one. Shengsheng has raised the light to one. Point seven times the speed of sound.

Huang Zhen faced with Lei Guangyao, the Thunder Knife split in the air, and said nothing dare to fight hard. Turning the bow of the dragon boat, hastily accelerated the flight.

It’s a pity that this time, the speed he was proud of wasn’t too bright. Just Xu Xu was caught up, and Thunder Knife together. Cleave gently.

With a loud noise, Huang Zhen fell from the sky to the ground, and the hull of most of the dragon boats hit the mud.

It’s still Xu deliberately keep his hand, otherwise he will be smashed into pieces with a single blow.

The dragon boat transformed by Huang Zhen shook a few times, and then a burst of golden light burst out. The golden light shook a few times, and a dark boy walked out of it.

Huang Zhen’s skin was originally yellow, and people often laughed at him. At this time, the whole body is black, and it is not as good as the yellow.

Although Sun Bijun competed against the two, it helped a lot, but he did n’t want the two to hurt their fellow students, so he quickly hurried over and called, “Senior Brother Sun Ji, you do n’t have to do it again. It ’s too powerful, and I ca n’t stand Brother Huang Zhen again. ”

Xu smiled and brought the Thunder Knife back to his side. He said to Huang Zhen: “My move can explode the thunderbolt enchantment inside the Thunder Knife in full. If it is fully exploded, it will be impossible to control the weight. It is really inappropriate to compete with each other.”

Huang Zhen heard his face like earth. Secretly whispered: “If he really blasted the Thunder Knife, it would be more than ten times more powerful than the” light blow “just now. Would n’t I want to crush the bones and leave no slag?”

Huang Zhen knew what was going on, and immediately changed his attitude. He arched his hand and said: “Senior Brother Sun Ji is really powerful. He is worthy of the Dao Lu Palace. I am far from an opponent.”

Xu was about to speak and suddenly frowned. There are a few uncomfortable breaths in the distance, and apparently a demon has noticed the magical spirit of their side.

Huang Zhen, Sun Bijun and other Yuding members often fight in the demon prison. Knowing the devil’s breath better than Xu, Sun Bijun’s face changed slightly. Shouted: “It’s the Dashi Demon! I remember a tribe of the Dashi Demon around here, but it has been moved long ago, how come there are remnants of the Devil?”

The Dashi Demon is a more powerful demon tribe. It has footprints from the first devil to the fifteenth devil, and the devil tribe of the seventh devil has a devilish leader, even all In the seventh united battle with another demon clan in the seventh demon prison.

When Xu and Yang Banruo escaped from the seventh floor of the magic prison, they were almost caught alive by the guarded Dashi Demon, so they knew a little about the Dashi Demon.

The other boy in the team suddenly jumped into the sky, turned into a mirror, and shone for a while, and said, “There is a very strong atmosphere over there. There should be a devil-level dashi demon sitting in town. Let’s back down for a while! “

Xu knew the change of Ding Xuan Jing, but he did n’t know that Ding Xuan Jing still had such a magical effect. He could not help but looked at it a few times and secretly wrote down, he said, “I will go to Yuding Palace more to listen to it later Even if you ca n’t turn 36 of Yuding into a complete study, at least you can practice the changes you learned more subtle and subtle. ”

It is still Huang Zhen who changed the dragon boat, carrying five companions to gallop away, and six people quickly fled away, and Xu passed the Black Beetle that was left in place, and he observed dozens of big stone demon killing aggressively. In addition to a demon general-level dashi demon, there are actually more than ten head demon-level, and the remaining dozens of daggers are also the ninth-level demon.

The strength of this team of daggers is powerful, even if the strength is now greatly increased, once they are surrounded by circles, they must drink on the spot.

After this accident, Xu only understood why Yuding can run rampant in the magic prison. Each of them is proficient in several magic weapon changes, and each magic weapon change has different magical effects.

For example, this time, even if there was no presence, the young man who was proficient in the changes of Dingxuan Mirror could detect the enemy’s attack one step earlier, and then the dragon boat with the change of Huang Zhen could escape in advance, cooperate with each other in exquisite, combat experience rich.

This team wandered on the fifteenth level of the magic prison for a few days, but did not meet the demon clan, but met another demon disciple who hunted the devil. The two teams discussed a little and then ended Formed a team, so that the team increased to 14 people.

Xu has a case of defeating Huang Zhen, and his prestige is already very high in the team, so he has also become one of the three leaders in the new team. He actually did not want to manage the team, but he ca n’t stand the “prestige”. With the support of Huang Zhen and Sun Bijun, the leader of the other team had a weak temper and was simply elected by everyone.

Several disciples of Yuding from another team were quite dissatisfied with Xu, but the leader ’s brothers gave in and could n’t say anything. They could only say a few words from time to time.

Xu is not a bad temper, but he can only do things with a spirit of conscientiousness. He has Black Beetle as an “accomplice”, and he helped everyone find a small devil tribe the next day.

Xu led everyone to attack this demon tribe, and he was also brilliant in the battle. He killed the seven-headed demon-level demon, and his record was so good that his status had already surpassed Sun Bijun and the other team ’s leader. . (To be continued.)

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