One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 98: Unreliable small clinic

The phone vibrated not long after Dongfang Yunhe left the classroom.

Click to open the inbox and see the leave message sent by a small thing. The corners of his lips twitched unconsciously, and he replied with two words: “Present.”


After school.

In a small clinic.

Doctor Fatty held up the test report with a fuss: “Tsk tsk tsk, little sister, I can help you out with the test results of this shrimp dumpling. The heavy metals are seriously exceeding the standard by NN times. You must not eat them!”

Nalan Xiner’s phoenix eyes narrowed slightly: “Hmm, I see. Then tell me, how was the poison in the shrimp dumplings? Directly sprinkled with heavy metal powder? Wouldn’t the taste be weird?”

Doctor Fatty blinked, thinking to himself, this little sister already knew that the shrimp dumplings were poisonous, why did she send him to repeat the test?

Oh! It must be testing him! Can not admit defeat.

Rolling his eyes, he analyzed: “NO! This person’s way of poisoning is very clever. It should be that he fed excessive heavy metals to the shrimp during shrimp farming. In this case, even if it is found out, it is still a food raw material. The source is questionable, and the person who makes the food will not be punished by any law.”

As we all know, tracing the source of food raw materials is difficult in today’s empire – the seafood market is so big, who remembers which stall to buy live shrimp in a certain month in a certain year?

Damn, the vicious stepmother still understands the law!

Nalan Xiner bit her tongue and nodded: “Very good. Now let’s talk about my blood test results. Are you pregnant?”

Doctor Fatty coughed twice and said with a guilty conscience, “I’m not pregnant for the time being…”

“What is temporary?! Can’t be sure after two blood tests?! Are you kidding me?” Nalan Xiner’s beautiful eyes stared, and her arrogant aura came out immediately.

Doctor Fatty hurriedly waved his hand: “How dare you, little sister, we absolutely operate with integrity! Integrity! Your situation is quite special, I’m afraid it will take a third blood test to confirm…” The more he said, the more guilty he felt, but he still Stuck on the neck to finish the words.

Nalan Xiner gave a cold snort and slammed the table: “Come on, my membrane is still there! What are you pregnant with?!”

“This…” Doctor Fatty shivered, racking his brains to figure out how to deal with it.

But the female nurse beside her revealed her stuff, she couldn’t hide her surprise and muttered, “Ah? How do you know? Have you gone to another home to test it?”

Nalan Xiner snorted coldly: “Black shop! Return the medical expenses to my sister!”

Doctor Fatty was sweating profusely, and wanted to pull her sleeves to keep him alive: “Hey, little sister, listen to my explanation! It’s like this, frankly speaking, where is your membrane, it was true before It didn’t disappear completely, but it also tore a big piece! Fortunately, your natural beauty healed quickly, and now it has recovered! However, in the spirit of a doctor’s lofty medical ethics, I must advise you – it does not mean that the membrane is still there, it means no To be pregnant is absolutely ignorant! Stupidity!”

That’s a righteous speech, impassioned.

“Oh? I want to hear it, how ignorant? How ignorant!” Nalan Xiner squinted at the fat doctor, wanting to see what tricks he could play

Seeing that there was a turnaround, Dr. Fatty quickly said: “Don’t worry, don’t worry, this… It’s really possible for a girl to get pregnant at the beginning! For example, the man’s thing is too small, it’s a little penis… …Small and tiny little Dingding, even if you don’t pierce the membrane, you can get in and leave the seeds… Besides, theoretically speaking, even if you can’t get in, the seeds accidentally flow in from the outside, It is also possible to get pregnant… Otherwise, why are there two medical terms called ‘artificial insemination ~ insemination’ and ‘artificial insemination’?”

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