One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 909: You can’t turn over [6]

The jet-black car door, shining with a low-key and elegant light, slowly opened.

The girl, dressed in a lavender-colored cashmere short coat and the same color bowler hat, with her long hair, jumped out of the car playfully.

The fresh and pleasant dress complements the low-key and gorgeous car. The girl’s confident and proud demeanor makes people feel that the eyes are bright and the whole world is in full bloom.

“Uncle, thank you for sending us here.” Nalan Xiner watched the crowd in the Diamond Plaza and bit her tongue, “I didn’t expect Lin Meiqing to be able to toss and get so many favors. Smelly-footed audience, if you hadn’t driven the car, I probably wouldn’t have been able to find a parking space.”

The door of the back seat of the car also opened.

He Xiaowu and Song Junhua drilled out: “Thank you, Professor Dongfang. Oh, ah, Xiner, don’t say it, don’t we also become stinky feet?”

“No, we are making trouble, haha.” Nalan Xiner smiled charmingly.

“I’ll take you in.” Dongfang Yunhe just nodded slightly.

He held Nalan Xiner’s waist with one hand, blocked the crowd with the other, and escorted them all the way in.

Not long after that, Lan Zhirou’s car also arrived.

Since Yao Dazhuang was in Zhou’s house, he had missed Lan Zhirou, and he was fired by Lan Zijun.

It’s impossible to face a driver who has done this kind of thing to his daughter every day, right? How annoying.

The new driver is not very familiar with the parking method of the Diamond Plaza, and he wasted a lot of time along the way, making Lan Zhirou almost late.

She stumbled out of the car and couldn’t help scolding the new driver fiercely. She was also a little embarrassed because of her anxiety.

Today she wore a fuchsia dress.

In the past, she liked to wear red, which made her feel more present and eye-catching.

But every time, Nalan Xiner’s purple clothes overwhelm her head.

Purple is more luxurious than red.

So this time, she also learned well, and wanted to try wearing purple, which would be gorgeous~ overwhelm the audience.

But as soon as I got off the bus, I encountered a problem.

I don’t know if it was a coincidence or if she scolded the new driver so hard that as soon as the driver closed the door, he caught her skirt!

Scared, she slammed on the door and shouted: “My skirt! Skirt!”

The new driver opened the door in a dazed way and apologized, and pulled her skirt out.

Fortunately, the skirt was not torn, but there was an unsightly crease on the skirt, and there was a little black oil on the side.

The passers-by next to me already have many strange glances.

Lan Zhirou suddenly realizes that this is a public place, and she can’t play the princess’s disease, so as not to ruin her image.

She coughed twice: “It’s alright, it’s alright, you can go quickly.”

After speaking, he quickly squeezed into the crowd.

At noon, the Diamond Plaza is the time for the Halloween celebration reception.

Upstairs and downstairs, it was crowded with citizens watching the lively, wanting to witness the demeanor of the famous ladies and ladies at the reception.

Lan Zhirou pushed the crowd away with difficulty.

She found to her chagrin that although she was wearing a long purple dress, she somehow wasn’t as stunning as Nalan Xiner wearing purple.

I don’t know if it’s a lack of skin color, hairstyle or temperament, but always, the whole person is dragged down by the thick purple, but it is dull.

It’s a pity and helpless that she can’t control purple.

Even in the crowd, the phrase “Hey, Aunt, stop crowding!” is sometimes worn in the crowd!

Lan Zhirou was so angry that she almost choked to death!

She actually wore fuchsia to look like a middle-aged aunt!

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