One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 900: Miss tossing uncle

Nalan Xiner didn’t know if she was ready.

I don’t know if my body can handle it.

She only knew that at this moment, she couldn’t refuse him.

Such a moving confession, such a precious promise.

She will be his only woman, the only one!

“Uncle…I…I think…”

Her little face is as red as wine, she can see that Dongfang Yunhe doesn’t want it, just wait for that little mouth to say “I want”, he will take the gun and go into battle. hesitate.

She was staring at that little ~mouth~er, and suddenly, Nalan Xiner’s face changed: “Uncle, I…I…I have a stomachache…”

Before she finished speaking, she tilted her head and coughed violently.

Immediately afterwards, a gust of alcohol surged up, and her stomach turned upside down. She clawed at the edge of the bed and vomited out uncontrollably.

The smell of rice wine filled the room at once.

The body of Dongfang Yunhe was also stained with a strong smell of alcohol.

This time, he didn’t even bother to ask her whether she wanted it or not, so he quickly supported her trembling little body, gently caressed her heart, patted her back, and helped her induce vomiting.

She obviously can’t stand this wine, and she feels more comfortable spitting it out.

Nalan Xiner coughed and vomited for a long time.

The tossing made her little red face pale and pale, and her whole body was weak and weak;

Tossing around a luxurious quilt became full of alcohol, and the whole house was drunk;

The little brother who was swollen up by the tossing of the Dongfang Yunhe, and the swelling disappeared again…

Dongfang Yunhe’s Adam’s apple rolled and rolled, and his fists were clenched and clenched. In the end, he took a deep breath and let go of his fists reluctantly. He picked up this poor little thing and walked to the bathroom.

Without any evil thoughts, I stripped her off, rinsed her under the shower head, and smeared her with clean foam inch by inch to wash away the smell of alcohol.

After doing all this, and then putting on a wide and clean shirt for her, Dongfang Yunhe felt that he could be transformed into a saint.

Can eat but not eat!

Facing beauty~color without doing it!

Becoming a **** is not far away.

After taking a bath, Nalan Xiner finally woke up quite a bit, and now she is even more embarrassed. She nestled in Dongfang Yunhe’s arms and shyly replied, “Uncle, I won’t drink again next time. Woohoo!”

“It’s good to know. Dare to have a next time? If there is a next time, I will do it for you directly!” Dongfang Yunhe said bitterly.

Looking at her weak appearance after drinking, he couldn’t handle it, and he tried to avoid touching those sensitive parts with his hands, so as not to set off a fire that couldn’t be extinguished, and asked for trouble.

“Go home!” he said neatly.

Nalan Xiner bit her tongue before taking a look at the room.

Seeing this, she was very surprised: “Uncle, there is a hotel in our school? Why did I never know?”

“…” Dongfang Yunhe was silent.

Small thing, of course you don’t know, this is the exclusive lounge for the major shareholders of the board of directors, do you think anyone can come in casually?

“You vomit like this, do you still want to wait here for someone to visit? Go home.” It was hard to explain, so he avoided talking about it.

“Oh, okay.” Nalan Xiner was also a little guilty, and hurriedly followed Dongfang Yunhe out.

It’s just that Dongfang Yunhe found this shirt for her. It just reached the position of her big legs. It just covered her PP, and she didn’t have any pants to wear. It was a bit embarrassing.

As soon as he went out, the cold wind blew, Dongfang Yunhe quickly took off his coat and put it on her.

Nalan Xiner was wearing a coat and snuggled warmly in his arms.

There is no one in the long corridor, and the shadows of the two people’s bodies are elongated by the corridor lights, projecting beautiful parallel lines.

This scene is really beautiful, if no one bothers.

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