One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 894: Miss Xiner is jealous [3]

The three of them couldn’t help thinking silently. Professor Dongfang punished them for writing a self-criticism and punishing them for standing, but he didn’t say how to punish Xiner. Could it be that Xiner, the initiator, should be punished more severely?

He Xiaowu was very worried and couldn’t help saying: “Professor Dongfang, Xiner was taken by us. She didn’t want to skip class, it’s all because of us…”

She wants to take the blame for herself.

But obviously, this trick didn’t work.

Dongfang Yunhe said coldly: “I know who took the lead in making mistakes. Xiao Wu, you don’t have to excuse her, unless you want to write 100 reviews – and I won’t let her go.”

He Xiaowu was agitated, knowing that nothing could be hidden from this man with great powers and eyes, so he could only droop his head and walk to the office with Song Junhua and the others.

Song Junhua said in a low voice, “Don’t say it anymore, it will only make the male **** unhappy. Don’t worry too much, both of you, Xiner is his fiancee after all, can he really be willing to punish him?”

He Xiaowu suddenly realized: “Yeah, I almost forgot about this, if Xiner is willing to act like a spoiled child, she should be able to pass? Oh, the problem is that the guy is like a drunk cat, and he won’t say anything. If you say something nice, but always talk back stubbornly, of course the male **** is not happy…”

Song Junhua sighed: “The matter of the husband and wife, you can let them solve it. We don’t want to cause trouble for Xiner. It’s serious. Come on, write a review quickly.”

Chen Xueshu was silent, and as soon as he arrived at the office, he immersed himself in writing a review.

Here the three of them wrote a review and were punished for standing up without mentioning it. Over there, Dongfang Yunhe looked at Nalan Xiner who was intoxicated.

He heard her repeatedly muttering “Big Bird is drinking coffee with others”. At first, he didn’t care, and the more he listened, the more unpleasant it became.

Suddenly, her eyes flashed, thinking of when she met Qin Fangfang in the school cafe at noon, Nalan Xiner happened to be coming out of the cafeteria, and their eyes met on the glass window for a brief moment.

Isn’t the little thing… jealous?

As soon as Dongfang Yunhe thought of this possibility, the qi in his stomach suddenly turned into a helpless softness around his fingers.

“Little fool!”

He shook his head and carried Nalan Xiner like a little bird. Seeing that there was no one around, he flashed into the nearest office.

This office is a reference room, with a narrow space, a row of large data racks lined up along the wall, full of printed test papers and reference materials.

Dongfang Yunhe leaned Nalan Xiner’s soft body against the document shelf, held her waist with one hand, and raised her chin with the other: “Little thing, you skipped class today because you saw me In a cafe? Huh?”

Nalan Xiner was in a dizzy state when she vaguely heard what the person opposite said about a cafe, she pouted and said, “I hate cafes, I will never go to cafes again! What other clubs are there? Private room, I don’t want to go, hum! That’s where stinky men go out to steal ~ love! I hate it, hate it, hate it!”

While speaking, the little fist was still pounding around, and it hit Dongfang Yunhe’s shoulder and chest with a slight pain.

But the pain in his body, but an indescribable joy gradually rose in Dongfang Yunhe’s heart.

Isn’t the cafe over yet?

Is there a private room in the clubhouse?

Which club? Alexander Clubhouse?

Gradually, there was a strong emotion that filled his lips, which brought a faint smile to the corner of his lips.

I’m really jealous…

I didn’t expect a jealous little thing to be so unreasonable, cute and cute…

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