One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 812: Charity dinner storm [8]

Big Ben shuddered.

No, that’s not its mission, not the future it wants!

It hopes that she will become stronger, and it can also return to its former prosperity and power, opening a world of the strong, an epic chapter!

This is its secret desire.

This is the ambition it cannot speak of.

However, seeing that Nalan Xiner was in such pain at the escalation juncture, how difficult and dangerous it was, it suddenly realized that Nalan Xiner was just an ordinary human being.

She is not a natural cultivator. Most of the time, she is only supported by an unyielding mental force and a strong sense of revenge, that she has obtained adventures and opportunities, and has been reborn step by step to this day, opening the door The talent of time ability and sensory jade.

Can she really cultivate to the 12th level of Divine Consciousness?

Can she really unlock all the secrets of watchmaking?

Big Ben is very uncertain!

Because, this task is too difficult for an ordinary human girl! Difficult to climb to the sky!

Big Ben is really starting to regret it, in case, it means in case, Nalan Xiner was bitten by the chance of this third layer, and all the spiritual power was sucked by that spring belt Caifuxing, she will become a fool! ! !

It didn’t tell her just now that the so-called energy source in the spring belt color lucky star was the spiritual essence of the cultivator that was absorbed by this jade stone for hundreds of years!

This is not an ordinary spring ribbon at all, this is a magic stone.

It’s magical!

If Nalan Xiner is attacked by her demonic nature, all her previous achievements will be forfeited.

Big Ben is really getting worried.

For the first time, it realized that it was not helping Nalan Xiner utilitarian, nor was it a relationship of mutual benefit, it actually began to have a sincere love for her.

Sincerely, for her.

If she failed this time, it suddenly felt that it might never forgive itself, why didn’t she tell her the risk in advance, and let her make a decision after weighing it carefully.

The pointer suddenly stopped for a moment.

Big Ben is chagrined.

At the same time, this stubborn little body in the space suddenly fell to the ground with a thud.

Outside the bathroom, a man dressed as a cleaner with a thick mask and hat walked in with a garbage truck.

The man glanced around furtively and found that only the innermost compartment was closed. He took out a piece of wire and fiddled with it a few times.

With a click, the compartment opens.

“Fuck, there’s no one? Lie to me! This grandma is a ball, the compartment must be broken!” The man yelled rudely, turned around and made a phone call: “Hello, Miss Zhirou, you just saw Wrong, the straw bag didn’t come in!…Okay, I will continue to pay attention…Okay, don’t worry…the dinner party is still long, and there is still a chance…I will follow your instructions…”

The man tore off his mask, gasped, and hung up.

That face is actually the driver of the Nalan family—Yao Dazhuang!

After Yao Dazhuang left the bathroom.

In the innermost compartment, in the corner, lies a pocket watch.

Yao Dazhuang was looking for someone, but he didn’t look at the ground carefully. Otherwise, this pocket watch looked simple and noble, and he would definitely have it in his pocket.

In the watch space, Big Ben nervously watched Yao Dazhuang finally leave, and was relieved.

It looked at Nalan Xiner who fell to the ground and couldn’t wake up, thinking that the dinner party was about to start, and couldn’t help but get anxious for her.

“Xin Er, are you okay? Wake up… wake up…”

It has no hands or feet, and the pointer can’t stretch that long. It’s impossible to tell if Nalan Xiner is still panting.

Still… alive?

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