One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 701: They are getting rich

Blue sky and white clouds, a huge and beautiful umbrella bag is slowly falling. Under the umbrella bag, a little girl and a little boy are enjoying the fun of tandem skydiving.

Suddenly, the paracord broke!

The boy hugs the girl tightly. During the process of falling, they must use the flying birds, floating clouds, and even the branches of the towering ancient trees as buffers to slow down the speed of the fall…

Although it is only a small clip, Nalan Xiner enjoys watching this game.

She couldn’t help thinking of the passionate scene of the uncle and her tandem skydiving, and a pretty peach pink quietly climbed on her cheeks.

The two were watching intently, but did not notice that outside the restaurant, a pair of eyes full of hatred, bloodshot, stared at the two of them.

Nalan Xiner slapped Chen Xueshu on the shoulder after watching the game clip: “Little Prince of Mathematics, you are a genius! I can guarantee that your game will be popular! Look, there are beautiful women in the process. There are rewards for winning gold coins, and there are thrilling adventures in the middle… Beauty, money and excitement are the three key elements of business success…”

Chen Xueshu sweated: “Xin Er, where did you learn what business success factors…”

“Ahem…that…” Nalan Xiner couldn’t say, she learned it from Big Ben, right?

So she coughed twice and said with a smile, “It’s what I usually hear from adults in the family, hehe. Anyway, I think your idea is reliable, it will definitely be popular, and it has great commercial value!”

Chen Xueshu is not so optimistic. He used to like to design small programs, get some hacking programs to decipher Lin’s computer, and see what they did with Chen’s inheritance to steal chickens~touch dogs…

However, can this kind of petty program make money? Can it still fire? He really never thought about it.

Even if Xiner and him proposed to make a mobile game last time, he would be divided between 50 and 50%. He was more out of his trust in Xiner, but he never thought about how popular the business prospects of mobile games would really be.

“Of course, now mobile games are a super hot industry. They are even more popular than those serious business programs. Do you know what the annual revenue of the mobile game branch under the Tencent TX Group in China is now? Is it?” Nalan Xiner said earnestly.

Chen Xueshu shook his head blankly. He really hadn’t paid attention to this information.

He has no capital, no business power, and it’s useless to pay attention to this.

Nalan Xiner said softly: “5.7 billion.”

Chen Xueshu, who has always been calm, could not help but open his mouth.

Nalan Xiner eloquently said: “The customers in the mobile game market can cover almost all people with smartphones, so the number of potential customers is very large, and the barriers to entry are not high, as long as a team of three or five people is required. , you can develop a popular game. Of course, whether the game is popular depends on creativity and luck. The current popular mobile games are all closely following fashion topics and hitting cute points. For example, the female-oriented harem and concubines compete for favor, the cultivation of immortals and apprenticeships, the male-oriented competition for hegemony, sports competitions, etc., we only need to grasp the fashion and cute points, and then add our unique creativity…”

Nalan Xiner hastened to share her observations and analysis of the mobile game market one by one.

Since that time at the top of the Jingyun Temple ruins in the Maple Leaf Valley of Xiangshan Mountain, Dongfang Yunhe criticized her. As the eldest lady of the Nalan family, she wants to regain her own family property, but does not care about business information and business trends. Knocked down, she began to pay attention to business news and business hotspots.

The attention and study during this period of time have indeed made her quite rewarding.

At least Chen Xueshu was very shocked: “Xiner, is there really such a big business opportunity in the mobile game market? Then we…”

Isn’t it about to make a fortune?

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