One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 493: This guy is weird

This night, Dongfang Yunhe slept tormented again.

He woke up hazy several times and saw the sweet sleeping face of the little thing in his arms, but he could only help her pull the quilt that was kicked away, or at most hug her tighter.

Yes, it’s uncomfortable to hold tight.

Not eating, watching, is not something ordinary people can bear.

It was almost dawn before he fell asleep.

After falling into a deep sleep, his body sank, and a touch of fiery wrapped around him.

In the dream, he clearly felt that the little goblin who couldn’t see his face in the dream came to him again…

It seems that she fully understands his body’s longing and knows that he is suffering tonight. This time, when she came, she didn’t do anything superfluous, and directly gave him the most beautiful enjoyment…

Such sleep time is sometimes long and sometimes short.

After many ups and downs, ups and downs, he finally released completely and calmed down.

The next morning.

Nalan Xiner was unaware that she had caused a “physical” and mental torment to a black-bellied bird last night.

He happily ate the breakfast made by his uncle himself, and then went to school with his schoolbag on his back.

At the school gate, when she got off the Dongfang Yunhe car, Lan Zhirou also got off Yao Dazhuang’s car.

The car of Dongfang Yunhe is low-key and luxurious, but the car driven by Yao Dazhuang is the worst car in the Nalan family.

The two got out of the car at the same time, and it felt like a stark contrast between a real lady, and an upstart pretending to be lavish.

Lan Zhirou’s face turned pale when she saw Nalan Xiner’s refreshing look. The shame of being crushed on the field yesterday is vivid in her mind.

At this time, students from the lower grades at the school gate recognized Nalan Xiner one after another, and exclaimed in admiration: “Vitality girl! This is Senior Sister Xiner who won Vitality Girl yesterday! Hello, Senior Sister. Great, we adore you!”

Lan Zhirou didn’t even have time to say anything, she was pushed aside by the enthusiastic juniors.

She has a feeling of being completely ignored.

This feeling is quite unpleasant, quite aggrieved.

Nalan Xiner politely greeted the juniors and juniors, and walked towards the classroom with a graceful manner, surrounded by everyone.

As soon as I entered the classroom, I was dragged by He Xiaowu and complained: “Hey, Xinmei, you have always been very punctual, but you didn’t come yesterday! Even the phone was turned off. It made us wait and wait at the KTV, If there is no ghost in the middle of the night, what’s the matter with you?”

Chen Xueshu, who was sitting in the front row, couldn’t help but pricked up his ears when he heard the complaint.

Last night, he insisted on waiting until the end, it was past two in the morning.

Drank bottle after bottle of wine and sang song after song, but still didn’t wait for Xin Er.

Not to mention lost.

He was really curious, what did Xiner do last night?

Nalan Xiner smiled and said: “I’m sorry, my phone is out of battery, and I was tired from the game yesterday. I was asked a bunch of questions by those little reporters. I was so tired that I went home and fell asleep. Thinking of it will make you wait for me! Well, I will find time in the future, and I will invite you to have a good meal!”

“It is necessary, you local tyrant Xin!” He Xiaowu covered her mouth and laughed.

Lin Haoyi, who was sitting next to Chen Mathematica, couldn’t help but turn his head and said, “What are you talking about so happily? Where are you going to play, can I join in?”

Nalan Xiner glanced at him. The corners of her lips that had been smiling happily gradually closed, and she said lightly, “You play with us? Are you not afraid that your sister Lin Yiyao will make trouble with you?”

If Lin Yiyao and Nalan Xiner don’t deal with each other, how could they accept her brother to play with the straw bag.

And this Lin Haoyi always makes her feel weird.

【Yun Ye: 2 too few to see enough? Don’t worry, fairies, I’ll add 8 more tomorrow! Grandpa is going to go to bed early tonight. Uncle has been a vegetarian all the time. Grandpa also stays up late every day to write. He is always a vegetarian. So we all know what the Lord is going to do tonight… to prepare for your welfare! Good night kiss~]

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