One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 449: Stunning ability [2]

Nalan Xiner’s mother, Xuanyuan Qin, was once a talented beauty who knew everything about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

It’s a pity that Xuanyuanqin passed away early. After her stepmother, Lin Meiqing, brought her concubine Lan Zhirou into the door, she deliberately planned to make Nalan Xiner, a genuine daughter, into a scumbag.

Let’s not talk about learning talents, it’s just a normal course study. Lin Meiqing deliberately encouraged her not to study seriously, but continued to guide her to play some unorthodox things – darts, racing, gambling…

So, she’s always been a scumbag.

So, she doesn’t have any talent.

Even that poor etiquette knowledge was taught to her by Dongfang Yunhe.

This is Lin Meiqing’s brilliance.

Looking to be pampering her, she was actually killing her with a slow knife, which is consistent with the method of using slow poison in shrimp dumplings.

Nalan Xiner’s palm was tightly clenched under the desk.

A pair of smoky eyes narrowed to a crescent-like arc.

There is a touch of determination and imperative in her voice——

“I haven’t learned talent since I was a child! However, I won’t lose to them!”

The students in Class B looked at each other immediately.

On the one hand, they were surprised that Nalan Xiner was born in a wealthy family and did not receive talent training, which is really strange.

On the other hand, they are worried about Nalan Xiner from the bottom of their hearts. If Xiner really doesn’t have any talent, how can she compete with that blue lotus flower and Gongju sickness?

He is an eighth grader of piano and a master of saxophone…

But, looking at Xiner’s self-confidence and arrogance, everyone felt that there was an indescribable and convincing power.

He Xiaowu hurriedly took the lead: “It’s alright, it’s settled, let Xiner think about her talent. We’ll take care of the voting! Everyone, work hard to canvass votes. Also, today we talk about If you do, don’t spread a word! Anyone who dares to be a traitor… can’t spare him!”

After speaking, he glanced at Lin Haoyi with a pointed glance.

Lin Haoyi pursed her lips awkwardly: “I swear, I won’t go out and say it.”

He Xiaowu rolled her eyes: “If a man swears he can believe it, a sow can climb a tree! You’d better be careful!”

Going home from school, Nalan Xiner began to prepare nervously.

Although she has now been surpassed, she is not worried.

With the support of her friends, she won’t have to worry about qualifying for the finals.

The key is the final project.

Looking at the four items of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, she sighed. Forget it, let’s start with the simplest.

She brought a pair of chess into the clock space, opened a chess book, and practiced.

This practice is a full 10 hours.

Never sleep or eat.

Fortunately, she opened the clock space corridor. After the first study room, she gained a powerful time difference – 1 hour in the room is 1 minute in the outside world.

So, although she has studied for so long, in fact, to outsiders, she is just in the bathroom, closing the door and going to the toilet for 10 minutes.

“Tuk tuk tuk.” There was a knock on the door.

A man’s cool voice came faintly: “Xin Er, is your kidney not good again? It took so long to go to the bathroom.”

Crap, uncle, can you say something nice.

My sister seems to have kidney deficiency every day.

She reluctantly agreed: “Come on, come on, what do you mean by bad kidneys, people obviously have better internal circulation… You’re still a physics professor, you don’t understand this…”

【Yun Ye: Words are counted, Master has added more force. The fairy version of the word “husband” was announced last night. Tonight, the standard answer of the father will be announced. Let’s see if it is different from what you think. See you at 12 midnight! ]

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