One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 436: Competition, vitality girl [2]

Nalan Xiner blinked: “I didn’t want to participate…”

She has always thought that such a showy and winning selection competition is very boring.

It’s just a title, there’s no need to care so much.

Her main energy now is to open a secret company, dig out malachite veins for trading, and then transfer the funds and reserve them. One day in the future, she will have a life-and-death fight with Lan Zijun and Lin Meiqing. Intense business war.

Compared to the kind of brutal but brutal struggle in the shopping mall, she was really not interested in such a romantic and petty election in the school.

She has a broader vision of life in front of her, and the enemy she faces is a more powerful adult. How can she focus her energy on campus competitions and competition among classmates?

But, just seeing Junior Brother Yan Sheng’s enthusiasm and determination, she admitted that she was infected a little…

But not enough, make her change her mind.

“Xiao Wu, actually I think…” Nalan Xiner’s lips parted slightly, just as she was about to explain her thoughts, but was interrupted by a sudden scream.

“Nalan Xiner, you shameless scumbag, you are really pushy! It’s okay to chat at home, and you can’t stop chatting when you go to school! Just because you are a scumbag, you are so embarrassed to participate in Vitality Girls. Your choice? Where do you have energy? I think you are rustic!”

A sharp and mean voice, with a spoiled irrationality and impetuousness, came suddenly from behind.

Nalan Xiner frowned in displeasure, turned to take a look, and couldn’t help sneering in her heart—

Whoever has such a stinky mouth turns out to be the unrepentant Lin Yiyao!

Lin Yiyao, Lin Chuan’s youngest daughter, is a sophomore at Imperial Middle School and spent money to buy into Class A of Senior Two. At the Lin family dinner last time, I tried to bully Nalan Xiner with cats and dogs, but she was humiliated by Nalan Xiner in public.

Seeing Lin Yiyao’s mean and unreasonable appearance, Nalan Xiner raised her delicate eyebrows disdainfully.

Said in a cold voice, “Does it matter to you if I have vitality? Lin Yiyao, you better worry about your own bad luck!”

Lin Yiyao was choked for a moment, and said angrily: “Hey, didn’t you just hook up with a junior brother to help you get ahead and promote votes? Let me tell you, Yan Sheng is just a scumbag in class B, just relying on him, you still think Got a vote for you? Dreaming! Our sophomore class A will not vote for you at all!”

Seeing her so determined and arrogant look, Nalan Xiner laughed instead of being angry, and asked her pretending not to understand: “Oh, yes. Then who do you vote for?”

Lin Yiyao said proudly, “Of course I voted for this princess! I am the worthy little princess of Imperial Middle School!”

Nalan Xiner smiled and said, “Well, I believe in this. You can see that Gongju’s illness is quite serious. Remember to treat it early!”

“You…!! You actually said that this princess is sick!” Lin Yiyao then realized that Nalan Xiner didn’t ask her for advice at all, she was deliberately teasing her and mocking her.

“Yes, you are not only sick, but also wrong about your fan base. In fact, my sister advises you, you are not good at canvassing votes from your classmates, you might as well go to the farm to canvass votes. I see you It is quite popular with cats and dogs, and may be awarded the honorary title of ‘the best bite target’ among dogs.”

Nalan Xiner said with a half-smile, making Lin Yiyao half-dead.

This is clearly a sardonic satire of Lin Yiyao, who was bitten by a domestic bull terrier in public at the Lin family dinner on the weekend…

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