One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 3655: The chief has a disease

Song Songzheng was in a heavy heart about the ten golden pens. Seeing the information of Mala Xiaomian, she stretched her brows for a moment and clicked.

Spicy noodles: “I haven’t updated Weibo recently, what’s wrong with my Lord Song Song?”

Song Xiaomei: “It’s not swollen, don’t worry.”

Spicy noodles: “Isn’t it swollen? That’s because the hair is not thick to meet people?”

She couldn’t help but lift the corners of her lips slightly, this spicy little noodle is quite caring and caring.

It’s an uncle who is obviously a little awkward. He has to speak in a cute tone.

Thinking of what Sister Na had instructed her before, asking her to find out the identity of Mala Xiaomian, she thought for a while, and then sent another message.

Song Xiaomei: “I came out to meet people. Last week, I held a signing party, but you didn’t come, otherwise we can meet each other!”

Spicy noodles: “It seems that a man and a woman can’t be called Mianji, Song Song Da!”

Song Xiaomei: “Are you really a man?”

Spicy noodles: “If it’s fake!”

Song Xiaomei (puckering her lips): “You can’t believe me until you see me! After all, do you dare to come out and meet me!”

Spicy noodles: “…”

Song Xiaomei (cold snort): “Cheat, don’t you dare?”

Spicy noodles: “Who said that? Of course I dare, just thinking, how can I not scare you…”

Spicy noodles said “I” almost made Song Song think that the other party was Gong Qing possessed!

Song Xiaomei: “Can you stop saying ‘I’. I thought it was my brother, I scared the baby to death!”

Spicy noodles: “…”

Song Xiaomei: “Really, my brother loves to say that, he is extremely domineering!”

Spicy noodles: “He’s domineering?”

Song Xiaomei: “Hmmmm! He’s the most dictatorial man in my family!”

Spicy noodles: “…”

Song Xiaomei: “Okay, let’s not talk about my brother. Tell me about you! You can’t come out to meet people! The cuties all want to see you in person, and I… also want to!”

Spicy noodles: “You see me, won’t your brother be angry?”

This question is a good question, and Song Song was stunned.

After thinking for a few seconds, she continued to answer——

Song Xiaomei: “Yes. But I don’t want to care about him anymore! He’s too dictatorial, I’ve had enough! I just want to meet netizens and readers. Anyway, I have a clear conscience. This man is too careful, it’s a disease!”

On the other end of the network, Gong Qing almost lost his breath.

As soon as the phone fell, it was thrown to the ground.

The place for the military parade is a hard asphalt road.

This fall, the phone suddenly broke in half…

The corner of Adjutant Lu’s lips twitched, and he immediately took out a new mobile phone from the equipment box.

Alas, fortunately, he was well prepared, and knew that the Chief Minister would definitely drop his phone today.

Since the last time Ms. Song signed an autograph meeting, the chief has broken an average of one mobile phone every day.

Ask him why, he doesn’t know!

Sometimes he secretly sees the tip of the head of the head, and clicks on the address book, Miss Song’s name, but, in the next second, before the head can call out, the phone has been dropped. Life is over!

Occasionally, he secretly saw the chief surfing Weibo, but he couldn’t get any news from Miss Song after swiping, and the chief threw his phone away in a rage!

Today, today he clearly saw the Chief Minister and Miss Song chatting in the sky. He thought that he could keep the clouds open and see the moon, but who would have thought… The Chief Minister was chatting and smashing his phone again!


The heart of the chief, the needle at the bottom of the sea!

Song Song held her phone and saw that Mala Xiaomian was offline.

She wondered inexplicably, why did the spicy noodles disappear just after she said a few bad things about her brother?

Could it be that all men in this world are the same and don’t like to hear about other men?

Wow, she was careless.

I originally wanted to inquire about the identity of Mala Xiaomian, but now it’s good, scaring people away.

However, while depressed, suddenly, “Ding Dong——” sounded.

She saw the avatar of Mala Xiaomian, and it lit up again!

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