One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 360: Zhao Zhijian was punished

Seeing that everyone’s eyes were on him, Zhao Zhijian couldn’t help shaking.

That gaze, although intangible and intangible, was like a sharp sword piercing the heart, making him extremely frightened.

I had promised Lan Zhirou before, and I would do it all, but at that time, he had no idea that he would face such a scene of mass attack and criticism.

The crowd was crowded, the crowd in Class B was excited, the principal was ruthless, and even Huang Ya was punished so severely, so what kind of terrifying end will he face?

Huangfu Shaoyu asked, “Zhao Zhijian, you stole the test paper and wanted to slander your classmates. You said, what purpose did you do, and who was instructing you?!”


Zhao Zhijian’s voice trembled, he didn’t know if he should confess Lan Zhirou.

By confessing, maybe she will be able to get out of her guilt, but Lan Zhirou is probably going to be miserable.

Not to mention being punished by the school, you may also be beaten to death when you go home, right?

Huangfu Shaoyu became impatient when he saw that he didn’t speak for a long time: “Zhao Zhijian, don’t take chances. I tell you, even if you don’t speak up, you won’t be able to escape your punishment today! Don’t think that you don’t speak up. , I can’t help you!”

Nalan Xiner noticed that Zhao Zhijian’s eyes were a little unsteady.

She knew that it was impossible for Zhao Zhijian to come up with such an interlocking idea today. At most, he would have stolen the test paper. As for how to put it in the locker and how to report it, it must have been Lan Zhirou’s guidance and advice. Arrangement, otherwise, when school is over, Lan Zhirou will not deliberately stop herself in the corridor, and chat with her greasy crooked for a long time.

It seems that Zhao Zhijian is going to sacrifice himself to protect Lan Zhirou?

Never let Blue Lotus succeed.

Nalan Xiner took a step forward and said coldly, “Zhao Zhijian, do you understand what the Principal said? If you put yourself in in order to exonerate others, you will lose more than you gain. As far as I know , Your family conditions are average, right? It is not so easy to get admitted to Imperial High School? If you are punished, your future will be ruined by more than half, right? But what about others? Think about it and don’t do stupid things!”

Nalan Xiner’s remarks can be said to hit the nail on the head.

He immediately gave Zhao Zhijian a blow.

Yeah, today he helped Lan Zhirou to commit the crime, if Lan Zhirou refuses to admit it in the future…

Thinking of this, Zhao Zhijian’s eyes swept across Lan Zhirou next to him.

I saw Lan Zhirou, like a shy lotus flower, shy and timid, with her head half lowered, her hair loose, and her shoulders trembling.

That way, how pitiful, how weak, how weak.

Let the man’s desire for protection suddenly come up.

When I looked more closely, I saw that a pale hand was tightly grasping the neckline, and a piece of skin was exposed at the heart of her heart, with the scars that had been whipped.

This situation and this scene bring a touch of indescribable confusion, confusion, temptation, and chaos.

Zhao Zhijian’s eyes were straight, his throat was dry, and his mind seemed to be cursed.

He wants to protect Lan Zhirou and stand for Lan Zhirou, so that Lan Zhirou will promise to be his girlfriend, date him, and do the most terrible thing between men and women with him.

At this moment, he even forgot that his egg was broken and he couldn’t make anything at all.

But he seemed to be bewitched by Lan Zhirou, his mind was bewildered, and he was stunned. He could no longer listen to Nalan Xiner’s calm and sharp analysis, and said—

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