One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 3466: Mother Niu and Queen Song

Song Song thought about it in the fan circle, but she couldn’t think of anyone else who would become her investor and her boss.

She shook her head and said to Sister Na, “I shouldn’t be a fan… Or, can you help me get in touch with him, let’s meet?”

Sister Na was embarrassed and said: “This lord, don’t show up at all! Even the bank account with the seal of the publishing house was delivered to me by courier. Then I just left a message with an order – spare no effort to make you popular! I need money, Even if you speak! You say, is this master low-key or low-key? Domineering or domineering?”

Song Song is also drunk.

Yes, very low-key, very domineering. Also… very confusing.

“But Song Song, don’t be too stressful. As for this investor, although he has invested his capital, I think he has a lot of vision! It won’t hurt to invest in you. Don’t worry, I will do my best. I will do my best to use my half-life publishing experience to serve you and help you to become the first sister in the comic circle! Also, I will double the amount of his investment!”

Obviously, Sister Na accepted this bizarre reality faster than Song Song, and was full of fighting spirit and confidence.

Song Song couldn’t digest the shocking news, and murmured, “Sister Na, I don’t know yet, what is the name of our new publishing house…”

Sister Na cut and said, “You are so confused at noon, aren’t you reading Weibo? Look at the line of small characters below your Weibo name, what is written?”

“Song Dynasty Publishing House?” Song Song almost fell off his chair, “Who came up with this name?”

“Your investor took it!” Sister Na smiled, “I think it’s very domineering! It looks like a tough guy named it, it’s cool!”

Song Song is really powerless to complain.

It is estimated that this domineering and unique name can only be adopted through the green channel of the presidential palace, right?

“From now on, you are the eldest princess of the Song Dynasty, not the Empress! As for me, I am the Niu Mammy who serves you! Haha! The Empress, if you have any orders in the future, call me at any time. Oh my nanny! This nanny will contact you about the promotion of the second book first, and stop by the printing house to print the first book for you…”

Sister Na smiled lightly, her joyful emotions could not be concealed through the receiver.

Song Song took a deep breath and hung up.

Mother Niu, Queen Song?

God, what and what.

She covered her face, feeling that her life had begun to be mysterious.

On Weibo, private mailboxes are constantly flashing.

Song Song quickly posted a message.

Song Xiaomei: “Little cuties, we will officially open a new map in the ‘Song Dynasty’ in the future! Those scumbags who are jumping around, come and clean up one, come two to clean up a pair!”

As soon as Weibo was posted, the comments exceeded 100 seconds!

Wootou: “Sit on the sofa! Oh, no, last time Mala Noodles said you can’t sit on the sofa, otherwise I’ll be evil! A sin! A sin!”

Scallions mixed with tofu: “Ou Ye! Support my goddess to open a new map, the Song Dynasty is beautiful!”

The ant climbed the tree: “I saw the goddess yesterday. I didn’t sleep all night, so I waited for the goddess to post on Weibo. Well, people can finally go to bed with satisfaction! Goddess, what a one!”

Sauerkraut fans: “Song Song Da, I’m your little cute new, you know me well! Last night I learned that you are such a wonderful painter, I fell in love with you as soon as I saw it, please reply to me Is it okay?”

Wootou: “Please join the group quickly, and give Song Songda the most loyal support!”

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