One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 3174: A strange change has occurred!

At this speed, when will it be possible to dig a few hundred meters?

But, if you don’t dig it up sooner, everyone will be short of water, and you won’t be able to last for long.

After all, when the next lunar eclipse will be, we don’t know yet!

There has to be a source of water to keep them going until their next chance to go out.

Everyone was digging hard, sweating profusely, and red light appeared on everyone’s face. It could be seen that the spiritual energy was also colliding and absorbing in the body.

The Great Elder was not far from the crowd, and Nianxu watched all this with a faint smile on his face.

Although digging a well is a difficult, almost hopeless task.

However, the snow wolves did not give up. They were inspired by the spirit of self-sacrifice of the elders, and they worked very hard.

It’s just that, in such a warm atmosphere, a strange change happened.

Beside Nalan Xiner, a sturdy adult snow wolf has the most strength and enthusiasm.

But he was digging and digging, suddenly rolled his eyes, twitched, and fell to the ground!

Everyone exclaimed and hurriedly carried him to the open space next to him, wanting to give him a diagnosis and treatment, was he overworked and collapsed.

However, in the next second, the wolves were horrified to find that the snow wolf who fell to the ground, with two wolf eyes, suddenly expanded, and the eyeballs as bright as glass beads suddenly burst out with blood!

This scene is really weird and terrifying.

Snow wolf is not dead yet, lying on the ground groaning in pain.

And everyone was at a loss, distressed and helpless, and looked at his wolf face with a little bit of fear… The wolf eyes that burst out are still hanging on their faces…

Whoops—how weird!

How can this happen?

This is something they’ve never seen before!

For a while, the wolves were at a loss and looked at the Great Elder.

The first elder walked over with a beard, pondered for a moment, shook his head, frowned, did not speak, but gave a meaningful glance at Nalan Xiner and Xuanyuanmo.

This snow wolf with burst eyes is the closest to Nalan Xiner!

If there is a reason for such a strange thing to happen, the first one who should be suspicious is Nalan Xiner.

However, the first elder didn’t say anything, didn’t even question Nalan Xiner, but glanced at her with complicated eyes, then withdrew his gaze and said in public: “Everyone continue to go about your business, I’ll take care of the injured. …you all…be careful!”

After all, the wolves had to disperse and continue to complete the task of digging the well.

Only this time, everyone tacitly kept a distance from Nalan Xiner.

As if she were a great plague, a great witch.

Get close to her and you’ll be out of luck.

Soon, however, the second, third, also fell to the ground!

Everyone panics.

Some people even shouted: “Elder, come and see if there is something wrong with Miss Xiner, please take her away, everyone around her is sick!”

It’s a coincidence that the people next to Nalan Xiner fell to the ground one after another, their eyes popped, and they all looked terrifying.

However, Nalan Xiner is calm and composed, and there is no trace of ups and downs in her expression. How can she not be suspicious?

The Great Elder squinted, as if making an important judgment.

However, the voices of the crowd were getting louder and louder, and he had to speak: “Don’t get excited…Xiner she…I believe she is not a bad child…you…hold on…wait for the well to be dug. Well, I will question her again. Everyone is united! Unity is the main!”

Seeing the elders defend Nalan Xiner, the wolves were a little unconvinced, and even cast a deeper grievance on Nalan Xiner.

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