One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 304: Unexpected results [3]

At this moment, after listening to Xing Fu’s pungent accusations, although everyone dared to attack Class B loudly, they couldn’t help thinking secretly in their hearts—

If it wasn’t for Class B’s actions, who else would it be, so I hope Class A has an accident and Class A loses?

Seeing that Teacher Xing Fu’s domineering words left those people speechless, Nalan Xiner smiled slightly and spoke.

“Mr. Xing Fu is right, some people are ugly and ugly. Lan Zhirou, you just said that the experimental equipment is our hands and feet? But why, before the experiment started, it was your class A The three of them, like robbing cabbage, rushed to the equipment shelf and picked the equipment and materials first?”

Lan Zhirou’s face turned pale and she took a half step back.

This **** girl reacted so quickly to block her with what happened just now!

Nalan Xiner continued to ask questions step by step, making the words more clear: “If we really moved the hands and feet, I’m afraid we should be the first to pick up the safe materials first, right? After all, these instruments and materials look like Almost, if you don’t start first, how can you ensure the safety of your own materials, and leave the other party a trap? Lan Zhirou, you say, is this the truth?”

Her tone is neither salty nor light, but every word is like a knife, accurately inserted into Lan Zhirou’s weakness!

The classmates and the experts in the audience are not fools. After hearing this, everyone also recalled the scene before the start of the PK game——

As soon as the chemistry teacher announced the selection of equipment, Lan Zhirou and the others rushed to choose it; while Nalan Xiner and the others chose the rest after the other party finished their selection.

Nalan Xiner is right. If the people from Class B are doing things, how can they allow the people from Class A to choose first?

Especially the members of the expert group remember that at that time, they praised that the students of Imperial High School were really eager to learn and energetic, and couldn’t wait to start showing their learning results.

Could it be that Class A is not at all eager to learn, nor is it vigorous, but…premeditated?

Suddenly, the eyes of everyone looking at Lan Zhirou became weird.

Unexpectedly, this seemingly gentle little girl has such a dark heart…

Lan Zhirou was unable to refute Nalan Xiner’s words, her lips trembled, and she asked again, “Sister, don’t be so cold… In fact, I’m just discussing with everyone. One possibility… After all, your class B’s experimental level is really poor. Just now, the three of us in class A will complete the experiment in a few seconds, but you haven’t even done the second experiment. After all… think about it, why should we use means to frame our classmates when our strength is there?”

As she spoke, she looked like she was about to cry.

Nuo Da’s test bed made her appear more and more lonely and helpless, which made her feel a little unbearable and pitiful.

Everyone in the audience shut their mouths, and seemed to feel that it was a bit cruel to suspect such a pitiful female classmate.

What’s more, what Lan Zhirou said seems to have some truth – crime always has a motive, what is the motive for the scumbag of class A to frame the scumbag of class B? They don’t need to be framed at all. In this PK game, Class A wins, there is no suspense at all, okay?

For a while, everyone’s view of right and wrong began to sway again.

“Damn, it’s all a bunch of grass! I’m so **** off.” He Xiaowu couldn’t help but scolded.

Mr. Xing Fu is even more angry: “I really look down on you, I don’t have any IQ! Why must Class A win? Which law stipulates it?”

Only Nalan Xiner was not in a hurry or angry. The smile on her face was full of certainty, even with a hint of cunning that was hard to detect.

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