One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 2766: Insidious blood game [6]

Those sons and buddies, they hate Dongfang Nana being around Nalan Xiner. When they heard Baili Yunying’s proposal, they all jumped out and agreed: “Okay, good match for men and women, do it. No tiring work!”

Nalan Xiner squinted her eyes lightly——

A man and a woman line up to shoot blood bottles?

That is to say, she is going to be separated from Dongfang Nana?

Is there any link that needs to be reminded, Dongfang Nana has no way to communicate with her immediately?

Thinking of this, she glanced at Baili Yunying lightly. She had already seen through Baili Yunying’s sinister thoughts, but she didn’t pierce it.

Baili Yunying bit her lip, for fear that Nalan Xiner would not participate in the second round of the game, she specifically said: “Xiner, in the competition for the first lady, your ability to shoot the prey, everyone I heard it all from the walkie-talkie. Now, we are all looking forward to seeing your archery with our own eyes. You… won’t have the heart to disappoint us, will you?”

Sure enough, as soon as she finished speaking, many voices around her agreed, including men and women: “Yes, yes, Xiner, let’s see with our own eyes, your shooting style! Your sturdy competition The points really make us drool, we really want to open our eyes!”

With so many people speaking out, even if Nalan Xiner wanted to refuse, the scene would definitely be embarrassing and embarrassing.

What’s more, she’s not going to say no!

The word “back off” is not her Nalan Xiner’s style at all, is it?

She raised her chin, her elegant skirt danced with her pace, and walked towards the shooting area that had been set up in front: “It’s not very elegant, just shoot a few times and have fun.”

I have to admit that Baili Yunying is quite prepared. It’s just that in the few minutes they were chatting, in the middle of the dance floor, the long pear wood table for guessing the blood bottle had been removed and replaced with rows of pear wood clothes rails.

A delicate blood bottle hangs from each clothes-hanging pole. They all look similar in appearance. I don’t know if they are the blood bottles just now.

And ten meters away from the blood bottle, a red line was used to pull up a warning: behind the red line, there is a shooting area.

Nalan Xiner took the lead to walk to the shooting area and took the exquisite ancient style crossbow from the servant.

Draw, aim, and shoot!

All in one go!

That action, not to mention so handsome!

About a second, the crystal blood bottle burst with a bang, and the Persian cashmere blanket on the stage was instantly sprinkled with a small bloodstain!

Tsk tsk, that priceless cashmere blanket…

That’s it.

As expected of the eldest lady from a famous family, she doesn’t care about that at all.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

Nalan Xiner hits the target quickly, ruthlessly, and accurately, which is really amazing.

Nalan Xiner’s indifference to expensive rugs is truly jaw-dropping.

Nalan Xiner’s relaxed and casual posture and attitude make people feel that she is a master shooter! The master of the master!

With a single shot, you can hit the target 100% of the time!

However, there seems to be something wrong with such a perfect shot…

No applause, no cheers—yes, those fans and admirers, those sons, didn’t even react!

This is very wrong.

The scallops are still circling in the space and admiring: “Miss, you are really great, great!”

However, Nalan Xiner had already noticed something was wrong, and she did not show the slightest hint of pride in the blood bottle.

She muses: What went wrong?

Isn’t the game of shooting blood bottles hit the target?

Is there something else that matters?

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