One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 2717: Bad lady

Nalan Xiner’s eyes sank.

Major shareholders? !

Uncle is the major shareholder of Imperial Middle School? !

So, a poor professor who can’t afford to live in a dormitory is nothing at all? !

The villa on Kinmen Street is not a house borrowed from a friend. It is the most inconspicuous one among the uncle’s countless assets, right?

Uncle’s salary card is also fake! What salary card do major shareholders need? So, that black diamond card is simply a symbol of the power of the uncle as the heir to the Dongfang family, right?

Any run-down family is all bullshit! Can the Dongfang family be able to hold such a money-burning party as a celebrity grand ceremony, would it be a run-down family? No wonder!

Looking at the current status of the Dongfang family among the seven major families, I am afraid it is still higher than the Nalan family!

Uncle, you cow!

Others are pretending~ You have to pretend to be tall, handsome and rich, but you are better, low-key to death, and deliberately misunderstood that you are nothing.

Nalan Xiner recalled bitterly, when the uncle took her to the luxurious lounge in the teaching building of the Imperial Middle School, when she was smack~smack~smack with all kinds of tricks and unscrupulous Your own exclusive shareholder room?

It made her so nervous at the time that she thought she had entered someone else’s room and felt like she was stealing~~love!

Hmph, the uncle must have done it on purpose. He made her feel even better by deliberately making her tense all over.

Gritting her teeth, she remembered one more thing.

At the time, my uncle liked to see her wearing a student uniform. It was obvious that her figure was growing, and the old uniform was already a little small. He was very domineering and did not allow her to change to a one-size-up uniform. Buttons exploded in front of me!

But later, Imperial Middle School suddenly issued a rule, saying that female students are not allowed to wear short skirts and tight-chested uniforms, and they should all be replaced by loose long shirts and trousers. For a time, the female students complained. ——Because the new style uniform is so ugly!

Unfortunately, everyone’s protest is invalid.

Because it is said that this is an order given by the major shareholders of the school in person, and it is useless for anyone to object.

It turned out that the original rule was for Uncle to avenge his personal revenge, no, he used power to seek personal gain, and deliberately made her unable to wear a tight-fitting uniform at school, so she could only wear it at home for him to see!

What a sinister uncle, what a black-bellied uncle, what a shameless uncle!

Nalan Xiner stared at the man in front of her, with her back to her, who was concentrating on grilling fish and shrimp.

She suddenly realized that the uncle had forgotten her, but in her memories, she also had a side that didn’t really understand him!

Uncle stinky, how much did you deceive her in the past?

She gritted her teeth, but she didn’t have the heart to eat the shrimp. She was sulking for a long time by herself. Suddenly, her eyes lit up, and a smirk appeared on her lips.

“Uncle stinky, let you fool me! Humph!” As she spoke, she took out a small bottle from her rucksack, which contained a faint red powder.

She picked up a grilled shrimp, removed the cork, and lightly sprinkled the powder on the grilled shrimp…

The grilled shrimp was just right, and it was still steaming hot. As soon as the powder was sprinkled on it, it quickly melted into the shrimp meat~, and there was no clue from the outside.

Nalan Xiner smiled wickedly: “Hum, wait for you to eat this shrimp…”

【Yun Ye: Good night kiss! The lord has already rushed to the way the fairies are on their way to the Lord… So the lord has already consciously washed, lay down, and tucked into the bed. Please, the fairies must work harder! After all, it’s been a long time since Grandpa has eaten meat…cough. The powder that the eldest lady gave to the uncle tonight…will it be spring~that~ medicine? ]

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