One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 269: Uncle Vinegar

Before Nalan Xiner went out, she deliberately checked the calendar and weather forecast.

It was a glorious day with bright sunshine and gentle breezes.

The whole morning of their investigation work went smoothly, and they were very lucky to get in the car and ask for directions. Therefore, they basically completed their goals and tasks in the morning.

Nalan Xiner thought to herself that she could have fun in the afternoon, eat snacks in Tianjin City, go boating in the lake and so on.

Unfortunately, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny.

When they were waiting for the bus on the side of the road, they couldn’t wait on the left or on the right. They decided to be extravagant. When they were about to take a taxi, what a crap, there was even a taxi on the busy road. Can’t find it!

Seeing that noon was over, Nalan Xiner was afraid that Chen Xueshu, a tall and thin man, would easily go hungry, so she said, “It might be a little late to eat Goubuli buns, or we’ll go to the restaurant in front of Jinshi Cuisine. Try it in a pub? It should also be a special dish.”

“Okay, what Xiner said to eat, we will eat.” Chen Xueshu agreed.

The two talked and laughed and walked to the pub not far away.

But before taking two steps, the bright wind and sunny weather suddenly blew a gust of wind, layers of dark clouds blocked the sun, a flash of lightning passed, accompanied by the rumbling thunder, the bean-sized The rain is crackling down!

Pedestrians are hiding in the streets on both sides. Such dry weather, thunder and showers make people unprepared and the most terrible.

Nalan Xiner and Chen Xueshu didn’t bring an umbrella at all. If they ran to the tavern, the distance of several hundred meters would have to be drenched in soup, so they had to sneak into a convenience store nearby to hide from the rain.

It’s raining for more than an hour at a time!

The two of them stared at the torrential rain, and their stomachs were shriveled. They didn’t even think about what to eat. They bought instant noodles and yogurt bread at the convenience store and ate them.

The desire to browse the beauty of the city of Tianjin and taste the snacks of the city of Tianjin has turned into watching the rain and eating fast food in the convenience store.

Not to mention Nalan Xiner’s depression, but Chen Xueshu felt that as long as she could be with Xiner, no matter what she did or where she was, she would be just as happy.

The rain gradually subsided, and the two walked out of the convenience store. Nalan Xiner’s heart was not dead yet, she bit the tip of her tongue and said, “When the rain stops, we can still go…”

Before I finished speaking, I only heard the serious conversation of the pedestrians passing by: “Oh, I heard that there is a strong thunderstorm in the evening. Let’s go home from get off work early today, so as not to be struck by lightning!”

“I didn’t do anything bad, what am I afraid of being struck by lightning?”

“That’s not what I said. Last time there was a strong thunderstorm, some people were cut into coke while sheltering from the rain at the bus stop. It’s terrible!”

“Huh?! But the weather forecast is sunny…”

“The forecast is not always changing, haven’t you seen the new warning issued by the Meteorological Bureau just now?”

“Also, if human beings can predict everything accurately, isn’t that a god?”

The conversations of passers-by drifted into Nalan Xiner’s ears. It was nothing, but Chen Xuesu was a little worried: “Xiner, it’s better, let’s go back…”

He was worried about going out and hurting Xiner and returning home, but he felt distressed.

Nalan Xiner is not afraid of thunder, but if the heavy rain keeps falling, the high-speed train may stop, so they have to stay here overnight, even for two nights, it is not convenient for a man and a woman.

After thinking about it, she nodded and said, “Okay, next time we have a chance, we will come again.”

As everyone knows, she is a prophecy.

Not long after, they did come again, but in a completely different, thrilling way.

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