One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 2616: Scumbags, wait to die!

In the silent night, Dongfang Yunhe was angry and angry for a while, and finally turned into a slight sigh.

Others only saw that Nalan Xiner easily won the first place.

How many people saw her break her arm when the horse went mad?

She was injured herself, kept silent, insisted on finishing the game, and always had a smile on her face, as if it was no big deal.

Actually, the arm was already aching at that time, right?

Seeing her sleeping so deeply at the moment, if she wasn’t too tired, how could she be touched by him, touched the wound, moaned, but still didn’t wake up?

She was so tired, did she practice something in the room after she came back?

Dongfang Yunhe lowered his head and pondered, seeming to understand a bit.

The flame in the lower abdomen is still so vigorous, however, the fire in the heart has gradually turned into softness around the fingers.

He took a breath, put his fingers as lightly as possible, and massaged Nalan Xiner’s arm wound slowly in a circular motion.

In the dark night, a faint golden aura slowly penetrated into her bruised skin.

Nalan Xiner finally stretched her brows and hummed softly in her sleep: “Well… light… light… um… more…”

Dongfang Yunhe’s Adam’s apple rolled, afraid of waking her up, and the movements of her hands were as gentle as possible.

Efforts to ignore the sultry and irresistible, “also” two words.

In the end, even he himself couldn’t believe that such a meticulous, pure and focused healing action was actually made by him!

The moon rises in the sky, the moon sets and the sun rises.

When the sky turned out the fish belly white, Dongfang Yunhe moved his sore arm and gently lowered Nalan Xiner’s sleeve.

The girl’s white skin, this time, is completely clear and lovely, all those bruises are gone!

A night of hands-on massage was amazing.

Dongfang Yunhe stared at a pair of bloodshot eyes, unwilling to stare at the white and delicate skin, and finally couldn’t help but grab another hand before leaving.

Damn little goblin, he agreed to punish her in the middle of the night, how come it seems that he punished himself in the end?

After a night of physical labor, my body is even more sore and painful!

What the **** is this!

After Dongfang Yunhe left, in the clock space.

The scallop girl sighed with emotion: “So comfortable! This breath is so comfortable! The aura of the male **** is different! What are those golden glittering things?”

Big Ben snorted: “True dragon spirit.”

“Ah? It sounds very powerful… I don’t know, it smells so good anyway! I see the injury on the eldest lady’s arm, and it’s completely healed! Really, yesterday, so many sons and brothers came to show their hospitality, but there was not one of them. Those men didn’t really care about the eldest lady when they discovered the injury to the eldest lady’s arm!” Scallop pouted.

Big Ben is pondering: “Do you want to tell Xiner about what he was here last night?”

Scallop said nervously: “You forgot last time, you said that the male **** touched the eldest lady, and the eldest lady went crazy?”

Big Ben nodded: “Okay…let’s not talk anymore…Anyway, he didn’t do it…I’ll just open one eye and close one eye…”

Scallop’s eyes lit up: “Big Ben, I think the male **** is still a little reserved. You see he endured it all night without touching the eldest lady. Maybe next time, the eldest lady will knock down the male god! Don’t bet?”

Big Ben flips the pointer: “boring…”

While I said that, I couldn’t help but wonder in my heart. Next time, if Xiner is not injured, can Dongfang Yunhe really hold back? And Xiner, will she be sturdy and turn around and call the shots?


Unbeknownst to Nalan Xiner, her little ones began to worry about her “sex ~ happiness”.

As soon as she woke up, it was obvious that her arms had regained their comfort.

In my dream last night, there seemed to be a big hand gently massaging. Did she miss her uncle too much?

She bit her lip and smiled wryly.

Look at the clock, it’s getting late, there’s still a tough battle waiting for you today!

Fitting up her hands, she jumped up: “Sister is here! Scumbags die!”

【Yun Ye: Good night kiss. ]

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