One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 2615: Like a pitiful little animal

Dongfang Yunhe was overwhelmed by Nalan Xiner’s sudden dream, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

If I continue to caress deeply~ I’m afraid that she will wake up suddenly, and the cold image that I have painstakingly maintained will collapse all of a sudden?

In the future, this little goblin has another excuse to seduce him and laugh at him?

But stop, the two fires in my heart and lower abdomen are burning fiercely again, I really can’t stand it!

Between the breaths, Dongfang Yunhe’s cold and icy face actually added a bit of warmth.

Palm, resting on top of her small garden, without going deep.

But because of the fire that belonged to a man, the fingertips used a little force.

As a result, Nalan Xiner hummed again in her dream: “I hate… it hurts…”

“Hiss—” Dongfang Yunhe sucked in a breath, this time he no longer hesitated, and directly pulled out his hand.

“Damn little goblin, if you keep calling like that, I really got you!”

Dongfang Yunhe bit his teeth, and his teeth were about to shatter.

I don’t know if the hand was drawn too fast, but Nalan Xiner snorted again when she touched it.

The delicate eyebrows were wrinkled together in pain, she turned over gently, her little face rubbed against the pillow, humming, like an injured but homeless little animal.

Innocent and helpless.

A certain switch in Dongfang Yunhe’s heart seemed to snap open.

I was struck by a very soft, very delicate feeling.

Little leprechaun, really… pathetic.

The next second, he shook his head, no, how could he have such a thought?

This little goblin seduces men everywhere, how can he pity her!

Dongfang Yunhe clenched his fists tightly, all movements stopped and did not move.

In the silence, suddenly flashed in his mind, the scene he saw at the racetrack during the day.

The pale-gold pony jumped wildly in the stream.

Nalan Xiner rode the horse calmly and did not give up. No matter how bumpy the horse’s back was, she firmly grasped the reins and tried her best to communicate with the horse…

Her arm…the movement of holding the reins is really tight…muscles are almost stretched in a straight line…

Thinking about it, Dongfang Yunhe turned his gaze to Nalan Xiner’s right arm.

He reached out and gently lifted the pajamas on her right arm.

A piece of lotus-white skin, glowing with snow, broke into his eyes.

Under the body, it is tight again! A swell!

Dongfang Yunhe endured the pain and lifted Nalan Xiner’s pajama sleeves up to her elbow.

Only then did I see clearly that in the lotus root, there were faint traces of light blue.

That’s the result of overworked muscles.

He suddenly realized that what she called just now wasn’t the evil meaning he thought… not very good, but that she really felt pain.

He accidentally touched her arm, hurting her.

In Dongfang Yunhe’s heart, a touch of remorse gradually spread.

Just now, he was still too unkind.

In order to satisfy myself, I hurt her without knowing it.

This time, he put his hands lightly and gently lifted her arm on his lap, looking at it carefully.

It seems that this injury is more serious than the injury during the day.

Excessive pulling on the reins during the day will cause muscle strain, but if you can rest well at night, it should not be aggravated.

But now, the injury is not only aggravated, even if people accidentally touch it, they can scream in pain in their dreams.

This little goblin is too good at taking care of herself!

I don’t even know how to get a little bit of a tumbler liquor and wipe it off?

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