One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 2611: Idiot, you are so stupid!

Speaking, Baili Rufeng seemed to have made a difficult decision, and seriously promised: “Even if…even if I were to use any method that should not be used…I will try my best to do it… Maybe, I can make her not come to the competition at all tomorrow…as long as you nod!”

What? Baili Rufeng means that for her Nalan Xiner to be the first, she would rather frame her sister?

Did she hear it right?

Nalan Xiner pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes.

After being silent for three seconds, she said solemnly: “So, do you think that after doing this, I will forgive you for everything I did to my Tang monk?! You will be able to feel at ease by mutilating my pony. already?”

She admits that she is sometimes emotionally sluggish, but, in other matters, she is very sharp!

There is only one reason for Baili Rufeng to do this, and that is to atone for Baili Yunying!

There are not many suspicious candidates for framing Tang Seng, among which Baili Yunying is the most suspected.

And what role does Baili Rufeng play in it?

Baili Rufeng’s shoulders trembled. He didn’t expect Nalan Xiner to reveal his purpose so quickly.

He seemed even more ashamed. Nalan Xiner said what he had been embarrassed to say just now. He felt that he had no face to see her, so he didn’t dare to raise his head.

“I’m sorry Xiner…I…I’m sorry for my sister…I’m also confused…”

“Idiot!” Nalan Xiner said suddenly.

A wry smile overflowed from the corners of his lips.

If you do something bad and still take the initiative to admit it, to make atonement, only this guy like Baili Rufeng can do it, right?

She really doubted that Baili Rufeng and Baili Yunying were not born of the same mother!

On the basis of Baili Rufeng’s shame and remorse at the moment, she can also conclude that Baili Rufeng must have been deceived and used by Baili Yunying.

This idiot, who was deceived by his relatives, ran over behind his back stupidly to apologize and make amends for his mistakes.

Should I call him stupid? Or stupid? Still stupid!

Baili Rufeng did not understand what Nalan Xiner meant by scolding him as a “stupid”.

Yeah, he’s a real idiot.

Baili Yunying has always been very smart, how could he be negligent, thinking that she was simply infatuated with a pony, so much so that he even asked him to give the horses jelly beans to eat, such a naive move?

In the end, regardless of the viciousness of Baili Yunying’s move, he also bears a great responsibility for his own stupidity.

“You’re right, Xiner…I’m stupid…so I’m now begging for the guilt, I don’t dare to ask your forgiveness…I just hope you can give me a chance to atone. As long as you tell me, I will It must be done for you!” Baili Rufeng said firmly.

Nalan Xiner poured him another cup of tea.

“You’re really an idiot if you say you’re an idiot! Your sister likes to use underhand tricks to harm people, but I’m not interested!” Nalan Xiner raised her chin, her eyes full of confidence, “Besides, let She’s absent, can’t participate in the competition, even if I win, it’s no fun! I prefer the feeling of knocking down the opponent with my own hands! Do you understand?”

Baili Rufeng was thoughtful, silently admiring Nalan Xiner: “I…understand. I’m sorry Xiner, I was wrong again. I…”

“It’s alright, don’t explain it to me. I know that you must have been fooled by your sister, so that Tang Seng was poisoned, right? So, if you want to atone for your sins, it’s your sister who will atone for it, it’s not your turn. .”

Nalan Xiner’s affirmative answer shocked Baili Rufeng even more.

Xin Er believed him!

Even before he even opened his mouth to explain, Xin Er had already guessed the truth.

His admiration for Nalan Xiner increased even more.

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