One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 2594: Equestrian, a cruel sport

Baili Yunying looked behind her in disbelief.

The applause and cheers were not for her.

Everyone’s eyes, including the eyes of the judges, the eyes of the audience, and even the eyes of the players on the field, are all focused on one point.

That is Nalan Xiner who is the last behind everyone!

I saw her riding the crazy pony, standing up from the stream, and running wildly at an incredible speed.

Although he was still mad, he did not leave the track, but caught up in the footsteps of everyone in a matter of seconds.

And with lightning speed, he crossed the penultimate obstacle.

Seeing, she’s about to catch up with the big army!

The reason why people cheered is because she and the horse were in the stream.

Impressive like a rainbow, fierce and arrogant!

Seeing people involuntarily, excited, shocked, and even worshipped.

There is nothing to admire about a hero who is smooth sailing, but a hero who falls down and gets up again, who refuses to admit defeat and refuses to admit counsel, makes people feel strong!

Nalan Xiner is obviously a woman, but at this moment, everyone can see a kind of heroic temperament from her.

She was so incredible, from the last place, accelerated, accelerated again, crossed an obstacle, surpassed the penultimate person, the third person, the fourth person… all the way!

At this moment, Nalan Xiner’s illusion technique was superbly used, concealing the eyes of everyone present.

Tang Seng was actually very weak at the moment, but she was able to hold on, letting Yuehua aura support its four hooves and run wildly all the way.

It can be said that it is not the Tang Seng who is carrying her in the competition, but her petite body, with its heavy body, is in the competition!

Looking at it, it’s the last obstacle.

Crossing this obstacle, you can catch up with Baili Yunying.

Yes, this obstacle is 1.5 meters high.

What is this concept?

Tang Monk is still young, and although his bloodline is noble, his stature has not yet grown.

Nowadays Tang Seng is standing in front of the obstacle, like a weak and helpless little animal, which makes the obstacle extremely hideous and terrifying.

One meter five is too high for it!

Almost insurmountable existence.

Not to mention, it has never been trained to cross such high obstacles without any skill.

The judges and the audience were sweating for them.

After finally getting up from the stream, this pony must die in the last stage?

This is the most difficult obstacle in today’s competition.

If you can get past it, you can get a good ranking, at least the top three!

If you can’t get over, if you fall off your horse, you will be injured or disabled.

Equestrian is actually a very cruel sport.

Don’t look at Yun Jue as an international equestrian champion and an idol in the hearts of so many women, but no one knows that if you take off Yun Jue’s coat, you can see countless large and small wounds, scars and patches on his body cyan.

Yun Jue was five years old when he was riding a horse and fell and lay down for three months.

At the age of ten, he participated in the National Junior Championships and broke his arm.

The most terrifying thing is that five years ago, in an international competition, because the horse was afraid of the temporarily heightened obstacle and his pace was unstable, he fell off the horse and hit the back of the head.

He was in a coma for half a year. When he woke up, everyone in the family was worried that his head would be broken and he would become dementia.

Since that time, Dongfang Yunhe was not allowed to participate in equestrian competitions again.

However, with persistence and persistence, he persuaded Dongfang Yunhe and gave him another five-year chance.

Equestrian is so cruel!

Whether you are a man or a woman, the risks you face on horseback are the same!

Nalan Xiner, will it be like Yun Jue’s past, unable to cross that obstacle?

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