One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 235: Uncle is too feminine

Nalan Xiner was worried. Where did she get Dige’s invitation card, she heard a voice ringing weakly in her ear: “I…I can get the invitation card…”

The voice was low, like a dull little old man.

Isn’t it the same tablemate Chen Xueshu?

Scare! When did this guy come back? Didn’t you just go to the bathroom?

Isn’t it possible that Chen Xueshu heard He Xiaowu talking to her?

Nalan Xiner’s cheeks couldn’t help flashing a blush, and she glared at He Xiaowu, this girl’s best friend, when can she not talk to her in the classroom and talk about something serious.

It’s like being overheard by a male classmate.

He Xiaowu didn’t realize it, but excitedly asked Chen Xueshu: “Really? Do you have any? Can you get two more for me and Xiner to go?”

“Wait, Xiao Wu, what are you doing to join in the fun?” Nalan Xiner’s mouth twitched.

“I’ll… protect you!” He Xiaowu patted her heart and said proudly.

“…” Nalan Xiner raised her forehead, dear best friend, can you say it straight if you want to play? Sister, does this girl still need the protection of this little woman like you?

Chen Xueshu next to him pursed his lips, nodded and said, “Although I don’t have it, I can…find it from my brother…but it’s really not safe for you two girls to go to that kind of place, if you don’t mind If…”

“Okay, okay, let’s go together! Let’s protect Xiner together!”

Before Chen Xueshu finished speaking, He Xiaowu readily agreed.

The corner of Nalan Xiner’s mouth twitched again, she was completely drunk by her best friend.

Okay, let’s go together, Chen Xueshu and He Xiaowu are both her trusted friends, and she is not worried that her whereabouts will be leaked.

It’s just…Chen Xueshu seems to be a classmate from an average family background, how could he get an invitation card? She remembered that at the adult banquet last time, Chen Xueshu also helped her to get Chu Jingjing and Huangfushan to undress in a few seconds.

I can’t help but think, maybe this silent little old man is really popular, and I don’t know.

Chen Xuesu really did what he said. Before class in the afternoon, he handed over an envelope containing a gold card: “A gold card can bring two friends, and it just so happens that all three of us can enter.”

“Thank you, buddy!” Nalan Xiner didn’t see him outside either, patted him on the shoulder, put away the gold card, and got ready for class.

Chen Xueshu rubbed the place where he was photographed, and felt a little pain and numbness, an indescribable sweet taste came out of his heart.

This class is a long-lost elective in a large lecture room.

When Dongfang Yunhe walked into the door with the lesson plan in hand, the applause broke out in unison, which was even more vigorous than the applause of the fans at the concert.

Nalan Xiner pouted, thinking, if everyone was holding light sticks, it would be more like welcoming the arrival of the male god.

Seeing that the uncle is always so popular, no matter where he goes, he can attract the attention of the audience. Whether it is a little loli or a big breasted girl, they all stare at the uncle – is this the legendary woman’s fate? She didn’t know whether to be happy or unhappy.

She stared at the stage sourly, and suddenly, she felt that the uncle’s icy eyes seemed to be swept over.

Quickly bowed his head, but the speed of his bowing was not as fast as his strafing speed, and the sight of the two men collided in mid-air so unexpectedly.

Nalan Xiner bit her tongue.

Heart, like a young and reckless plum blossom deer, bouncing and bumping in the woods because of the lion’s pursuit.

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