One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 2116: Brother, I’m sorry…

The evil long fingers slid across Song Song’s aching chin, Yin Leopard squinted and said, “Are you a military prostitute of Gong Qing?”

Of course, Song Song couldn’t make any sound at the moment, nor did he have any interest in answering him.

However, the silver leopard is not lonely when he says to himself:

“It seems that there are rumors that Gong Qing is very strict in governing the army, but it’s just a joke. Isn’t it unwilling to be lonely, and also recruited soldiers~~prostitutes to serve?”

“Hehe, it’s still so watery~ A tender and temperamental baby… Gong Qing has a good eye…”

“It’s hard to come to visit Gong Qing once, and I can’t say it without taking some souvenirs…”

“I can’t find anything, why don’t you give me a woman as a gift!”

“Gong Qing, we’re in the same cave, we’ve been in and out together, it’s considered a deeper relationship, isn’t it hahaha…”

Silver Leopard laughed wantonly.

The dark guard seized the time to observe the sentry’s duty situation in the distance through the gap of the floor-to-ceiling windows, trying to find the best time to escape.

Song Song was drenched in such filthy words, angered and shocked.

This terrible man is going to take her away?

No, she wouldn’t go with this kind of man even if she died!

She had never hated her body so much, no strength, no ability, no skill!

She took a deep breath and made up her mind silently.

She’s incapable, but she has a life left.

She can go hard!

There was a look of firmness in her eyes, and she quietly stretched out her hand in the dark.

The flower stand that had scraped her sheets earlier was next to her.

The so-called misfortune depends on the blessing, and the blessing lies on the misfortune…

The culprit that caused her to trip and was discovered by this evil monster is now the only thing she can use.

Her hand, gently… push!

“Ping ping pong pong…” A series of sounds.

Flower stand, turned over!

The vases above rolled down one after another, hitting the marble floor with a crisp sound.

There were also several pots of roses, which fell directly at Song Song’s feet. The thorns of the roses stabbed her to death.

But the corner of Song Song’s lips slightly raised a sweet smile.

Very good, there is a noise, it should be able to spread outside, right? The sentry outside should be able to hear…

Although she can’t shout or run away, it’s still okay to create a little chaos and make a little noise at will.

At this moment, even if the lewd man in front of her twisted her neck, she would die.

Song Song said silently in her heart:

“Gong Qing, before I die, I can only do so much for you…”

“Sorry, I’m really a stupid woman…”

“Brother, I’m sorry…”

Song Song couldn’t help trembling and closed his eyes.

Song Song’s expression, in Yinbao’s eyes, has another meaning.

He thought that Song Song’s sweet smile was because he said he wanted to take her away.

He thought that Song Song trembled and closed his eyes. He was frightened by the accidental collapse of the flower stand.

There is a sense of conquest of a man over a woman in his heart, he really wants to **** her here!

Yes, at this time.

The dark guard suddenly reported in a low voice: “Boss, at three o’clock, someone heard a sound and went to the gate! At seven o’clock, the sentry was changing, there was a gap! If you don’t withdraw, there will be no chance!”

Silver Leopard’s expression froze, and the lewdness in his eyes immediately subsided.

He’s not indifferent and knows what’s more important at the moment.

Seeing his fascinated attitude towards Song Song, the dark guard continued to flatter him: “Boss, don’t worry, after I’m carrying this weak-chicken woman, just leave!”

The silver leopard pinched Song Song’s little face, wishing to take a bite of her tender meat: “You…want to carry her?”

Anwei swallowed his saliva and glanced at Song Song’s delicate body wrapped in the sheets.

I can’t help but secretly surprised: My God, the boss shouldn’t be… Want to carry this army~prostitute~ and go? …

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