One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 1983: Fake, disgusting

Being taught by Master Gong to know the rules and respect the elders, Gong Qing sneered at it and said with a sneer: “Then please explain, my mother was also a commoner woman back then, and what was your reason for disregarding my grandfather’s objection, Marry her in the door? Why didn’t you think about it back then and create an environment for me to join forces? Now you ask me instead, don’t you think you’re ridiculous?”

After Gong Qing finished speaking, he turned his eyes sharply towards Master Shang Gong.

The smiles on the corners of the lips are full of gloomy and cold taste.

He really understands other people’s weaknesses, other people’s wounds.

In one sentence, he succeeded in making Master Gong’s face turn black instantly.

On the slightly old face, the blue veins burst out one by one, and the hand holding the crutch, clenched tightly, Master Gong said word by word: “That’s what I did wrong in my life. The only thing! If I had to do it all over again, I would never marry her!”

Never marry her?

Song Song Xiu’s brows slightly wrinkled – it turns out that the mother is such a humble existence in Master Gong’s heart? No wonder his mother had to leave him and marry another man.

It seems that most of the men in the wealthy are heartless.

Even if you have overcome all odds and married you because of love, you will eventually regret it one day.

In the bottom of Song Song’s heart, he sighed slightly.

Similarly, listening to Gong Qing’s ears, of course, is not a good feeling.

Song Song’s mother is his mother.

A woman who has worked hard for half her life, a woman who has passed away, is so evaluated by her ex-husband. As a son, how can I feel good in my heart?

Gong Qing’s brows and eyes were deep, and he was silent for a moment, then suddenly he rubbed Song Song and stood up!

His legs were extremely long, and he stood up so quickly with a huge drop, which caught Song Song off-guard, and felt dizzy—it was like sitting on an elevator!

Disgusting, what is this man doing with such long legs!

The next second, Song Song had no time to complain, because her eardrums were about to hurt! ——

I saw Gong Qing’s gloomy face, without saying a word, but strode to the front of Master Gong, and directly held up the purple sand tea set that Master Gong cherished most for drinking tea with one hand.

Hold up high, then…

Exhaust your strength and throw it out!


Premium and expensive purple clay teapots and a series of teacups and teapots fell to pieces in an instant!

If you say that the teacup that Mr. Gong broke before is just a small splash.

Gong Qing’s move caused a huge wave.

Yes, he went crazy.

Song Song’s heart was up and down, and she could feel the man’s heartbeat suddenly speed up.

It seems that Master Gong has also touched Gong Qing’s inverse scale – that is, it is impossible to say that his mother is not good.

Song Song couldn’t help recalling the scene where Gong Qing saw his mother ten years ago.

At that time, Gong Qing was also cold and indifferent to his mother, ignoring the answer, but now, because of Master Gong’s heartless evaluation of his mother, he was emotionally moved and became angry in public.

Song Song couldn’t help feeling more and more that Gong Qing was a very contradictory man.

Contradictory, arrogant, awkward!

These strange qualities, concentrated in this violent man, are truly wonderful.

Gong Qing’s heartbeat was chaotic for a moment.

He took a deep breath before calming himself down.

Then, the corners of his lips evoked a sneering arc: “Old man Gong, since you regret not marrying a wife, then there is no need to obstruct your eyes with this set of tea sets that my mother used! You hold it all day long. What does it drink tea for? The false nostalgia is disgusting!”

Master Gong’s face turned from black to green: “You…”

He was so angry that he couldn’t speak, his eyes looked at the debris on the ground, his eyes were extremely complicated.

If he said at this moment that he was reluctant to bear those teacups, wouldn’t he be slapping himself in the face?

After all, he just said that marrying that woman is the most regretful thing in his life!

But if he can give up cruelly, it will be even worse. Isn’t it an indirect admission that Gong Qing’s words just now-his nostalgia are fake and disgusting? !

This stinky boy with a vicious tongue deliberately forced him into a dilemma and was at a loss!

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