One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 1880: Xuanyuan Mo’s choice [1]

Xuanyuan Mo couldn’t calm the shock in his heart for a long time.

So much so that his further actions against Xiner were shocked and interrupted.

The aura of Yuehua was released, but where did it go?

The moment the two of them closed their eyes just now, they didn’t see it.

Of course he didn’t absorb it, so, could it be Xiner?

But, Nalan Xiner doesn’t know, but Xuanyuan Mo knows that the abundant Yuehua aura is enough for everyone in the Xuanyuan family to use, and one person alone cannot absorb it.

However, just because it can’t be absorbed doesn’t mean it can’t be stored.

Xuanyuan Mo stared at Nalan Xiner and said slowly: “Xiner, do you have space with you?”

Nalan Xiner met his gaze, although there was so much unhappiness between them tonight, and her trust in him was at stake.

However, that doesn’t mean she really regards him as an enemy.

After thinking for a moment, she nodded.

Big Ben has its own watch space, which can be regarded as her portable space.

Xuanyuanmo’s eyes flashed, and a bold conjecture rose in his heart – could it be that Yuehua’s aura was stored in Xiner’s portable space?

Heart, beating violently.

If this is the case, then Xiner will be able to leave with Yuehua’s aura. If Xiner’s descendants awaken the power of Snow Wolf, they will be able to absorb Yuehua’s aura, so they won’t be driven to death…

Even if the entire clan is destroyed, there will still be a trace of blood inheritance…

If he can’t fulfill the mission explained by the great elder today, isn’t that a complete pity?

Xuanyuan Mo’s heart felt sour, he felt sorry for himself, at such an important moment, when Xiner refused, knowing that Xiner only had Dongfang Yunhe in her heart, he was still trying his best to choose one for Xiner A better way to go…

No way, she is his little princess, she is his apex…

He endured his sour heart and approached Nalan Xiner, his voice hoarse: “Xiner, I want to ask you again, would you like to…”

Before she finished speaking, Nalan Xiner suddenly looked back and smiled: “Mr. Yuan, you also saw the magnificent scene just now! Don’t you think it’s very emotional? If there are two choices in life, one is short-term. But it blooms brilliantly, and secondly, it is a long but bleak life, shame, regret, what would you choose?”

Xuanyuan Mo’s throat choked.

Why doesn’t he want to bloom?

But, now he can foresee that the vitality of the future is destined to be only bleak shame and regret – if he forced Xiner today!

He bowed his head in silence.

Nalan Xiner looked at the air formation that had disappeared in the air, and murmured: “I think, I would rather have a short life than a lifetime of regrets… I don’t know if my close relatives are still there. Not in this world, do they need me to do something unethical for them like the Snow Wolf clan, but I believe that since they and I are connected by blood, their ideas will not be too far apart… So Your previous assumptions can only be assumptions after all…”

The maddened gaze is projected into the void.

The white neck is slightly raised.

Small chin, just like a small lotus with sharp horns, pure and lovely.

The Nalan Xiner at this moment is astonishingly beautiful and heartbreaking.

Xuanyuan Mo felt that he couldn’t breathe!

He was not wrong, nor was Xiner.

He bears a heavy burden in his heart, and Xiner has not forgotten her blood and kinship.

It’s just that the way they choose…is different.

In my mind, in the black hole of time, the skinny clansmen, the clansmen who couldn’t hold on, fell to the ground and died, and there was nowhere to bury their bones…

His heart aches, and it seems so difficult to take a step forward or take a step back at this moment!

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