One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 1854: Wolf in human skin!

Wolf in human skin…

Xin Er said he was a wolf in human skin!

Xuanyuan Mo was shocked again, but still did not refute.

How could he object?

Xiner is so smart, so smart that she even inferred from one fact, and even guessed his entire layout.

He gritted his teeth, and his mind was in chaos at the moment, and he didn’t know where to start.

Nalan Xiner’s tone didn’t rebuke or curse, but every word was like the most severe whip, it hurts when it hit him!

As far as Nalan Xiner is concerned, at this moment, she is indeed not in the mood to scold Xuanyuan Mo.

She has only one thought now, and that is regret!

She regrets that she shouldn’t have obeyed her uncle’s advice to go out with other men so casually, or go far!

She regrets that she shouldn’t trust Mr. Yuan easily, and she shouldn’t trust him just because he inexplicably carries a familiar aura to her, and when he speaks and does things, he has the shadow of his big cousin back then!

The big cousin is long gone, maybe he died five years ago!

Why did she put her thoughts on a stranger who suddenly appeared?

This stranger never even took off his mask!

She regretted it even more, she was in danger, and she also pulled Xiao Wu into the water.

Xiao Wu is just an ordinary girl, without any self-defense skills and abilities, Alexander is also an ordinary person, I am afraid she can’t take care of Xiao Wu more.

Are the two of them still alive when they fell into such a deep cave?

Even though he was alive, he fell badly, right?

How long can you live without medical care, medicine, and diet?

The more she thought about it, the more she blamed herself and the more she regretted it.

All of this is not to blame for Mr. Yuan’s careful layout, but her own choice and her own gullibility!

Nalan Xiner stopped talking, but turned around and continued to **** on the stone gate.

Since this door can be closed, there must be a way to open it.

She’s going to try to study it.

“Xin Er, I’m really sorry… I… I really didn’t mean it…” Xuanyuan Mo spoke with difficulty, trying to explain.

“Shut up! I don’t want to hear it!” Nalan Xiner’s voice was even colder. “You can do whatever you want! If you don’t want to do it now, don’t get in my way!”

Xuanyuan Mo had to shut up.

He stood up and slowly approached Nalan Xiner.

But at a distance of half a meter from her, he stopped.

He stretched out his arm slowly, wanting to touch her shoulder, but before he touched her, he retracted it like an electric shock.

He stood blankly behind her like this, daring not to approach, let alone to leave, standing like a statue.

Nalan Xiner suddenly squatted down, her white plain hands touching a gap at the lower end of the stone gate.

There, is a small gap that has been corroded by years of underground river water.

Nalan Xiner squatted, holding her chin in thought: How can such a small gap be used?

As he was thinking about it, a tall body suddenly approached behind him, with strong arms, he suddenly grabbed her and pulled her back hard.

Nalan Xiner broke free with great displeasure: “Don’t touch me! You wolf in human skin!”

Xuanyuan Mo’s heart ached, and being scolded by Xiner so indifferently, Xuanyuan Mo felt really uncomfortable.

But instead of letting go, he pulled her straight back to the center of the main tomb.

“Let me go! Don’t touch me!”

Nalan Xiner resisted so fiercely that her fingernails scratched off the long, deep blood on his arm.

She hates this feeling, and she hates being approached so closely by men other than uncle.

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