One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 1662: Uncle is like a **** [6]

Nalan Xiner pursed her lips when she saw the swaying appearance of everyone, and a little worry appeared in her heart.

Yes, although Lin Meiqing is shameless, there is one sentence that is right, Lan Zhirou’s identity does not affect the truth of her Nalan Xiner’s identity.

It’s not that she is still nostalgic for the power of the Nalan family, and she doesn’t feel that she is not from the Nalan family. What a pity, but, the uncle has been so early to settle the public opinion for her. The Lan family really has nothing to do with it, isn’t that uncle equivalent to being slapped in the face? Faceless?

She doesn’t want to drag Uncle down!

Lin Meiqing looked so determined, not like she was framing her, but like she really knew something, full of determination to win.

There is also a submissive character like Dr. An. If the report 18 years ago was false, how could he dare to refute under the pressure of his uncle?


If I’m really not from the Nalan family, do you still think it’s worth protecting me like this?

Feeling the unease of the little hand in the palm, Dongfang Yunhe hugged her to his side, and said in a low voice: “Dear, don’t think about it. You are here.”

Like a reassurance pill, it instantly calmed Nalan Xiner’s uneasy mood.

After Dongfang Yunhe appeased Nalan Xiner, he spoke again, but his tone was still cold and ruthless: “Doctor An, don’t be so confident, saying that the report from 18 years ago must be true. You can do whatever you want. How true are the words of those who are bought by money?”

Dongfang Yunhe was not in a hurry to tell which report was real and whose report was fake, but directly questioned Dr. An’s character from the source.

Everyone is right on second thought. If the report from 18 years ago is true, then it means that Dr. An has received money from Xuanyuanqin!

A person who takes money and takes risks, violates professional ethics and commits fraud, such a person is indeed not very good.

Who knows how credible such a person is?

Maybe he also received money from Lin Meiqing, so this report is also fake?

I heard that paper can also be treated as old, maybe this piece of paper is the biggest lie?

For a while, the truth became more and more confusing.

People don’t even know whether to trust Dr. An or Dongfang Yunhe.

Hearing that Dongfang Yunhe had so easily erased his own advantages, Dr. An was anxious and said indifferently: “If you don’t believe me, we can test it on the spot! Let’s go to the most authoritative hospital, the most authoritative hospital. The doctor at the hospital, do a DNA comparison on the spot! Look at what I said, is it true!”

Dongfang Yunhe smiled coldly: “Very good, just do it like this.”

The tone of voice is refreshing, which makes people suspect that Dr. An’s proposal is completely premeditated by Professor Dongfang and deliberately provoked him to propose it.

As soon as the two finished speaking, unexpectedly, Lin Meiqing was the first to object: “No!”

She’s heart skipping a beat, and that ominous premonition finally comes to the surface.

It turned out that Dongfang Yunhe wanted to compare the DNA on the spot.

In this way, although the guilt of the scumbag girl is confirmed, but Zhirou has no place to maneuver, Dongfang Yunhe will definitely let Zhirou do the comparison!

What should I do?

Although she was mentally prepared to die together, she was really reluctant when things came to an end. Baby Zhirou was expelled from the Nalan family for this kind of infamy!

No, she must firmly oppose it!

She has to figure out a way…

Unfortunately, Dongfang Yunhe didn’t give her any chance to think at all, and her cold breath approached: “Why, Mrs. Lan has a guilty conscience? Are you afraid?”

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