One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 166: What they do is speed

Dongfang Yunhe darkened his eyes and said solemnly, “The tailor shop, you show the way.”

Nalan Xiner was excited: Oye!

At this moment, they were in Dongcheng District, and Nalan Xiner abruptly pointed the way to Xicheng District.

The jet-black car roared over the viaduct. Nalan Xiner was complacent for a while, but then she felt that it was not good. Shit, according to the speed of the uncle’s racing, isn’t it a short while from east to west?

However, drag racing… my sister is also good at it!

Her agile eyes blinked, and she made another plan.

“Uncle… Why don’t I drive? You’ve had a hard day…”

“You know?” Dongfang Yun’s deep star eyes narrowed, squinting her.

“Yeah, yes, you forgot, last time I recognized your car as a modified race car, and you promised me that you would have the chance to let me drive it! Uncle’s words matter. “

“Okay.” Dongfang Yunhe parked the car on the side of the road.

Knowing that the little thing did this purely to delay time, he couldn’t help but satisfy her curiosity.

If drag racing would make her happier.

At this moment, Nalan Xiner was sitting in the driver’s seat, and she was so beautiful in her heart: “Uncle, fasten your seat belt, my sister was named ‘Little Whirlwind’ by the Imperial Capital SCC Supercar Club. , hehe!”

“Really?” The man’s tone was still calm and indifferent, as if he didn’t care about any SCC clubs at all.

You must know that the SCC club is an elite club in racing. If Lin Meiqing hadn’t deliberately let her not learn well, she would not have been able to send her to play at a young age. But the uncle actually looks down on SCC? Nalan Xiner was immediately dissatisfied: “Don’t believe it? Don’t believe us?”

“Yes.” The man agreed surprisingly happily, “What if Ruobi lost?”

“You lose, promise me one thing!”

“What if you lose?”

“If I lose, I will promise you one thing.” Nalan Xiner smiled like a sly little fox. Hmph, sister will not lose.

She has observed Dongfang Yunhe’s driving habit. Although he is fast, he basically belongs to the relatively stable group. If he is racing, this kind of driving will suffer. Unlike her, it’s completely Cyclonus.

“Deal.” Dongfang Yunhe nodded lightly.


Nalan Xiner stepped on the accelerator and started it violently. The jet-black car was shot into the night like an arrow.

She controls the car, just like she does in normal life.

Less naughty and jokes, and more composure and ruthlessness.

I have to admit that her technique is indeed quite good, even wearing crystal shoes does not affect her performance at all.

In a beautiful arc, she drove the car to the outer ring of Xicheng District, a section of highway with little traffic.

Dongfang Yunhe sat in the co-pilot seat, his eyes swept across her white wrist gripping the steering wheel; over the delicate calf under her skirt; over the snowy skin of her tight neck… He was also tense somewhere, his Adam’s apple rolled, and he began to feel hot inside.

Cold on the outside, hot on the inside.

The two worlds of ice and fire are really tormenting.

Nalan Xiner became more and more excited. At the extreme speed, she took a deep breath and seemed to spit out the suffocation in her chest: It’s so cool…

This section of the highway is the favorite section of the road for the children of wealthy families in the imperial capital. Soon, she met her peers.

A row of fiery red Porsches were fighting for speed, but with a beautiful acceleration, she suddenly left more than a dozen Porsches behind.

Now the rich kids in the back will quit.

There is a lot of scolding.

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