One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 1564: Who is it? [6]

Huangfu Shaoting was scolded by Nalan Xiner and Dongfang Yunhe’s husband and scolded her **** head. When she thought about the time and energy she spent with the old lady of Huangfu just now, she was even more suffocated. vomiting blood.

It’s full of malachite, doesn’t he want it? !

Of course I do!

I want to die!

Because of this, he slipped away from the arena halfway, planning to take the malachite.

Yes, what’s the result? But he could only watch the malachite being sealed in the secret room.

Only the old lady and Huangfu Shaoyu can open the fingerprint lock of the secret room.

He wanted to use magic to break in, but he didn’t expect the secret room to be blessed with a very strict sealing technique, which he couldn’t crack!

The old fox, Mrs. Huangfu, is getting more and more cunning.

It seems that the Huangfu family’s property, the old fox is determined to pass it on to that idiot Huangfu Shaoyu, and will not leave him a penny!

Huangfu Shaoting thought bitterly.

Such a realization made him feel badly!

Can’t open the fingerprint lock without a fingerprint?

Hmph, then he’ll get her fingerprints!

At that moment, he really had the idea of ​​wanting to chop off the old lady’s finger and use it to unlock the door.

However, calm down, he knows that it is not the time to overthrow the old lady, he must win the position of the first heir before he can kill her.

Taking a deep breath, he walked to the old lady’s room and explained a few words to the confidant servant outside the room.

The servant got his orders and benefits, cocked his lips, stepped forward, and chose some words to stimulate the old lady-

“Ms. Xing Fu is so beautiful, everyone said just now that she is a good match for the second young master, a handsome man and a beautiful woman…”

“Lao madam, I have successfully chosen my grandson-in-law today. When will the wedding be held? Several guests asked us just now, and we don’t know how to answer…”

“Old madam, why didn’t my grandson come to greet you? Did you and the second young master kiss me? Oh, I heard that young people nowadays are like this, even in front of their elders, they are affectionate and eye-catching. of…”


This servant, relying on her age, has served the old lady for many years, so she is very courageous. Those words that are half ridicule and half gossip, she said without blinking an eye.

The old lady was really mad with anger.

The teacup in his hand fell heavily, and shattered on the spot with a bang.

The servant quickly and cautiously knelt on the ground to pick up the debris. Quickly, I picked out the few pieces that the old lady had questioned, and stuffed them into my pocket when no one was prepared.

The old lady’s hot-tempered, just a little bit.

It doesn’t matter if I dropped the teacup, I was so angry that I started to drop the antiques in the room.

In a short period of time, almost everything that could be dropped in the room was dropped by the old lady.

The servant was in a hurry to report the merit and receive the reward, and then provoked the old lady a few words. The old lady was furious and scolded her directly.

But the servant’s eyes and brows were filled with joy, and he hurriedly went out to find Huangfu Shaoting to ask for a bounty.

Huangfu Shaoting got the porcelain cup with the clearest fingerprint of the old lady, and immediately ordered his subordinates to analyze the rubbing and make a fake hand mold.

It’s a pity that he calculated everything, but he didn’t calculate it, and he was one step late!

When he came to the secret room with the fingerprints he had made, it was already empty!

Who had the ability to take the malachite before him?

A trap set by the old lady?

Or…is there someone more powerful, manipulating and coveting it all behind the scenes?

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