One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 1478: Uncle’s 108 moves [59]

He just gently brushed the spell in front of her eyes, and her water-cut eyes closed in a daze.

This is a slumber spell, specially designed to let people like her who can’t fall asleep get a good rest for a long time.

After using some cunning tricks to put Nalan Xiner to sleep, Dongfang Yunhe’s face became more solemn.

He silently stared at Nalan Xiner’s face in her sleep for a while, and tucked the quilt for her, then resolutely went out the door.

The moon is like water, cold as ice.

The landmark of the Empire, the top of the Empire State Building nearly 1,000 meters high.

The wind was blowing fiercely, causing waves of chills.

Dongfang Yunhe stood in the wind with his hands behind his back. Behind him, the man who was gradually approaching stood three meters away from him.

“Call me out in the middle of the night. I don’t know if Professor Dongfang has any advice? Or should I call you – Emperor Dongfang?”

Xuanyuan Mo’s voice was a little less gentle and a little more cruel and ironic.

Dongfang Yunhe suddenly turned his head: “It doesn’t matter what my name is. What matters is, what are you doing here!”

“What am I doing back here? Hehehe…” Xuanyuan Mo laughed deeply, with a touch of bitterness in his smile, “Could it be that Emperor Dongfang wants me to die in the black hole of time? Never come back?”

The corners of Dongfang Yunhe’s lips moved, and his expression was a little loose, but soon, the whole person returned to calm and cold: “You are in the black hole of time…I didn’t send you there.”

“Yes, you didn’t send me in with your own hands. But, is there any difference? Are there still few wicked things done by your Dongfang family?” Xuanyuan Mo sneered, “Don’t think that if you hide Xiner now, she will be forever. I don’t know what your Dongfang family is doing!”

Dongfang Yunhe raised his brows and said solemnly, “Don’t try to open your mouth in front of Xiner!”

Xuanyuan Mo gave him a cold look and hummed, “Are you afraid now?”

Dongfang Yunhe raised his chin, his expression still arrogant and indifferent: “If you talk nonsense in front of Xiner, try the consequences!”

Xuanyuan Mo’s eyes showed a gleam of fire: “I tell you, I can’t recognize Xiner now, so you can take advantage of it! Don’t be too arrogant, one day, I will let Xiner I know, she chose the wrong person!”

Dongfang Yunhe sneered disdainfully: “You think too much. It is her freedom who Xiner chooses. You can’t interfere.”

“If she knew the good things your Dongfang family did to the Xuanyuan family, do you think she would still choose you?!” Xuanyuanmo gritted his teeth and asked rhetorically.

Dongfang Yunhe paused for a second, and then answered unhurriedly: “Xin Er has a smart mind, and she has the wisdom to judge one thing.”

“Hmph, okay, you are so determined, so calm, why did you call me out today? If you didn’t come to ask for forgiveness tonight, I don’t think it’s necessary to chat with you. I’m wasting my time!” Xuanyuan Mo lost his patience by the indifference of Dongfang Yunhe.

Dongfang Yunhe slowly turned around, his eyes were heavy: “I asked you to come out to ask you, what kind of tricks did you put on Xiner? Let her practice her consciousness day and night? Do you know that she For the sake of practice, I almost went crazy!”

That night, if Dongfang Yunhe found out later, Xiner’s consciousness completely collapsed, which would be very dangerous.

Physical fatigue can be recovered by resting.

But if the consciousness is overdrawn, the whole person will be in danger of being taken away by the lonely ghost!

——If Dongfang Yunhe is not by her side, and a soul with ulterior motives happens to meet her, Xiner’s consciousness is weakened to the extreme, and it is really possible to be replaced!

Fortunately, he was there!

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