One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 1474: Uncle’s 108 moves [55]

The first history class was completed relatively smoothly and satisfactorily.

This evening, Nalan Xiner has already started to fulfill her promise to help Xing Fu train her horsemanship.

As soon as she got on the horse, Nalan Xiner seemed to be a different person, and her whole body became vigorous.

Furthermore, she faced the horse as if she had a special magic power, and she controlled it very skillfully and freely.

Xing Fu couldn’t help sighing in her heart: In this world, some things can be learned through hard work, and some things are really natural.

She asked herself that she could learn to ride a horse, but she would never learn the aristocratic aura of Nalan Xiner.

Nalan Xiner is relatively patient and has teaching methods, but after two or three days of practice, Xing Fu has already learned a lot.

In addition to correcting her posture, Nalan Xiner also tried to teach Xing Fu how to communicate with Ma’er.

Unfortunately, Xing Fu couldn’t learn this, it was too difficult!

She doesn’t understand animal language, so how can she communicate?

However, despite the difficulties, even though she didn’t understand, Xing Fu tried her best to learn. She knew that this was the only chance she could impress the old lady Huangfu.

Although it is said that Huangfu Shaoyu can break with the family for her sake, but she also understands that there is a feeling of not being able to return home, and she also understands that she and Huangfu Shaoyu cannot escape the Huangfu family for a lifetime!

Sooner or later they will have to face the harsh demands of that family.

Well, it’s better than ever!

Huangfu Shaoyu has done a lot of things beyond the bottom line for her, and she should work hard for him too.

Thinking of this, Xing Fu’s energy came back again. Although her legs and heart were rubbed by the horse’s hair, she still persevered, persevered! Follow Nalan Xiner’s teaching steps.

The two have exchanged roles for several days, and Xing Fu’s equestrian skills have improved little by little.

On this day, Huangfu Shaoyu came to personally test Xiner’s teaching achievements and gave Xing Fu a mock “examination”.

Xing Fu controls the racing horses alone, galloping on various types of venues.

From a distance, the effect is amazing, but once you see it up close, it’s terrible.

That horse is not obedient enough to Xing Fu.

Ma’er also has serious petty temper, often in places where Xing Fu can’t see, pouting, shaking the rope, and making a little mess.

Even throwing Xing Fu off while jumping obstacles!

Fortunately, Xing Fu’s body was well protected. Although it hurt a lot, she was not seriously injured.

Rao is like this, Huangfu Shaoyu was so distressed that he went up and hugged her tightly: “Xiaoqinger, let’s stop practicing! Let’s go home! No comparison! Whoever you love, whoever you love!”

Xing Fu pouted: “No, I don’t have four words for giving up halfway in my dictionary. Besides, my students have never given up their efforts, should I give up after two falls? Then I’m too useless. , even my students!”

Huangfu Shaoyu gritted his teeth: “I don’t care, I can’t watch you work so hard, and there is a risk of injury. I used to think too simply, forgetting that you are a beginner, and all accidents may happen. Here It’s a practice field, it’s all so dangerous. If you get to the arena, who knows what else will happen? Who knows if you’ll be in trouble? I can’t bear that accident! Xiaoqinger, you know, I just want you to be well Yes, safe and sound, nothing else matters!”

“I care!” Xing Fu shouted, “I care about winning or losing this game, I care about your family admitting us! Is this reason enough?”

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