One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 1425: Uncle’s 108 tricks [6]

“You, you are the old lady of Huangfu?” He Xiaowu couldn’t close her mouth in surprise.

Because she bumped into someone suddenly just now, she was so anxious that she didn’t even care about seeing the other person’s appearance. At this time, she calmed down and looked at it carefully, and then she gradually felt familiar.

Sure enough, isn’t this the domineering old lady I met at the club last time?

Later, Xiner also said that at Professor Dongfang’s banquet, she was also extremely domineering and opposed Xiner everywhere.

However, speaking of which, the most disliked thing about this old lady is the random interference in the feelings of Teacher Xing Fu and the principal.

He Xiaowu was a little angry when she thought of this: “You are that unreasonable old lady?!”

Old Mrs. Huangfu hated people calling her old the most, and immediately changed her face: “It’s rude, so you and that stinky girl are in the same group! Hmph, since that’s the case, don’t even think about discounting it, take two Come here and compensate me for my losses! Otherwise, I will let my lawyer sue your family!”

The old lady was naturally domineering, and she spoke with a ruthless energy. Rao Shi He Xiaowu calmed down, but her heart skipped a beat when she was frightened.

She hid beside Nalan Xiner anxiously and asked for help in a low voice: “Xiner, you say, I shouldn’t have really caused a lawsuit, right? After all, it’s not very popular in today’s society, so what kind of old ladies are being accused of ~Crash, and then blackmail~ the plot of cheating young people? I heard that there was a college girl who, because of her kindness, helped up an old grandmother who had a bruised brain after falling on the road. I was jailed, sentenced for several years, and lost a lot of money… woo woo, I don’t want to go to jail… Prison is horrible, so cold, and there are no handsome guys…”

Nalan Xiner was twitching when she heard it—sexy girl, what time is this, you still think about men!

She shook her head helplessly: “Okay, I’ll handle it…don’t worry about it…”

While the two of them were talking, a lot of students were already surrounded by three circles.

For everyone, watching the fun is far more important than eating.

Especially, the old lady is also the grandmother of the Principal, jeez, no wonder she’s so jeweled! In contrast, He Xiaowu’s clothes were shabby, and his life background was pitiful.

The contrast between strength and weakness is obvious, so everyone should watch it!

He Xiaowu provoked the big and powerful family this time, will it end badly?

Some people, even indiscriminately, accused He Xiaowu:

“Don’t embarrass us at Imperial High School! You’ve hurt our reputation too!”

“That’s right. At first glance, you are the kind of person who has never seen the world and is usually reckless. You deserve to bump into someone this time. Have you learned a lesson?”

“Quickly kneel down and kowtow to apologize, maybe the old lady can pity you…”

I don’t think it’s a big deal to watch the fun, and they all ridicule Xiao Wu.

Song Junhua angrily hit back at them, but he couldn’t beat the number of mouths. In desperation, he also looked at Xiner with the help of eyes.

Nalan Xiner took a sigh of relief and cast a reassuring look: It’s okay, I’m here.

Only then did he cast his eyes on the face of Mrs. Huangfu again.

She quickly captured the radiance in the smile on the old lady’s face.

So…the old lady did it on purpose? To find fault on purpose?

In the distance, Huangfu Shaoyu and Xuanyuan Mo also saw this scene.

Xuanyuan Mo raised his eyebrows, turned around without saying a word, and walked in the direction of Nalan Xiner.

Huangfu Shaoyu followed closely, muttering in his heart that his grandmother was too late.

There was a mess over there, but they couldn’t fly past the bustling students. In desperation, they could only push the students away and approached step by step.

At the same time, the mahogany door of the major shareholder’s room of the office building was also pushed open with a bang. Dongfang Yunhe was frowning, holding an employment report in his hand with a look of anger.

The line of sight penetrated the heavy walls, fences, and grass, and stayed on Nalan Xiner, who was surrounded by the crowd.

【Yun Ye: Good night kiss! ]

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