One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 111: Coming of age is imminent

When Nalan Xiner got home, she got into the room, locked the door, and took the time to wash the tendons and cut the marrow.

It’s weird to say that, although every fumigation and soaking brings pain like tearing skin and bones, she often bites her lips, rips her nails, and falls asleep before scrubbing with blood stains. But every time I woke up the next morning, the wounds were healed.

And her skin, which was originally fair and delicate, has become more and more translucent in the past few days, like a delicate newborn baby, which can be broken by blowing a bullet!

What makes her even more happy is that her muscles and bones have really changed qualitatively. She clearly feels that her body is much lighter and her hand strength is much stronger. If you say that her judo kung fu used to be at most Huaquan embroidered legs , now it is not a problem to deal with one or two big men.

And the mind is more and more sober, as if from the chaos to see the sun, the thinking is much faster – it seems that those toxins are really gradually being cleared out of the body! Big Ben didn’t lie to her!

Have a good night’s sleep.

During the day, I listened energetically in the classroom. After class, I listened to the classmates talking about the gossip of Class A, saying that Chu Jingjing and Huangfushan had stolen things from the laboratory. , These days in class, it’s like a frosted eggplant. Lan Zhirou’s reputation wasn’t much better either. Many boys were secretly discussing whether she had been raped a long time ago, otherwise how would she know how to take a test tube home and **** herself.

Nalan Xiner just smiled when she heard it.

How can this blow be enough for the scumbag? The pain of the skin, the poison of poison, she will step by step, let these people repay one by one!

Busy with classes during the day, and intensive training with Uncle Dongfang in the evening.

Uncle said that those manners are superficial skills, and there are some essential temperaments, which cannot be shaped in a day or two, but she has a good foundation and can be nurtured, so for the next few days and nights, they switched to chess skills Museums, piano shops, opera houses…the schedule is full.

In the blink of an eye, the day of the bar mitzvah is imminent.

The coming-of-age ceremony is held on the weekend. It is said that Lin Meiqing specially asked a fortune-teller to calculate the date, and it was determined according to Lan Zhirou’s birthday. This is also Lin Meiqing’s usual trick. On the surface, she coaxes Nalan Xiner into the eldest lady of the Nalan family with sweet words, but in fact, everything is centered on Lan Zhirou’s interests.

The weekend is the weekend, and Nalan Xiner can’t believe it. If the fortune-teller is really so effective, can she figure out that she is a reborn goddess of nemesis?

And Lan Zhirou, your destiny in this life is destined to be crushed by your elder sister!

Friday night, Nalan Xiner and Dongfang Yunhe had their last class.

When parting, Dongfang Yunhe looked at the little thing in front of him. After a few days of study, the whole person glowed with a different breath.

The gait is light, elegant and calm.

The previous arrogance and arrogance were restrained without revealing the score, all kinds of emotions were freely controlled, and the ladylike bearing of everyone in the speech and behavior gradually emerged.

There is no need for fancy clothes, no luxury jewelry, and she also has a star-studded brilliance.

Looking at the little thing, he thought, maybe this is the temperament buried in her bones, and he just helped her to discover it.

As soon as Nalan Xiner got out of the car to say goodbye to him, she ran back with small elegant steps, lowered her swan neck slightly, and said with a little embarrassment: “Uncle…Can I ask you one thing?”

“You said.” Dongfang Yunhe’s eyes darkened.

What does the little thing want to do?

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